Update! SA-MP update 0.3.7 R2-1

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Our mission statement to you...
Lawless Roleplay is, and always, will be a community first and a game server second. We are dedicated to fostering an environment with a member-centric approach where all players have equal potential for in game success and community recognition.

Why play here?
Lawless Roleplay was originally founded on the principle that all players should rise or decline based on the actions of the person behind the player. We feel that success should be determined by a players actions and talents and not the whim of an administrative team. We have great code. We have great staff. We have great players. But most importantly we have a vigilant regard for your potential.

Is this a roleplay server?
We have worked to provide many in game tools for roleplay and it is absolutely encouraged however not required. We feel that any preferred mode of play that does not encroach on any other player’s enjoyment of the game is productive. Due to the harsh nature of game mode frequent player versus player violent interaction should be expected. However, this does not mean that players are allowed to kill other players for no reason.

SA-MP 0.3.7 R2-1 Update Overview

The SA-MP team has released a new update, 0.3.7 R2-1 and we’ve updated to this new version.

Quote from the SA-MP Team:
- Adds protection against hackers who spam OnPlayerConnect messages.
- Weapon ID checking after OnPlayerWeaponShot in case the script doesn't filter it.
- Actors now default to being invulnerable (this might be needed later for a bandaid rotation fix in the client).
- Adds console variable 'conncookies' (int) to disable the 0.3.7 connection cookie system.
- Adds console variable 'cookielogging' to disable logging of connection cookies requested by newly connecting players.
- Adds null value checks to sqlite db_get*. These functions would crash on invalid rows or field names.
- Updates SHA256_PassHash() sha256 implementation to fix a padding problem.
- Fixes an index problem with PVars and SVars where *GetUpperIndex would return 1 when all vars had been deleted.


Retired Admin
Chartered Old-School
Apr 15, 2013
I dont know why you guys say thank you to Barney, lol? Thanks to SAMP!
we say thanks to barney for taking the time to im-ple-ment the excellent update from samp to our beautiful server, the feeling inside your stomach that makes you feel that you want to login on lawless roleplay and make out with barney, take part in gang wars and the guts you have to destroy people (in an RP matter ofc). We show our love and support to the management and that makes us feel good. It's better than jizzing mr steph ramcharan. #fa2 #denkmaar
Sep 15, 2013
we say thanks to barney for taking the time to im-ple-ment the excellent update from samp to our beautiful server, the feeling inside your stomach that makes you feel that you want to login on lawless roleplay and make out with barney, take part in gang wars and the guts you have to destroy people (in an RP matter ofc). We show our love and support to the management and that makes us feel good. It's better than jizzing mr steph ramcharan. #fa2 #denkmaar

Looks like Mocro Amri is deep inside Phife's ass or am I the only one thinking that? kk mocro


Old-School 2014
Mar 20, 2014
One does not simply defeat Barney with his updates on lawless :D
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Reactions: Barney
Aug 16, 2013
we say thanks to barney for taking the time to im-ple-ment the excellent update from samp to our beautiful server, the feeling inside your stomach that makes you feel that you want to login on lawless roleplay and make out with barney, take part in gang wars and the guts you have to destroy people (in an RP matter ofc). We show our love and support to the management and that makes us feel good. It's better than jizzing mr steph ramcharan. #fa2 #denkmaar
my gameplay is ruined by all the destructive players with their health hacks. its absolutely disgusting, i love it.
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