Update! New player record (209) & Forum Update

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We've done it again in less than a month. In April 2016, we had to increase our player slots to 250 from 200 because we had a full server for 3 days in a row. Today (Saturday 21st May 2016), we have once again reached new heights with a max player record of 209 players online!

Thank you! Your contribution, loyalty and strength behind this community is the only reason we are able to achieve these records. You have consistently supported us over the years and we really appreciate it. Without your consistent feedback, guidance and loyalty - we would not be where we are today. I would also like to thank the helpers, administrators and staff team for ensuring all players are equally helped and that the game play is a smooth and fun experience for all.

People have tried to knock us down and harm us because they are jealous that we are a transparent, fair and ambitious community. We will continue to strive to the best SA-MP community and really push ourselves to the limit. I look forward to a fun and exciting summer at Lawless Roleplay.

We appreciate your loyalty to Lawless Roleplay.


We have also updated our forums to fix some internal issues and added a new feature. We have also fixed multiple bugs with our custom forum design to make it more mobile friendly and easier for people to use. If you are in multiple usergroups, you can now select which usergroup is visible on the forums in your preferences.



May 28, 2013
Sick ! Good job mates , keep it flooding barneyyyyyyy


Head Administrator
Old-School 2014
Apr 30, 2014
Congratulations Lawless.
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