Status update

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I can’t believe that we managed to get 62 players in less than 60 seconds of opening the server to the public. I tuned into TeamSpeak to see over 40 clients connected talking about how awesome the server is.

However, shortly after opening our gates to the masses, our infrastructure was attacked by those who wish us to fail. We will never give up fighting these attacks because they are unjust and it’s against everything we stand for. These attacks will not harm us apart from causing minor delays. It has given the community more time, motivation and energy to go on our private server scripting and bug testing (We had 30 people on our private server testing after the DDOS hit!). At the same time, this encourages anger to players which unravels a flock of flames against the attackers. We thank you for your continued trust and loyalty to us – so in essence these attacks will only make us stronger. We will not respond or negotiate with attackers. It has also come to my attention that several people have asked members of staff to release another community’s SQL dump and script – this is something we will not release under any circumstances. The authorities have been alerted by our network provider as they have uncovered two chains of botnet systems which can easily be traced back to the source of attack.

Fear not fellow outlaws, we will never give up so raise your weapons and prepare to march through the streets of Los Santos claiming your turf, claiming your freedom and above all – having fun. We will no longer stay chained down and we will roll on our enemies so get your desert eagles and ak-47s ready.

On a further note, a lot of people have come out offering financial help – we thank you and you may donate any amount you wish using the following link. The money you donate will be logged and tied with your account so you may use it in the future to purchase items from our donation list. I would also like to state that 100% of your donations will be going towards getting a better server with better DDOS protection and support.

<form action="" method="post" target="_top">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="UZC338FN3WL56">

<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
Once you make a donation, please post your e-mail and transaction ID in here.</center>

EDIT: Thank you so much to those who have donated, we have made a total of $74.28 as of now and once we hit that sweet $100, we'll be getting a dedicated ddos protected server. Our current hosts have found the route of the botnets and are blocking it/ taking legal action as we speak. I have been told by the hosts that it may take upto six hours to get back online.


Retired Admin
Chartered Old-School
Apr 15, 2013
I love the fact that I am the first player on the server.
I love this server and I will stay! no matter what


New Playa
Apr 11, 2013
Nothing can or WILL stop us, Nothing can stop us! we will fight until the end. I will steal my mothers credit card, thats my speech kthxbai (4 now)
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New Playa
Apr 19, 2013
Seb Banks
Its the start , **** shows they are weak , they are busy ddis ours server while theirs server going down
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