Announcements & News

All the important announcements are displayed in this section. Keep yourself up-to-date.
Hello fellow member of Lawless Roleplay. The mapping team has been idle for a while now, but we have tasks running but low on mapping staff. We are now hosting a mapping contest for Lawless Roleplay where the prize is the Head Mapper title itself! So be creative! The contest starts from today and ends 14th of September 2013. RULES & REGULATION Absolutely all mapping submitted in the contest must be made by you, and only you. If you copy from someone else you will be banned. The mapping...
Hey guys, Sorry about the elongated delay of getting the forums back on track. The main reason behind the delay was that our database was a huge 16.4GB! I spent a large portion of my day decreasing the database size to 300MB. I hope you all enjoy the new forums, the web site design seems to be the same however I spent 16 hours on rescripting it from scratch to meet the new standard and requirements of our forum software. We are very proud of this achievement! The list of new features...
Leaders of the free world, I don't know about you guys but I sure as hell do love my free stuff. We got this idea to host a competition after a KFC in the ghetto part of New York gave out free chicken hot wings to over 7, 000 people in a day! So, we thought, what's as good as free chicken in a ghetto for SA-MP players? NRG-500s! ONE lucky person will win a NRG-500 completely free! To enter this competition, all you have to do is like our Facebook page and leave a comment in the 'Free...
Hello fellow gangbangers, law enforcers & simple civilians (lolnosuchthing), In light of recent events, Management has decided to change the way complaints are done for good. We don't want people posting a complaint on another player for petty things. Instead, we're going to be focusing on one main thing, harassment. What do we mean by Harassment? If Player A constantly harasses Player B by either cuffing and arresting him constantly, killing him countless of times and generally...
Howdy outlaws, Shock here with a small announcement. The server is currently down due to security features being installed on our host, which was why the server unexpectedly went down. This upgrade will most likely not take more than an hour, however in the mean time you can check out our facebook page for an upcoming special event! We thank you for your patience, and we will be up and running as soon as possible with our improved security. - Shock
Fellow comrades and lawless rebels, This is your commander and chief Barney Phife speaking, I have a dream to invade the... oh crap! Wrong speech - sorry about that! Dear warlords of Lawless Roleplay, As you might of noticed the forums were attacked by an individual who decided to delete your topics, posts and private messages. We see this attack as an attack against members of our community. Some people in this world like to invade other people's fun for their own personal agendas...
At Lawless Roleplay, our commitment to our users shows how much we care about perfecting the world our member’s experience. In this journey to make Lawless Rolepay one of the biggest communities in regards to population, services and content – we strive to put the player in command of the world. One of our methods in putting the player in control is by listening to the community’s demand to update the script with content that enriches their experience. We look and listen at problems or bumps...
Whoa! What a fun filled couple of days has it been? We hit over 110 players daily - nailing an all time high of 149 players after one month! We have so many changes planned in the pipeline – all thanks to you! We really enjoy listening to our players! We have changed a large prospect of how we operate to be more player orientated. We have gathered three top questions asked by most new players and our old consultant Citizen Alpha answered them for you. Our mission statement to you...
This topic should be split into two different topics but for the sake of declaring a clear message we’ve decided to use one clear concise topic. The second you join or hear about this server – you get the feeling that this server has no laws or rules but that is incorrect. I want make some critical rules clear in an official topic. As long as you are a productive player then you will realize how open the world is however if you are a destructive player, you will soon see that world close up...
Administrative Changes The administration team has been working hard on a new system that ensures players are fully satisfied with their interactions with the administrative team. We have decided that senior players, developers and mappers are members of the staff team – this opens our spectrum of assistance during decision making. It also allows leaders within the different departments to show their skill and then slowly rise through the ladder - this closes the gap between...
It has truly been an amazing month for us at Lawless and I can tell you from a behind the scenes prospective that we have so many new and exciting features coming soon! In terms of the script and community wide events! Stay tuned as more details are released. New Forums As many of you may know, we have changed the forum software from IPB to a new one called XenForo. The main reason behind this was due to the countless bugs IPB came bundled with. These bugs included banning people randomly...
Donations As everybody knows, servers cost a lot of money and instead of boring you with excuses and sweet nothings to attempt to mask up what’s going on. I'm going to be straight with you – none of us are millionaires and we did plan donations with the opening of the server so there were no lies or dereference of trust. We’re not going to use donation money to fund our e-dates, new mobile phones, holiday trips or VPNs. Instead we’re going to use this money to better our services – such...
Greetings outlawz. It's been a good start for us, and to celebrate we are happy to announce Double EXP and Treasure Hunt for the next week! For those who don't know about Treasure Hunts, a package is randomly placed somewhere in LS (inside and in countys). The package looks like a drug package, and has a yellow label. Once you reach the package, you have to answer a random question. If you answer wrong on the question, the package will move to another location. Treasure hunt will be...
One week update I didn’t really know what to call this update – I think my creative juice with names is slowly running out and soon we might just give numbers to updates. Anyway, we have been open for about 9 days now – what an amazing 9 days! Once we managed to fight the DDoS attacks, we hit a peak of 130 players on day one – do you know what that signifies? One hundred and thirty! That is huge for a start-up server. Although, many have been misled by our start up figure to thinking...
Hello dear gang bangers. I would like to start with introducing myself as your first Gang Moderator. So when you need something regarding your slot feel free to contact me IG or PM me at the forums. I am announcing you hereby the opening of POINTS!!!! Alright most of you already know how points work and how to act and behave yourself (will be explained underneath for the ones who don’t know them yet). There’s been a discussion about having a point limit or no point limit, but lawless...
So, a few days ago – I sat down with our in-house consultant to discuss issues and possible solutions. Before going down that road, I want to alert people about a special person in the community with a very special unique role. We have a consultant in our team, he’s not a member of administration but he’s just another average player. Over time, we cannot deny that members of administration will see things in a different view compared to non-administration – an example of this is crushing...
Outlawz, What an awesome couple of days has it been? Our main opening hit 80 players in less than 30 seconds! However, we were the victims of DDoS attacks and this caused us to halt all progress whilst we migrated to a DDoS protected server. Once everything was set up, we opened the server without telling anyone apart from 5 people and after 30 minutes, we had 122 players online for more than 6 hours. It was hectic! 122 players in our first hour... damn. There were many people who died...
The who's, what's and why's We are a group of people who have come together to create a fun, laid back and an exciting game environment for what SAMP was intended for. For fun, for shootouts, for chaos. We are all about the chaos, the fun and the excitement SAMP has to offer and most servers surprisingly do not offer. We are going to go by the name 'Lawless RP', short, smart, we are without laws, without restrictions, without a plagued management team. We intend to make this server to...
Comrades, I can’t believe that we managed to get 62 players in less than 60 seconds of opening the server to the public. I tuned into TeamSpeak to see over 40 clients connected talking about how awesome the server is. However, shortly after opening our gates to the masses, our infrastructure was attacked by those who wish us to fail. We will never give up fighting these attacks because they are unjust and it’s against everything we stand for. These attacks will not harm us apart from...
Dear outlaws, The storm is finally  here and a heat wave is just a few days away. We have all been through thousands of servers and different communities, it saddens me that till this day every single server we have joined has slowly turned into a flame of lies motivated by greed and power hunger. We're all exhausted of moving to countless communities blindfolding us with lies whilst they remain full of dictatorship and false promises. We packed our bags and moved to this new horizon which...