General Rules
Troll-hacking, warping and other destructive illegal modifications
Any attempts at troll-hacking, warping and other kinds of illegal modifications will result in an
account suspension. This includes any modification which massively harms the players/server.
Permanent ban
Hacking, advantageous game modifications, exploits and harming other player's
Any attempts at hacking or exploiting will result in an account suspension. These include game
altering modifications which give you an advantage over another players. The following are not
• All game modifications which display information that is not
normally available to other players are illegal
• Aim alteration modifications are strictly prohibited
• Paycheck farming using a script or modification that makes the
character active (not tabbed, not AFK) in-game to gain paychecks; or Auto-job farming using a script
or modification that automatically completes jobs, etc.
• Distributing or sharing hacks, advantageous game modifications or
exploits is illegal
Ban (1 Month) + 50%
fine of total wealth [including properties, vehicles, etc.]
Ban (3 Months) + 100%
fine of total wealth [including properties, vehicles, etc.]
Ban (6 Months) + Account Termination
Permanent Ban
If the banned player is playing in a net-cafe, the account will be
disabled for the duration of the ban + every player on that IP will be banned for 7
Playing on alternative accounts while banned (Ban Evading)
Ban Evading means creating alternative accounts in order to continue playing whilst being banned. It
is strictly prohibited, any attempts at ban-evading will result in an extension of your ban
Ban (1 month addon)
Killing other players without a reason (Deathmatch)
Deathmatching is the act of attacking other players without a realistic in-character reason such as
out of character conflicts and disputes. For example:
• You cannot order someone to move away from a place that you do not
• You are not allowed to pay a player to let him kill another
player, and you are not allowed to be paid to kill another player
• You are not allowed to kill a player twice for the same reason
• You may not attack over conflicts that occur on public channels
such as the global chat, old-schools chat, /newb, etc.
• You may not attack a player for refusing to leave a public place
(i.e. paintball, mall, etc.) However, you may attack them if they refuse to leave a private
property that you own such as a house, dynamic door, land, or a gang HQ
• You may not attack a player by causing a car accident with the
intention of killing the other driver involved, or purposely by getting yourself rammed, you can
only kill a player for ramming if he purposely rams you on a sidewalk, the opposite side of the
road where it shouldn't be, or simply anywhere where a car realistically shouldn't be
• You are not allowed to pay a player to let him kill another
player, and you are not allowed to be paid to kill another player
◦ You may contract them as it is the only legitimate method to
get another person killed by paying
• Killing over gambling
◦ Whether you lost or not, you may not attack a player for
winning a dice-bet against you
• Killing over drugs
◦ You may not attack someone for taking the drugs from the drug
labs while you are smuggling drugs, such labs are not owned by players
• Killing over spam
◦ You may not attack a player for spamming. However, if they've
been asked to stop, and they have continued, you may attack them.
• Killing over server vehicles or job vehicles
◦ You may not attack any player for using the server or job
vehicles, regardless of whether you've just delivered it (job vehicle,) whoever enters the
vehicle first is considered as the temporary owner of the vehicle and may not be killed for
it until the delivery is over, however, you may attack whoever hijacks you out of such
• Killing most wanted players
◦ You may not attack a most wanted player unless you are a law
enforcement officer, or you have an in-character reason to attack that said player
• Defending/Aiding friends
◦ You may defend your friends, and assist them during any
scenarios, however, gangs are not allowed to aid factions and vice-versa
Policies above are basic examples of the most common scenarios we
go through daily. Just because examples of other situations are not written that does not
mean they are not punishable. If your actions harm the gameplay of another player, you can
be punished at the discretion of an administrator.
Weapon Restriction for 2 hours
Prison (30 minutes) + Weapon
Restriction for 4 hours
Prison (60 minutes) + Weapon
Restriction for 6 hours
Prison (90 minutes) + Weapon Restriction for 8 hours
Prison (120 minutes) + Weapon
Restriction for 10 hours + 50% fine of total wealth
Ban (1 Month) [non-hacking offense]
Deathmatch warnings automatically expire and are not reset after
Carry out any reasons to kill other players within 10 minutes (10-minute rule)
You have 10 minutes only to kill a player if they have wronged you. For example, if a player has
insulted you via SMS, you have 10 minutes to kill him or afterwards, it counts as deathmatch. The 10
minutes can be extended if you are actively chasing a player
You will be punished according to the deathmatch
Killing another player for killing you (Revenge-killing)
This is when you take revenge and attack another player who has recently killed you. This is often
abbreviated as "RK." If you are in a faction or a gang, you can not return to a scene where you have
died to assault your killer(s). The only exception to this rule is gang wars (gang war still apply,)
turf wars, crate island and bank robberies where you can return and participate as many times as you
You will be punished according to the deathmatch
Plane bombing, heliblading, excessive vehicle ramming or ninja jacking
This is when you use an aircraft such as a plane or helicopter as a weapon to damage/kill other
players or intentionally ninja-jack them. Excessive vehicle ramming is when you use your vehicle
(for example, a car or bike) to hit another player to paralyze, damage, or kill them. The only
exception to this rule is if there is a roleplay reason (i.e. police chase).
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Mixing out-of-character matters with in-character matters (Metagaming)
Metagaming is the act of mixing out-of-character information with in-character information and having
it influence your in-character decisions and actions. Examples:
• Talking in the in-character chat about anything out-of-character
or in a different language, that's what the "/b" command is for
• Killing someone for insulting you over OOC chats such as the
global chat, family chat, or the "/b" chat
Policies above are basic examples of the most common scenarios we
go through on a daily basis. Just because examples of other situations are not written that
doesn't mean they are not punishable.
If your actions harm the game play of another
player, you can be punished at the discretion of an administrator.
Fine ($1,000)
Prison (5 minutes)
Prison (15 minutes)
Prison (30 minutes)
Performing an action your character is not capable of (Power Gaming)
Power gaming is when you perform an action your character is not capable of, forcing another player
into an RP situation, or forcing yourself out of an RP situation.Examples:
• Forcing another player into a roleplay/IC situation (robbing or frisking a tabbed/afk player).
• Forcing an action on another player and not giving them enough time to roleplay back.
• Jumping off a roof with a cuffed person.
• Dragging a cuffed player to the other side of the city in order to arrest him.
• Frisking a player without initiating physical contact.
• Ejecting a player from your vehicle without initiating a roleplay situation.
Power Gaming has many examples. The easiest way to comply with this rule is not to do anything ICly
that you're incapable of doing IRL.
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Scamming is when you offer a service or product to another player for a price then once you receive
the payment, you do not deliver your end of the deal, or vice-versa.
• Players below level 10 can not be scammed nor can they scam other players (You must roleplay
scamming someone according to our RP rules)
• The scammer and anyone helping with the scam must be level 10 or above
• The scammer cannot scam another player over $20,000 in cash or worth of items
• Real life payment scams are not covered by Lawless Roleplay's staff except donations
• If a scammer is caught gambling or dealing with scammed money to avoid punishment, they will
receive a punishment of an account warn AND a temporary ban
• We do not cover scams if there is a transaction based command available (ie. '/dicebet',
here for more details about scamming.
[non-hacking offense] :
Ban (1 month) +
Fine (Double the amount scammed/ robbed)
Ban (3 months) +
Fine (Double the amount scammed/ robbed)
Ban (4 months) +
Fine (Double the amount scammed/ robbed)
Permanent Ban
The money will always be removed and given back to the rightful
This only includes in-character deals and not out of character deals (except
Robbing is when you force another player to give you something or you steal something from another
player/ gang/ faction or group - this is often money.
• Players who are level 9 and below can not be robbed nor can they rob other players (you can
only rob players level 10 or above) , (You must roleplay robbing someone according to our Roleplay
• Anyone helping with the robbery must be level 10 or above
• You cannot rob over $20,000 (this includes items worth over $20,000)
• You cannot rob the same person within 24 hours (this includes any assailants present during
the robbery)
• You must give the other player at least 60 seconds to respond. If they fail to comply, you may
shoot them
• You may kill the player only if they attempt to escape, refuse to pay, or attack within these
60 seconds. If they do not have the requested amount then you may not kill them. You must give
them 60 seconds to interact
• Taking a step backwards, or forward, or turning around can not be considered as an attempt to
• You no longer can rob in public overcrowded places such as Paintball Market area, Mall, and
around hospitals, banks, casinos and governmental headquarters such as those of the LSPD, FBI,
LSFMD, SANG, the government, and SA News
Prison (120 minutes)
Fine (Double the amount scammed/ robbed)
The money will always be removed and given back to the rightful
This only includes in-character deals and not out of character deals (except
Donation Scamming
Donation scamming is when you promise to purchase any item on our donation site for a player in
exchange for money or any in-game item(s) and then not do it.
For such situations, the punishment will always be a PERMABAN. [Unless the scammer donates or gives
back the money he charges back.]
[We do not recover donation deals that have been done without a middleman.]
• We do not recover donation deals that have been done without a
Permanent Ban
The scammed money or item(s) will be removed and given back to the
rightful owner if he used the middleman service.
Money, Paycheck or Auto-Job Farming
Money farming is when a player creates multiple accounts to transfer the starting money onto another
account. Paycheck farming is using a script or modification that makes the character active (not
tabbed/ not AFK) in-game to gain paychecks. Auto-Job farming is using a script or modification that
automatically completes jobs.
[non-hacking offense] :
Ban (1 month) +
Fine (Double the amount gained)
Ban (3 months) +
Fine (Double the amount gained)
Ban (4 months) +
Fine (Double the amount gained)
Permanent Ban
The money will always be removed.
Improperly using OOC channels
Misusing the advertisement channel (/ad) by the following means is disallowed:
• Any OOC word/matter is involved
• Any foreign language is used
• The advertisement is capitalized
• Businesses
• The advertisement involves insulting/offending words directed to another player/admin (with an
exception to gang wars)
Misusing the global channel (/g) by the following means is disallowed:
• The player constantly uses capitalized words (level 1-9 players have to be warned first. level
9+ players can be muted on the spot)
• The player uses the chat for an IC purpose (selling items, calling for backup, etc) (instant
• The player spams the chat (Every level has to be warned first)
• The player portrays a toxic attitude towards the community (instant mute)
• The player uses a foreign language in his message (instant mute)
• The player is being excessively racist (instant mute)
Misusing the newbie channel (/newb) by the following means is disallowed:
• The player continuously asks questions that are not directly script related
• Any foreign language is used
• The player continuously capitalizes his text
• The player repeats the same question more than two times
• The player mis-uses the chat in any way (insulting/offending other players/admins, advertising
items, etc.)
You can be unmuted by serving a prison sentence or fine.
This is the repeated spamming of the same message or command excessively.
Fine (Discretion of the admin)
You can be unmuted by serving a prison sentence or fine.
Server Advertising
This is advertising another SA-MP server or community.
[non-hacking offense] :
Ban (1 month)
Ban (3 months)
Ban (4 months)
Permanent Ban
Leaving or tabbing to avoid an arrest (Logging/Tabbing to Avoid)
This is when a player tabs/AFKs/logs off to avoid being arrested before/during the arrest in a
non-realistic way (e.g. leaving the game).
Prison (90 minutes) + Account
Warn (double the casefile fine, in case of leaving to avoid FBI delivery)
In cases where the player who left to avoid the delivery attempts
to gamble away or hide their money to avoid the fine,
their account will be temporarily
banned until money has been traced and will receive an account warn.
Releasing sensitive information
Releasing information that shouldn't be made public out of character is not allowed such as releasing
real-life information, hitman/FBI identities, contracts, case files etc.
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Fine (20% of total wealth with minimum of $20,000)
Knowingly hiding information from admins or providing a false statement to
This is when a player knowingly does not report or hides information from an admin (i.e. failing to
report a ban evader) or provides a false statement to admins.
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Fine (20% of total wealth with minimum of $20,000)
Temporary Ban according to his non-hacking ban offenses.
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the game server
Faction Rules
Faction Tension
Law enforcement agencies are expected to fully cooperate and communicate respectfully.
• Law enforcement officers may not shoot at one another in any
circumstances, the officer being shot may defend himself, however, it's not avised
• Law enforcement officers may not steal another's suspect (for any
purpose, whether it be arresting or releasing)
• Law enforcement officers may not cause tension over a governmental
radio such as /d. If you have an issue with any faction member, bring it up to the leader of
that faction, or in the case of an OOC issue, speak to a member of Faction Management
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Out-of-Character & In-Character Corruption
Corruption is when any faction member abuses their faction given commands, equipment or access to
commit actions that are not within the faction's role in the server. This includes the use of
faction-issued weapons while off-duty. The FBI is allowed to use their equipment while off-duty for
undercover purposes only, but must wear their badge when responding to a backup call.
Some examples of out-of-character corruption:
• A law enforcement officer using /detain to kidnap a player
• A hitman agent using his knife for fights not related to a
• A hitman agent aiding a gang or a faction
• A law enforcement officer excessively ticketing a vehicle
• Selling in-game positions for OOC money or assets
• Abusing the FBI & hitman free name-change service
• Frisking a player without a valid reason
• Taking a player's weapons while on a shootout with them
• Tazing players without a valid reason
• Killing a player just to have a medic save them or to save them
• Confiscating a suspect's drugs without them being under the
influence via /breathtest or being witnessed while using them
• Continuously casefiling a player
• Fining a player over the worth of his offences
• Charging a suspect while injured
• Using binds or macros to charge a suspect
• Charging a suspect without using having his DNA. (A single press
on F8 button will give both sides the ability to back up their evidence in case of a
• Tazing a player during a gunfight
Prison (45-90 minutes)
Removal from faction
If you have been a victim of in-character corruption that does not break the out-of-character
corruption rules, you can fill in an IA complaint against the faction member
Some examples of In-Character corruption:
• Turning a blind eye to crime
• Accepting a bribe in order to release their own suspect
• Planting illegal narcotics or firearms (Both cannot be added) on a
suspect (must be a HEAVILY ROLEPLAYED scenario and actually have the drugs to place on said
Misuse of faction broadcast channels
All out-of-character and abusive language that is not meant to be said in faction communication or
broadcast channels is punishable. This includes department radio, news broadcasts and faction
• Faction members must not use the department radio (/d), faction
radio (/r), faction broadcast channel (/gov, /nr, /live) for out-of-character material.
• No metagaming or usage of acronyms and/or abbreviated words of any
sort. (i.e. — u, wru, hmu, lol, ikr, et cetera)
and/or Prison (30-60 minutes)
and/or Removal from faction
Misuse of Overpowered Weapons
The use of a chainsaw is prohibited in any situation, except for role-playing scenarios that are
strictly monitored by an administrator.
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Misuse of Weaponized Vehicles
Factions have access to special vehicles with increased health or weapons such as a water cannon,
machine gun, and rocket launcher. The following rules apply:
• These vehicles cannot be used during a turf war
• These vehicles must only be used for faction roleplay or regular
duty only
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Backup & Revenge Killing
Law enforcement officers may not return to situations where they have died, even if a fellow law
enforcement officer has requested backup. This rule doesn't apply to turf wars, bank robberies,
crate island, or faction headquarters, where then they are permitted to return, however, if they
return to the same location without one of these specific things happening and assault their
killer(s), it will be considered revenge-killing.
You will be punished according to the deathmatch
Charge stacking is when a law enforcement officer presses the same charge against a player several
times. For example, a player is wanted for reckless driving and another officer gives them a wanted
level for reckless driving again. It is the responsibility of said law enforcement officer to make
sure they are not charge-stacking (they can check a player's existing charges by using the MDC's
civilian record check). Charge-stacking includes charging for offences that are inexistent in
addition to pressing different charges that bear the same meaning.
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Charge-Pressing Rules
• You may /su a suspect if you have their name (either by getting
told by the suspect, checking MDC for previous records, showing you their licenses or ID, by
getting their fingerprints, or by having their DNA)
• You may /su a suspect if they are critically injured (As you can
process them as a running suspect)
• You cannot /su a suspect for a crime they have committed over 10
minutes subsequent to committing that crime. (You have 10 minutes to press the charge.)
• You can NOT use binds to add charges, they have to be typed
• You MUST add the full charges, abbreviations are not allowed (I.E
PIN, PIF, etc)
• You MUST role-play taking a suspect's DNA before being able to
charge him
Prison (45-60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Tazer Rules
• You may not taze someone who has been knocked down by a water
cannon in the middle of a fight. This means that you cannot use a water cannon to knock somebody
down tazing him/her afterwards while on the ground
• The script blocks Law Enforcement Officers from tazing their
suspects when holding guns, however, they are not allowed to taze their suspects when switching
• Law Enforcement Officers that have recently re-spawned can NOT
conduct an arrest or be involved with anything related to arresting a suspect as they must
return to headquarters first
• Law Enforcement are not allowed to taze/arrest
non-criminal(not-wanted) players inside safe-zones, such as, however not limited to Casino, Black
Market, Christmas event
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Non-Roleplay Barricade Placement
Barricades must not be placed in an unrealistic manner, as they must obey laws of physics (no
barricade in mid-air). Barricades must also not be used to completely block any governmental
building's entry or exit points. They may also not be used in turfs or on crate island.
Prison (45-60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Leadership Behaviour
No leader-flag holders are allowed to invite ineligible players (such as faction banned
players), or those who wish to join the respective faction with malicious and/or destructive
plans (if the inviter knows beforehand.) Additionally, leaders and leader-flag holders are
expected to have the utmost behaviour and to be role models for all other faction members.
Moreover, leaders are not allowed to mislead their faction members into breaking any sort of
server-wide rules. Members can create complaints against their leaders and in case a complaint
is resolved in favour of the poster, the leader will be punished accordingly. This includes
selling in-game positions for real-life money.
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Faction Ban
Leadership Ban within all factions. All depending on the
severity of the committed action.
Proper Attires at Turfs
Factions must always be using proper uniforms when attending a turf war, the FBI must also
discard any undercover attires and acquire an official one from their lockers.
• All law enforcement factions MUST wear a skin chosen from
their locker while being on duty. Using a civilian skin with a swat toy does not
substitute a locker uniform.
• Factions must always be using proper uniforms when
attending a turf war, the FBI must also discard any undercover attires and acquire an
official one from their lockers.
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Confiscating Player Items
Faction members are not allowed to confiscate (/take) items from a player's inventory
unless that item has been used in a crime. This includes being seen using drugs,
breath-tested and proved to have used drugs, or if the player's radio has been used to
coordinate a crime.
• Only FBI and Army members are allowed to confiscate methamphetamine
from a players inventory. LSPD can confiscate any drugs including methamphetamine as long as they
have seen usage of drugs.
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Proper Arrest Procedure
Law enforcement factions must follow specific guidelines during an arrest, faction
leaders may create their own procedures, however, they must satisfy multiple elements
such as:
• Realistically conducting the arrest.
• Following the correct force matrix level.
NOTE: In addition to the rule of "Following
the correct force matrix level", the law enforcement officer has to give their
suspect a minimum of 15 seconds to respond before using their equipment on them. If
the suspect attempts to attack and/or escape then you may use your equipment
accordingly to the correct force matrix level.
This rule shall not apply if the person is a notorious or wanted suspect.
• Taking a step backward, or forward, or turning around can not be
considered as an attempt to escape.
• If a suspect fails to comply and attempts to evade law enforcement with a gun in his/her hand, the
suspect is considered a high-threat (Law enforcement may shoot on sight), however if the suspect
does NOT posses and/or doesn't have a gun in his hand he must be caught and tazed, using proper
force matrix.
Prison (60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Non-Roleplay Detain
Law Enforcement officers are not allowed to detain in non-governmental
vehicles or two-door vehicles (be it governmental or non-governmental).
However, the FBI is authorized to detain suspects in non-governmental
four-door vehicles due to undercover purposes.
Prison 60 minutes)
Removal from faction
Non-Roleplay Invitations
Members who take an interview of an applicant must roleplay the scenario
of giving out a badge by the standards of light RP. This means that both
sides must show this.
Prison (30-120 minutes)
Removal from faction
Faction bans are to be issued with each
faction removal to ensure that the kicked player does not return
to his faction too soon. These will range from days for minor
offences to months for major offences, however, it will mainly
depend on the severity of the committed actions and at the
discretion of the directors of faction management and game
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking
the time to read the game server rules.
Gang Rules
Gang Theme
• All gangs are expected to maintain and adhere to their gang theme
when it comes to regular gameplay and roleplay
• Gangs are not allowed under any circumstances to change their gang
name, theme, slot-holder, skins or rank names without the permission of gang management.
Prison (60 minutes)
Gang Wars
Every gang is able to kill other gang members on sight only if both of them have their bandanas and
gang clothes on.
Prison (30-60 minutes)
Gang Ownership
You are not allowed to sell or give away your gang slot or change the slotholder without permission
from gang management.
All gangs can ally with whomever they desire for turfs/crate or bandana wars at your own risk.
However, Gang Management/Game Affairs team reserve the right to prohibit/break an alliance if it's
not in alignment with the server's vision. (i.e destructive alliances to the gang scene/no
competition whatsoever)
• Everything will remain in character, everyone can team with anyone,
it's time for you to run the show
• Game Affairs will disband any gang whose members get excessively
banned, this decision will be made by management and could be done at any time without any warnings
in advance, therefore you're expected to think wisely before recruiting strangers
Gang Vandalization
This rule is a widely broad rule that can apply to multiple different scenarios. Leaders are always
expected to act in the best interests of their gang. Examples of this rule includes but not limited
to mass recruitment and mass purging. You are restricted from inviting players lower than level 2.
Two allied gangs may not send each-other members for turfs or missions, this will be considered
Prison (60-240 minutes)
Leadership Ban
Sub-Gangs are secondary gangs that act as an academy or initiation stage to join the primary gang,
or put simply two separate gangs that are ultimately part of one big gang, in other words one big
gang that has divided itself into two smaller gangs.
Prison (60-240 minutes)
Leadership Ban
Gangs & Roleplay
• Gangs are required to roleplay every invitation with a legitimate
roleplay scenario ending with a bandana handout roleplay.
• You are now required to use /f for OOC only and /pr for IC
matters. Anything called on /f, /g, /ca, etc... will be considered OOC. This includes insults on
• You cannot '/ad Grove recruiting' anymore and must be a
roleplay-friendly advertisement such as 'Grove Street Families are looking for hood protectors
to continue CJ's Legacy' for example
• Gangs are preferred to roleplay everything. Roleplay doesn't have
to be about /me and /do. However, roleplaying with other gangs, raiding HQs, protests or
whatever shows how strong your gang is.
Prison (30-120 minutes)
Gang Management reserves the rights to issue a strike for any
of the above, withhold the issuing of a strike, or disband any gang based on judgement
alone, regardless of whether a gang has received the needed strikes or not, all completely
at their discretion.
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the game
server rules.
Turf War Rules
Both faction members and gang members must abide by the following regulations:
• Ramming in turfs now falls under “excessive ramming” general rule
meaning you cannot ram a player/capper more than three times, meaning once is acceptable
• Bombing is now allowed outside and inside interiors, however
car/plane bombing is not
• Mobile users will not be allowed to attend the turf due to the high
incidence of glitches.
• Turfs are out of character
• You should not attend if you have high ping or high packet loss
• Faction/ gang members can only start shooting 15 minutes before the
• Gangs cannot ally with factions
• Gangs can ally with other gangs
• Factions cannot ally or take help from any gang during a turf
• Gangs can snipe outside boundaries if ally members are inside
• Gang/faction members can ONLY snipe outside boundaries even without
members inside as long as
they have the capture
• You may not spawn a vehicle on the capture point to stall a capture.
• Shooting may continue after a turf ends to kill the remaining rivals,
however, no new fights should be initiated
• You cannot use any unrealistic animations that give you an advantage
such as clipping your body inside a wall.
• You are not allowed to use your tazer and/or rubber bullets during
• Medics may save injured players but under any circumstance cannot be
involved in the fighting.
• Hitman agents are not allowed to fulfill contracts on targets inside
active turf boundaries.
Removal from faction/ gang
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Turf War Violoation
Gangs attending a turf while 'turf banned'.
Removal from gang
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Spawning vehicles on the capture point
You may not spawn a vehicle on the capture point to stall a capture.
Fine (20% of total wealth)
Removal from faction/gang
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Personal Vehicle Removal
Non-gang members/LEOs cannot participate in turfs
Only law enforcement factions and gang members are allowed to participate in active turf wars.
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Gangs and factions cannot attend a turf without the intention to capture the
Gang members can only attend a turf if the gang has a rank 4 or above actively online in-game and is
attending the turf. On the other hand, faction members can only attend a turf if they have a rank 4
or above actively online in-game and attending the turf.
Removal from faction/ gang
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Gangs and factions must be in their respective clothes with badges or bandanas
Gangs/ factions cannot participate in turf wars if they are not wearing official clothes or bandana/
badge. All gang and faction members must be wearing their team's clothing and have their bandana
(via /bandana) or badge (via /badge) shown at all times during the turf war.
Prison (30-60 minutes)
Factions cannot arrest gang members participating in active turfs
Law enforcement officers are not allowed to arrest gang members who are participating in an active
turf. This also includes if the gang member respawns outside the turf boundaries after dying.
Factions are also not allowed to arrest people for crimes committed inside an active turf boundary.
The only exception to this rule is if the gang member was wanted and being actively chased by law
enforcement officers prior to the turf starting.
Removal from faction
Prison (60 minutes)
Gangs and factions can only engage whilst inside turf boundaries
Gang and faction members can only engage whilst being inside the turf boundaries. However, if a
gang/ faction member is engaged inside the turf boundaries and leaves then they can still be killed
outside the turf boundaries while the turf is still under attack. Furthermore, you can also snipe
into the turf boundaries as long as you have members inside the turf boundaries. In addition, lands
cannot be used in a turf - this includes sniping from lands into a turf, hiding in a land in an
active turf after engagement.
You will be punished according to the deathmatch
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the game server
Missions Rules
Drug Den / Chemicals Lab Missions
• Faction members MUST have their badges on when participating in the
• Wearing a bandana & gang skin is mandatory for both the gang
delivering packages and the members
assisting, as well as for the gangs trying to destroy the bikes.
• Gang members and Faction members can engage in revenge killing.
• It's not allowed to hide the bikes inside a land.
• If you discover any loopholes for ensuring a safe delivery, you may
face consequences in line with
our exploit rules.
• Any form of automated script or modification will result in a ban.
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Removal from faction/ gang
Auto Export Company Mission
• Faction members MUST have their badges on when participating in the
• Gang members who start, help, or try to steal or destroy a vehicle
must wear a bandana & gang
• Gangs can engage in revenge killings as both sides are wearing
• Law enforcement officers are allowed to seek revenge.
• It's not allowed to hide the car inside a land.
• If you discover any loopholes for ensuring a safe delivery, you may
face consequences in line with
our exploit rules.
• Any form of automated script or modification will result in a ban.
• Gang members and Faction members can engage in revenge killing.
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Removal from faction/ gang
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the game server
Crate Island Rules
Both faction members and gang members must abide by the following regulations:
• Only factions and gangs may attend crate with the intent of capturing
the crate
• You are considered attending crate island if you enter the island's
proximity or participating gangs headquarters by ground, air, or sea, and/or you assist/fight the
gang/faction protecting/stealing the crate.
• Revenge killing is allowed during participation in crate island,
whether its in island's proximity or participating gangs headquarters
• Crate island is a kill-on-sight zone
• Participating gangs headquarters is a kill-on-sight zone, however
gang members and factions MUST have their badges and bandanas on (you may not shoot civilians)
• Shooting can continue after the crate island is delivered, however,
only at the delivery point(HQ). Furthermore, after crate has been delivered, revenge-kill rule
• Gangs are allowed to team up against law enforcement
• Factions are not allowed to team up with gangs under any
• Factions may not reach any agreements regarding crate with gangs,
whoever claims it wins it. However gangs can form alliances with each-other
• Gangs and Factions must have their bandanas, skins and badges on at
all times
• You are not allowed to use your tazer and/or rubber bullets during
Crate Island
• Factions are allowed to hijack the boat/helicopter/car carrying the
• Crate must stay within reach under all circumstances. (i.e no lands
can be used to hide the crate)
Prison (60-120 minutes)
Removal from faction/ gang
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the game server
Property Rules
Inactive Properties
• Properties whose owners have not logged into the game for more than
three months may be seized and either deleted or auctioned to a new owner
• Owners will receive a Forum Personal Message informing them of the
situation and giving them 7 days to become active again, failure to do so will result in the seizure
of the property.
• To regain ownership of a seized property, the owner must move their
property by getting a house, DD, business, or land move within two months of the seizure or the
property will be deleted.
Non-roleplay Properties
• A property will be considered non-roleplay if it meets certain
conditions outlined in the policy.
• Owners of non-roleplay properties will be contacted via Forum Personal
Message and given 14 days to correct the issue.
• If the owner does not accept the change of interior or location to an
RP one, the property will be seized, and the only way to regain ownership is for them to get House,
DD, business, or land, or to change the interior.
All the rules and regulations about placing properties can be found HERE.
The new policy only applies to properties that will be seized in the
future; properties that have already been seized will not be affected by these changes.
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the game server
Discord Rules
Join our Discord server:
Keep chat relevant in each channel
Please keep messages in their proper channels. Read the descriptions of each channel before chatting.
If we have to continually delete your messages you will be warned and/or suspended.
Be civil and respectful to all other users!
Lawless Roleplay is a very diverse community so please be civil and respect each other.
All posts should be in English
All posts should be in English and not any other language on the Discord server. Any posts that we
consider to breach this are subject to removal by our staff should we deem it appropriate to do so.
Please do not spam or post irrelevant links
Spamming is not tolerated anywhere on our Discord server. If you spam on Discord then you will be
subject to suspension or a permanent ban.
Do not release any private or personal information on another user without their
Members who post their personal information do it at their own risk. This includes instant messaging
accounts (skype, MSN, etc), emails, addresses, phone numbers and so on. Any member who decides to
post the personal information of another member due to a personal vendetta will be subject to an
immediate and permanent ban.
Do not distribute any illegal or copyrighted materials
No "warez" talk or anything relating to illegal distribution of copyrighted materials such as movies,
games, illegal modifications, emulator ROMs, software, music, television programs, website designs,
pictures, artwork, and so forth. Debating these issues is permitted, however directly incriminating
yourself and your activities via your posts (whether using a link, or directly attaching or
including it within the post) subject the post or thread to be removed or edited at any time for
your protection, and ours.
Do not advertise any other servers or gaming communities
Posting any content which includes links, URLs or images of hacks, websites, other servers, and
recruiting for unofficial lawless gaming clans is against our rules. If you post any advertisements
then your account is subject to suspension or a permanent ban.
This is not permitted on the Lawless Roleplay Discord server. Any posts that we consider to breach
this are subject to removal by our staff should we deem it appropriate to do so. The result will be
swift, with no warnings, just an immediate ban.
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the Discord
Forum & Site Rules
General Guidelines
To keep the forums clean and appropriate for all who visit them, please follow the general guidelines
Please keep posts in their proper forums. Read the descriptions of each forum before posting.
If we have to continually move your threads to the appropriate forum you will be warned
and/or suspended.
No Double-posting!
This is when you post successive replies without editing your previous post. This is
especially frowned upon if it's a regular occurrence or within a short time of the previous
If a certain category on the forums has its own rules, follow them accordingly.
Do not use our services (Forum, game server, and Discord) to sell IC products for OOC items
such as cash. We do not allow people to sell accounts, cash and other OOC items such as
Paysafecard for in-game money.
Racism & Hate Speech
This is not permitted on Any posts that we consider to breach this are subject to
removal by our staff should we deem it appropriate to do so.
This is not permitted on apart from the NSFW forums. Any posts that we
consider to breach this are subject to removal by our staff should we deem it appropriate to
do so. The result will be swift, with no warnings, just an immediate ban.
Warez, Illegal Distribution of Copyrighted Materials
No "warez" talk or anything relating to illegal distribution of copyrighted materials
such as movies, games, illegal modifications, emulator ROMs, software, music,
television programs, website designs, pictures, artwork, and so forth. Debating
these issues is permitted, however directly incriminating yourself and your
activities via your posts (whether using a link, or directly attaching or including
it within the post) subject the post or thread to be removed or edited at any time
for your protection, and ours.
Personal Information
Members who post their personal information do it at their own risk. This includes
instant messaging accounts (skype, MSN, etc), emails, addresses, phone numbers and
so on. Any member who decides to post the personal information of another member due
to a personal vendetta will be subject to an immediate ban.
Spam and Links
Promotional links with referral or affiliate IDs, etc. are forbidden and will
be removed immediately. All personal website links can be added and
displayed via your profile. Even in that area, the link(s) may be removed
for any reason.
Spamming is not tolerated anywhere on this site,
including (but not limited to) threads, posts, comments, conversations,
profile posts, custom titles, status posts, etc. If you spam any area on
this website your account is subject to suspension or a permanent ban.
Complaint Post Violation (CPV)
This is when a member replies to a complaint with irrelevant posts.
You are allowed to post in any complaint as long as you are directly
involved or an administrator permitted you. We do not tolerate
fights and the usage of inappropriate language between our players
or staff. Your message will be deleted so please avoid facing such
incidents in the future.
Note that your account's access
may be limited based on these actions, these actions may also result
in the removal of any moderation or special access. Ignoring our
warnings and further posting may lead to a temporary suspension of
your account.
Out of character content in an in
In-Character (often abbreviated as IC) forums are supposed to
be used only for in-character manners, posting
out-of-character (often abbreviated as OOC) information such
as speaking about admins, commands or real-life issues is
prohibited. If you would like to reply out of character,
please add '((' before your message and '))' after your
message. Any posts that we consider to breach this are
subject to removal by our staff should we deem it
appropriate to do so.
All in-character forums
are labelled with it's own set of rules.
Non-English Post
All posts should be in English and not any other
language on the forums except for Private Messages.
Any posts that we consider to breach this are
subject to removal by our staff should we deem it
appropriate to do so.
Posting any content which includes links,
URLs or images of hacks, websites, other
servers, and recruiting for unofficial
lawless gaming clans is against our rules.
If you post any advertisements then your
account is subject to suspension or a
permanent ban.
Thank you for your cooperation, and taking the time to read the site & forum