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This release was a simple hotfix focused on script optimisation and bug fixes.

Revision 1.2.14
- Updated includes
- Limited sniper rifle range to 220 meters from 320 meters
- Land objects now have 220 meters view distance
- Added number separators to /sellcrack, /sellmats, /sellpot and /sellchems
- Fixed a FPS issue for cops
- Adjusted /car permissions for use on bikes, planes, helicopters, boats etc
- Fixed a bug with fisher job net broken message
- Using /spec will auto hide your toys
- Fixed a bug with /showid which could be used to see if an admin is spectating you
- The land introduction prices have now expired and the full land upgrades prices are enabled
- You can no longer use /upgrade cargunlocker on bikes, planes, helicopters, boats etc
- You can no longer use /gmute, /admute or /nmute to unmute someone while they're cuffed, tazed or tied
- Fixed a bug with the amount of drugs you can hold from the labs
- Fixed a typo with /tow
- Decreased business trucker payload significantly (maximum 20 products delivered as a level 10 trucker instead of 150) to bring back need for truckers
- Fixed tons of trucker issues
- Cops no longer can use /back up if cuffed, jailed, injured or hospitalized
- Added names to revoking land permissions
- All businesses over 1000 products have been set to 500 products (209 businesses out of 274)
- Fixed a trucker teleport false ban issue


Old-School 2014
Mar 20, 2014

Small update but it'll make a huge change with our server!
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