Update! Website updated to version 1.3.3

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Hey all,

At Lawless Roleplay, one of our biggest desires and goals is to provide a very stable and smooth experience for all our members. This includes dealings with administrators, helpers and even reaches our website. Our website has been updated to meet modern standards which comes bundled with a bag of bug fixes and new feature additions. We are always dedicated to a bug free and smooth community weather it is our staff, website, game servers or teamspeak.

Update Details
* - Fix Google+ integration in IE8
* - Attempt to prevent appearance of duplicate posts when refreshing the page in Firefox
* - Improve the speed of BB code stripping on large posts
* - Fix link canonicalization of "//" links
* - Disable the rich text editor in Firefox on Android due to incompatibilities
* - Fix some editor inconsistencies in IE11
* - Maintain formatting when pasting between editors in more cases
* - When editing a link in the editor, update the link text if it's the same as the link
* - Ensure that links in emails that are set to blend in have underlines
* - Prevent an error in the image proxy when the file name was not valid UTF-8
* - Handle image proxy URLs that are not fully URL escaped
* - Ensure that disabled styles cannot be set to the default
* - Incorrect date display in the spam trigger log details
* - Prevent duplicate tagging alerts on profile posts/profile post comments
* - Ensure that the ignore list is respected on follow alerts
* - Always use the HTTPS Twitter profile image URL
* - Don't autolink FTP URLs
* - Prevent an error when exporting an empty smilie set
* - Prevent a "headers already sent" error if a PHP error is triggered when generating CSS
* - Fix invalid usage of getBinaryIp in a few places
* - Only rebuild the moderation queue when necessary after removing an entry
* - Fix last activity values not being updated on unconfirmed users
* - Bug fixes related to pasting and formatting text in the editor
* - Bug fixes related to the formatting of messages for the rich text editor when editing
* - Updated the Facebook integration to use version 2.0 of their API
* - Only show entries on the notable members page where the member actually has posts, likes, or trophy points
* - Fix the attribution of tagging alerts generated in a profile post comment
* - Support all languages that Twitter supports in the tweet button
* - Add isolation to usernames to improve display in RTL when LTR and RTL text is mixed
* - Add-on update/export buttons appear when creating an add-on
* - BB code blocks now all have overflow auto for float containment/preventing overlap with floated ads
* - Call to action buttons have vertical-align top for improved cross browser display
* - Added scrolling to the avatar overlay to handle add-ons inserting additional rows
* - Account upgrades now use the "full" link generator to create the return URL
* - Fixed unexpected padding on the breadcrumbs with narrow displays
* - Fixed ReCAPTCHA image overflow with narrow displays
* - Added an open graph description to forum views and pages
* - Fixed inconsistent positioning of stay logged in/lost password links on login forms
* - Fixed overlay only buttons displaying on the follower/following lists when viewed as a non-overlay
* - Adjusted the display of voters on a poll when there's a deleted user
* - Fix positioning of several overlays in RTL with narrow displays
* - Fix JS errors when the hash part of a URL has non-alphanumeric characters
* - Reduce the amount of entries shown on the users/content awaiting approval pages to prevent timeouts and speed up display
* - Silence a potential race condition when creating directories
* - Fix a display issue when displaying a shortened IPv6 string when it ends with a collapsed section
* - Remove leading and trailing white space from Twitter app keys and secrets
* - Improve the error handling of Twitter integration to aid in debugging
* - Fix a potential duplicate ID error when importing from XenForo and maintaining IDs
* - Fix a race condition when inserting image proxy records

We have added an Arcade system to the website which comes fully featured with high scores, personal best scores, champions and etc. We have only added six basic games so far; Asteroids, Bejeweled, Chopper, Snake, Spaceinvaders and Tetris. We hope that you guys enjoy this and if you would like more games then please suggest them!

Click here to play in the Arcade...

Lawless Roleplay
Power to you...
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Apr 30, 2014
Nice updates,, I hope the next update will be on the game :D
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Executive Officer
Apr 11, 2013
dont have permission to play in the arcade


Forgot a setting, haha! It's fixed now, thanks.
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May 23, 2014
So no more spamming "Post reply" to get your post placed?
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