Be careful, rumors are not always true.

Ariana Grande

Red-Headed Stepchild
Apr 18, 2015


Sanews Official Paper

Welcome to
Sanews article section! We have brought the aware paper of the week.
It is a great way to start todays day with some very important information which we all should be aware.

Have you heard of mass invitations?

Probably you might have been going through the advertisement list in your i-fruit phone, remember if you want to place a perfect advertisement ((<--click)) contact Sanews. You might have noticed that people generally held major events which are not secured by any law enforcement.
A mass invitation is a similar thing where many people are invited to a spot with attractive offers such as
"Donating money to however gathers at the Hospital" or "Free of cost vehicles are available at Market" and so and so forth it keeps going on.

Have you ever found it suspicious?

Before taking any such decision, have you ever
questioned yourself regarding as to why will someone be so generous in such a cruel world. Everyone earns money through their hard word and in most cases these men want to enjoy their fruit of success, they wont let any such stranger to barge into their success fruits.

What makes you say that?

Recently, there was a huge mass of
crowd killed at the mall, which is located near All Saints hospital.


-number of people gathered.

There were several people gathered and the rumor was that
there is plenty of cash to be found in the mall area. This offer tempted nearly about 47 citizens to gather at The Mall.
Out of which
17 were killed and the rest were injured.

How did this all happen?

It turns out that there was a spy left wide open in the crowd who seemed like a normal citizen but was not. As the crowd was getting bigger and bigger the suspect
was last seen here was found carrying a bomb!


-the suspect carrying bomb

The suspect
partially failed in his plan as the bomb spilled out from his pocket which made it visible to an old lady who screamed, "My Grandchildren will never be live without me!" - it brought into everyones attention, but it was too late that anyone could run that far, the bomb was already active which killed and injured many people.

Do pray for the brave souls who went out of their way to sacrifice their life for greed.



Sanews Department recommends you to be careful at every decision you make! Your life matters as to who will take care of your husband or wife or children! Be mature enough, you are a wise citizen and not those who will simply spend their time accepting such invitations while eating Cluck'in Bells combo meal!

Thank You,
Network Director -
Ariana Grande.

((Keep the comments/replies role-play in nature.))



Head Administrator
Old-School 2014
Apr 25, 2014
Rest in peace,
it's kinda sad to hear that.