News Let me explain

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Dear Lawless Roleplay,

Let me explain...

There have been multiple rumours over the past couple of months that Lawless Roleplay is closing down, dying or been abandoned by the management team.

The truth is I have been going through a really tough time in real life and just like you and everyone else, I too am human. In full honesty, I have been having a lot of problems in real life and on Lawless Roleplay. Though, instead of resolving these problems, I have been hiding from it, hoping it would all go away. However, you can only hide from something for so long before it catches up to you.

I love Lawless Roleplay and I love our community. I have made so many friends, learnt so many interesting things about different people, cultures and different countries. I have been able to use Lawless Roleplay as a platform to have fun with friends and random people all over the world. It's truly beautiful. And I honesty believe that Lawless Roleplay offers the best gameplay experience on SA:MP. I would never give up on Lawless Roleplay because of this.

This is why I am asking for your forgiveness regarding my inactivity and lack of action. I want to fix all the problems on Lawless Roleplay however I am just one guy with limited time and energy.

I understand that many of you think that you just "play" Lawless Roleplay but in my eyes you are more than just "players". As members of this community, I see you as partners of Lawless Roleplay. You are apart of this community and every second you have played here, you have helped shape and create it. So this is why I am here standing in front of you.. asking you to help me.. to help us get Lawless Roleplay back to it's glorious position at the top of SA:MP. Without your support and loyalty, I cannot improve this. I need you.

I will give everything I have and I will work very closely with the players and staff team to improve Lawless Roleplay. As long as I have your support and loyalty, Lawless Roleplay will never die.

The first thing you can do to help improve Lawless Roleplay is to fill out this survey (click here). This survey will help me capture all of your opinions and suggestions on how to improve Lawless Roleplay. I use this as a template on problems that need solving so it's important that you answer the survey.

In light of recent events, I have reinstated Joey as Assistant Management and Toompert as Management. Their roles will be mostly in-game focused and they will be aiming to solve problems directly in-game on the spot. Additionally, Jerome has been promoted to Assistant Management and will be continuing his work as Game Affairs director. Alfred has also been promoted to Head Admin and assigned as Director of Admin Personnel. Finally, I am working very closely with Adam on upgrading the anti-cheat to protect against a lot more hacks and to be more accurate.

This is only the beginning.


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General Administrator
Old-School 2014
Aug 13, 2014
It would take much more than a pep talk to bring it up as it was. I have seen it coming up from the ditch many times, but this time it has gone so far. Lawless would always be my first choice, however, lack of playerbase makes it really boring. As Kyle said we shall see soon enough and its just matter of time.
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Feb 5, 2018
i am new player in lawless near to be have 1 year with you here .. and what i see ? i see server dying you even not give lawless 1 hour from your 24 hours as normal human only need 1 hour in game to look what players need and what server miss and what server need....
i am lvl 31 and new player cause i am here in server 24/7 and what i see
1. a lot of bugs no fix
2. no helping and less members of admins
3. nothing new and nothing to do
4. factions closed since i joined server
5. no support for players
6 .so many good suggestion i see and only pending not denied not accepted
7. server changed from RP to normal server, no RP between players
8 . inactive managements
and after all this you came with ((/o)) i am here for update Cock ???!!! only ??!!! i thought like old days i saw server gonna update /q for 5 min we have new updates and fun, that`s i thought

i not saying this for be helper or admin no i wont this ... but i want be Normal players and i find what i need in server for fun and need to someone check players and listen to them and check want we need and what we miss as i said give even 1 hour for lawless and check it always . and i know when u leave town players will leave too u know why ? cause nothing new and they will jump to another server for find fun

i love lawless and sad for see server die and you freeze nothing to do

am not gonna lie and say (( yay #teamlawless hell yeah we will do it )) and fall in ture nothing happen and it is just word
i will say it when i see changes

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Aug 9, 2014
Even loyalty has its limits. Fair enough you had problems irl and that cannot be helped so no need to blame yourself regarding that. But when your staff starts harassing players and treating them like shit, forum banning for the pettiest reasons and also giving deathmatch warnings for something that was totally not related to ingame stuff that happend this, crosses the line i've been on your side since day one but its only so many times a player can ride with a team untill he starts to see the bigger picture elsewhere. I've been with this set of players and seen the highs and lows of the server from 2013 onwards but have never seen the server in such a bad state like it currently is right now.
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