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In v1.2.30, we significantly increased land productivity. Now in v1.2.35, we want to go beyond and further increase land productivity by allowing users to quickly and instantly duplicate land objects. We also patch exploits with /mdc and /find and introduce new features to the vehicle storage menu. The full list of changes is down below.

We are constantly looking to improve the server and community, if you have any suggestions then please post it in the suggestion forums or if you found any bug or problem with our server, then please post it in the bug forums.

We hope you are enjoying the frequent updates as we aim to make Lawless Roleplay a more smooth and better experience for everyone.

Revision 1.2.35
- Fixed a bug with land owner 3D title
- You can't use /find or /mdc if you have an active checkpoint
- Adjusted /mdc -> Find Civilian logic
- Fixed how /find timers work to be more efficient
- /vstorage now displays the vehicle location when stored
- Adjusted weapon damages for M4, AK47, Uzi, MP5 and Tec-9
- Added /duplandobj [objectid] which allows you to duplicate a land object based on an existing object ID
- The object spawns at the same location and asks for payment method Cash or coin. Pressing ESC cancels it
- Once selected a payment method, the object spawns at the same position and you can edit the position. If you cancel it, the object is destroyed and no charge is taken
- Updated /landhelp
- Fixed a bug with /landmenu -> build -> category -> next page not loading properly

We also restarted the main server with this update to install some server sided updates so apologies for the extended downtime.


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Aug 17, 2013
Why does barney get all the credit?
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