COVID-19 | A hoax or an actual pandemic.


Retired Admin
Chartered Old-School
Los Santos Government
Ghetto Ghouls
May 30, 2013

COVID-19 | A hoax or an actual pandemic?

Author- Neville Splitzer
Date Released: 18/4/2020
Tags: [COVID-19, Pandemic, Government]

*Upon opening a copy of the 'SAN News' newspaper, You would see this article on the front-page marked with a disclaimer*

This article deals with a sensitive mater that could offend or upset readers.
Please proceed at your own risk.

On January 19th, the government issued a report, calling COVID-19 a hoax created by a Zionist group as an agenda for their New World Order. While some people may agree to some extent, COVID-19, also called " The San Fierro Virus " by many, has struck fear into the hearts of citizens. Patient zero was a middle aged man, in his late 50's. The origins of this virus is unknown, which has lead many to believe this virus Is purely man-made and has somewhat solidified the report of the government claiming the virus is man-made.
Governor Jaspreet Singh has recently released a video denouncing the virus. He even went a step further, by ordering the arrest of many scientists who are the top leading experts in pandemic researches. This has only lead people to stay silent about the matter and urge their neighbors not to talk about the virus, as it could lead to their arrest.

We at SAN News have sworn our lives to spread the word about the virus, even if it leads to serious consequences to our individual freedom. Therefore, I'm here to present to you an interview with a lead paramedic from the Los Santos medical department. He specifically asked for his name to be public, as he understands the severity of this situation. What follows is the raw interview with Lead Paramedic Subhardrip Banerjee:

Reporter: I'm glad you could join us, lead paramedic Subhadrip Banerjee.
Banerjee: It's an honor. I'm here to discuss what many other colleagues are afraid of discussing.

Reporter: Let's get straight to the point. What do you think of the government's actions taken to silence those who dare speak about the virus?

Banerjee: I think it's absurd. I understand that they are trying to protect the economy, but this is far too dangerous to be messing around with. We are talking about a full on pandemic that could lead to an all-out extinction.

Reporter: Being a lead paramedic, I'd hope you could give us a rough estimate of the death toll and the number of people infected. I know this is too much to ask as it may lead to losing your career, if you do not want to answer, I completely understand.

Banerjee: I will do whatever it takes to shed some light on the matter, I will not be silenced by the government. When it comes to people's lives, I will do whatever it takes to protect our citizens even if it comes with a cost. Our reports have indicated that around 3 million people were infected. By infected I mean those who were tested and the results came out positive.
Reporter: Does this mean the number of infected may exceed 3 million?

Banerjee: Yes. In fact, It may exceed 4 million. We have ran out of testing kits due to government suppression which led us to stop testing people. The number of infected are only calculated as the number of people who tested positive.

Banerjee: As for the death toll, It is estimated to be around 500,000.
As the interview was on-going, Lead paramedic Subhadrip Banerjee was escorted into a cruiser by two police officers. Fortunately for us, he was able to slide the reporter an envelope containing graphic details of patients laying on hospital beds. These patients later died due to severe viral pneumonia caused by the virus.

Here are the following images of the patients, taken directly by the lead paramedic, inside County hospital.


(Patient Ives Ramirez)


(Patient Nicolas Ramirez)

This interview was the last time anyone has heard from lead paramedic Subhadrip Banerjee. His fate lies completely within the hands of the police department. In an effort to bring justice to his name, his picture will be made public for the people. He is not only a savior, but a hero. He has put his own life on the line to protect us.

(Lead paramedic Subhadrip Banerjee)

If you have any clue about his whereabouts, please do not hesitate to contact us on our hotline.

As for staying safe, the Los Santos Health Organization has posted an article on what you should and should not do. If you have time, please go ahead and read through the points made by the organization. We will be leaving a link to their official webpage at the end of this article.
Our own advice for you is to stay at home. You may only go out to get necessities for survival. If you are forced to go outside, please wear N95 masks to protect yourself as the virus is also airborne. We would like to thank the Los Santos Medical Department for doing their best during these hard times.

PSA: For more information on the ongoing pandemic, readers can visit


Lead paramedic Subhadrip Banerjee
EMS Driver Ryder Murdoc))
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