Update! Update 53 - Default Damage + Double Fisher Job Pay + Double Hooker Bonus + Spawn at Club Truth for Ivy Donators!

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Oh man - I really had fun at this year's Christmas Market with the minigames and events. It was more special than before - maybe because there was a new Christmas Market map.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Years - by that I mean you took a break from deathmatching and spent time with loved ones.

Anyway, this is update 53 since March 2020 and I am proud to hit 2023 with our first update.

I do really appreciate all your patience while I had to deal with some personal emergency stuff in real life.

I cannot wait for future updates and to expand into more games!




By popular demand, we have enabled default damage for the next 14 days as an experiment.

We have created the following community poll which you can view by clicking here.

We will be monitoring that poll for your feedback and comments. After 14 days, we will review the poll results and feedback and try to understand what the community wants.

Alternatively, if the immediate feedback is extremely negative then we can review and revert back sooner than 14 days.

You hold the power so make sure you vote and write feedback in the above community poll.



Enjoy DOUBLE pay when doing the fisherman job!

Use /findjob to find the fisherman job



Enjoy our hooker event and get double health when using a hooker!

Use /findjob to find the hooker job



Ivy donators can now spawn directly at Club Truth instead of visiting a hospital!

Club Truth has partnered with law enforcement to ensure wanted criminals get redirected to local hospitals.

You can set your spawn point as a donator using '/spawnatclubtruth'


- Added double fisher job
- Added double hooker health bonus
- Added ability to spawn at Club Truth (black market) via /spawnatclubtruth
- Disabled minigames and winter events
- Fixed electrician job while entering invalid checkpoints
- Fixed runtime error with taxi fare daily objective
- Fixed saving issue on server restart with gang safes, government taxes and hitman HQ data
- Spawning at home insurance will now alert the cops if you spawn at a hospital
- Fixed a bug which auto gave you All Saints Hospital as your insurance if you lost your home ownership
- Fixed a bug where your spawn location would temporarily glitch if you logged in after you lose home ownership
- Made all weapons use default damage as an experiment


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Retired Admin
Senior Helper
Faction Leader
FBI High Command
Old-School 2015
Jul 19, 2017
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