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So as you can in see in the past few updates, we have introduced some big game changing features and in this version, we seek to continue the trend.

When we first created Lawless Roleplay, a lot of people tried to stop us with constant attacks, hacking attempts, we even had a few instances of our entire forum being deleted and even the game database being deleted but we never fell down. We got back up instantly and continued to kick ass. Yesterday, a rogue admin deleted all our gangs and abused a ton of commands, today - we had over 200 players online at once. No matter how much people try to damage and hurt us, as long as you are standing by my side - loyal to Lawless Roleplay. - we will never fall.

So I dedicate this update to all the players of Lawless Roleplay, thank you for being loyal to our community.

We are constantly looking to improve the server and community, if you have any suggestions then please post it in the suggestion forums or if you found any bug or problem with our server, then please post it in the bug forums.

We hope you are enjoying the frequent updates as we aim to make Lawless Roleplay a more smooth and better experience for everyone.

Revision 1.3.19
- Fixed a bug with /gangs
- Fixed a bug with land object draw distances
- Fixed a bug with shotgun damage causing 60+
- Fixed a bug with snipers working on people on lands and land snipers working on other people
- Made both /fradar and /fbackup to be in the colour of the gang's bandana
- Increased /sellcar aka /dropcar pay by 15% (Thank you to Orlando for this)
- Added /switchgang 0
- /createland /deleteland are now management only commands
- Adjusted dynamic turf maximum to 25 (means we can have 25 turfs)
- Fixed a bug with /editland -> set owner while offline
- Added /createturf
- Added /watchers [id] for AM+
- Division 5 and R4+ now have access to Tactical in their lockers
- Made /odonators list by alphabetical order
- Bandanas automatically turf off when you spawn in the hospital
- /bandana now turns your spawn protection off when you activate your bandana
- Added Cash, Bank and Materials to logs when players log in and log out
- Fixed some bugs
- Added /btr (busy to reply) for SA+ to ask players to report later
- Added saving and loading of community status
- Added /setcommod for HA+ to set community affairs moderators
- Added /setcomstatus to set players to Old School status (works online and offline)
- Added /os chat
- Added Old School tag on /o, /newb and /g
- Added /deleteturf for Management
- Added new Doctor's Note turf perk which decreases hospital bills by 60% (excludes /healme and /deliverpt (being delivered to hospital by a paramedic))
Last edited:
Jun 13, 2013
and people ask me why i donate so much

look at cute barney doing work so late ;3
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