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Recently, there has been a lot of scaremongering posts claiming that this is the end of Lawless Roleplay. However, these people are wrong. Very wrong. I have been working very closely with the management team behind the scenes to transform Lawless Roleplay to a gold standard for gaming communities.

We will be doing this in multiple phases, with phase I focusing on restructuring the administrative team, training, procedures, progress and ultimately improving the quality of service provided to players by the administrative team. Once phase I is complete, phase II will commence and focus on improving the server feature quality and giving players more tools to create fun and interaction. There are more phases of this plan which will be released when they become relevant to the community.

However, to improve the community, we need your help and we are listening to your complaints and problems.

I am publicly asking that you click here and send me an e-mail with any suggestions, feedback, complaints or comments you have for us to improve our community.

Lawless Roleplay is very much alive and I have no plans to let it die any time soon. :)
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Christian Dodge

Retired Admin
Advisory Committee
Chartered Old-School
Jul 6, 2013
It is unfortunate that Lawless Roleplay is not seriously considering the possibilities that lag shooting would bring. With server-sided health and armor, a vast majority of illegal health modifications would be defunct. Aim assists are much rarer to find for lag shooting too, since no one currently has a large enough lag shooting server to warrant such an up-to-date script to be created. As Barney Phife even states: "We now have technology to detect 90% of aimbot aided shots." So, if our anti-cheat (the Coded Observation Cheat K-Liner or COCK for short) was so advanced during that time period (2015), why would old outdated aim assists for lag shooting still function efficiently? Lawless Roleplay would also have a monopoly on the lag shooting niche, which I am willing to bet many people would like to have said niche filled as no other server offers this ability. Furthermore, lag shooting is supported by 88% of players according to the "Light RP, Lag Shoot" suggestion, which garnered over seventy-five likes to only ten dislikes within approximately two days! That's some serious popular support if you ask me. Lawless Roleplay's Mission Statement clearly states:
"Lawless Roleplay is, and always, will be a community first and a game server second. We are dedicated to fostering an environment with a member-centric approach where all players have equal potential for in game success and community recognition."​
Lawless Roleplay's Mission Statement
So, if that is true, why must lag shooting first "[have] to be discussed with the Management" whereas the other portion of this popular suggestion, light roleplay, "will be a re vote on Light Roleplay in this month only?" Does that not go against the mission statement Lawless Roleplay goes by? Lag shooting must most certainly be put to a community poll just like light roleplay will be at some point in February of 2018 (or within a month since Immad posted, his English is fairly poor at times).
I do not expect lag shooting to actually be implemented though, but might as well try.
May 10, 2015
It is unfortunate that Lawless Roleplay is not seriously considering the possibilities that lag shooting would bring. With server-sided health and armor, a vast majority of illegal health modifications would be defunct. Aim assists are much rarer to find for lag shooting too, since no one currently has a large enough lag shooting server to warrant such an up-to-date script to be created. As Barney Phife even states: "We now have technology to detect 90% of aimbot aided shots." So, if our anti-cheat (the Coded Observation Cheat K-Liner or COCK for short) was so advanced during that time period (2015), why would old outdated aim assists for lag shooting still function efficiently? Lawless Roleplay would also have a monopoly on the lag shooting niche, which I am willing to bet many people would like to have said niche filled as no other server offers this ability. Furthermore, lag shooting is supported by 88% of players according to the "Light RP, Lag Shoot" suggestion, which garnered over seventy-five likes to only ten dislikes within approximately two days! That's some serious popular support if you ask me. Lawless Roleplay's Mission Statement clearly states:
"Lawless Roleplay is, and always, will be a community first and a game server second. We are dedicated to fostering an environment with a member-centric approach where all players have equal potential for in game success and community recognition."​
Lawless Roleplay's Mission Statement
So, if that is true, why must lag shooting first "[have] to be discussed with the Management" whereas the other portion of this popular suggestion, light roleplay, "will be a re vote on Light Roleplay in this month only?" Does that not go against the mission statement Lawless Roleplay goes by? Lag shooting must most certainly be put to a community poll just like light roleplay will be at some point in February of 2018 (or within a month since Immad posted, his English is fairly poor at times).
I do not expect lag shooting to actually be implemented though, but might as well try.
Aimbots on lagshoot work better than most syncshooting aimbots, plus you have pingpoint which basically makes the game sync.

High pings on lagshooting causes sliding, on sync it does not.

Theres way more abusive advantages to lagshooting than it is to syncshooting.

Christian Dodge

Retired Admin
Advisory Committee
Chartered Old-School
Jul 6, 2013
Aimbots on lagshoot work better than most syncshooting aimbots, plus you have pingpoint which basically makes the game sync.

High pings on lagshooting causes sliding, on sync it does not.

Theres way more abusive advantages to lagshooting than it is to syncshooting.
When's the last time you have had the opportunity to play on a lag shooting server though? Back in 2015? Our anti-cheat has advanced slightly, whereas lag shooting aim assists likely have not, since no servers use lag shooting and thus makes updating said aim assists pointless in the grand scheme of things. Regarding ping point, yes that would be a problematic modification, however it is much easier to bust someone who uses that (particularly when they bust themselves by self busting) over someone using an advanced sync shoot aim assist (sadly I am not allowed to post videos of illegal modifications, but they are very hard to bust). You even say that lag shoot aimbots work better, but if they are more effective then would that not make it easier to bust? The advanced sync shooting aim assists, as I have said, are very difficult to bust, and people can get away with posting videos of themselves using it and have a decent chance of getting away with it. Sliding, well that is an unfortunate one, but everything has its pros and cons and I am willing to admit that is most certainly a con of lag shooting.
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