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So for the other update, I dedicated it to @John, @Pako and @Toompert. But then the entire community and staff team said "what about us?!".. So my friends.. I dedicate this update to you.

We are constantly looking to improve the server and community, if you have any suggestions then please post it in the suggestion forums or if you found any bug or problem with our server, then please post it in the bug forums.

We hope you are enjoying the frequent updates as we aim to make Lawless Roleplay a more smooth and better experience for everyone.

Revision 1.3.29
- Increase of house and business maximum sizes
- Adjusted shotgun damage
- Increased LSPD locker sniper to $1,500 and Rifle to $800
- Going off duty as faction members automatically remove any faction given weapons, skins, equipment etc (FBI is exempt from this)

- Cop guns can no longer be picked up via /grabgun - they actually get sucked into the sky by aliens who are studying human weapons to make a weapon to destroy us all
- Fixed a bug with /badge
- Turf limit increased to 30 from 25
- Turf capture limit has been increased to 6 for gangs, 9 turfs if owner of the supply chain turf (this perk also benefits allies)
- Turf capture limit has been increased to 4 for factions
- Increased materials required for snipers to 9,999 materials
- Increased sniper price for LSPD and FBI to $4,999
- Increased required LSPD rank to have a sniper to rank 3+
- Fixed a bug with /claimturf for supply chain turf perk owners


New Playa
Apr 17, 2016
real men fight face to face with shotguns and deagles, pussies snipe in their safe nest like baby birds hahaha

Living Like Leroy

You should just keep your focus on what the server needs, it needs a balance between factions and gangs. The only faction that should be OP is HMA that's it. Then you should think about a faction update or something, GOV is useless, have someone responsible to keep up on the servers economy and taxes etc. It's like your only updating stuff your players don't need or care about. Every thing on the suggestions should be added tbh.

But I ain't a scripter and I don't know a god damn thing

Living Like Leroy

AL is not large gang anymore

santy savage,vincent shock, domi cordozar, ric devil, sani, sophie retard devil

thats your AL

oh forgot joga

barney changes numbers in the script and calls it an update
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Reactions: Glenn Maxwell
Sep 11, 2013
To be honest we needed this update a long time ago, no more dying in 2 seconds with snipers everywhere. Turfs will be fun now

Living Like Leroy

oops, meant to put this in glory boyz discord. because dis is hilarious
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