News Let me explain

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Dear Lawless Roleplay,

Let me explain...

There have been multiple rumours over the past couple of months that Lawless Roleplay is closing down, dying or been abandoned by the management team.

The truth is I have been going through a really tough time in real life and just like you and everyone else, I too am human. In full honesty, I have been having a lot of problems in real life and on Lawless Roleplay. Though, instead of resolving these problems, I have been hiding from it, hoping it would all go away. However, you can only hide from something for so long before it catches up to you.

I love Lawless Roleplay and I love our community. I have made so many friends, learnt so many interesting things about different people, cultures and different countries. I have been able to use Lawless Roleplay as a platform to have fun with friends and random people all over the world. It's truly beautiful. And I honesty believe that Lawless Roleplay offers the best gameplay experience on SA:MP. I would never give up on Lawless Roleplay because of this.

This is why I am asking for your forgiveness regarding my inactivity and lack of action. I want to fix all the problems on Lawless Roleplay however I am just one guy with limited time and energy.

I understand that many of you think that you just "play" Lawless Roleplay but in my eyes you are more than just "players". As members of this community, I see you as partners of Lawless Roleplay. You are apart of this community and every second you have played here, you have helped shape and create it. So this is why I am here standing in front of you.. asking you to help me.. to help us get Lawless Roleplay back to it's glorious position at the top of SA:MP. Without your support and loyalty, I cannot improve this. I need you.

I will give everything I have and I will work very closely with the players and staff team to improve Lawless Roleplay. As long as I have your support and loyalty, Lawless Roleplay will never die.

The first thing you can do to help improve Lawless Roleplay is to fill out this survey (click here). This survey will help me capture all of your opinions and suggestions on how to improve Lawless Roleplay. I use this as a template on problems that need solving so it's important that you answer the survey.

In light of recent events, I have reinstated Joey as Assistant Management and Toompert as Management. Their roles will be mostly in-game focused and they will be aiming to solve problems directly in-game on the spot. Additionally, Jerome has been promoted to Assistant Management and will be continuing his work as Game Affairs director. Alfred has also been promoted to Head Admin and assigned as Director of Admin Personnel. Finally, I am working very closely with Adam on upgrading the anti-cheat to protect against a lot more hacks and to be more accurate.

This is only the beginning.


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Retired Admin
Old-School 2014
Apr 24, 2014
There's good times and bad times with every community. I remember back in 2014 when our neighboring server ( H...Z) reached an all time low of 12 players online one night, and remained that way for months. What did their owner say or do? Nothing.

Barney has done what he can do to the best of his abilities since the server opening by giving us updates and a place for us to have fun. But I feel that he has gotten frustrated with the failures of some admins who were very highly ranked in the staff team but failed to make any impact when he trusted them to do so.

There are also players who frustrated him, people who charged back donations which made him lose thousands of dollars (Source : Barney told me this and he feared that I would charge back, but I never did), players who he gave second and third chances but continued to hack and make him regret his decisions (e.g mass unbans)

If i was in Barney's shoes I would have DDOSed these players and deleted their accounts off the database and probably closed the server and moved on with real life. There comes a point when you just want to walk away, Barney hasn't done that (and I'm surprised that he hasn't)

We're at a place where we're going through rough times, one thing that shouldn't happen is a mass unban. Please don't unban any of the filth that are banned for hacking. If a player requests an unban and is a known member of a community then his case should be handled by management.

Some suggestions which I believe will help our server.

1)Stop giving helper positions out like candy.
2) Purge the entire helper team. There are helpers who can't even speak English.
3) Get rid of the "helper manager" position. Let senior admins+ recruit helpers and train them.
4) Keep high standards to recruit helpers. Make it a harder process to transition from helper to a blacklist admin/moderator/junior admin
5) Don't do any mass unbans.
6) See 5)
7) More double EXP weekends
8) Reduce the activity requirements for admins. Admins are providing their time for free to help out the server and they shouldn't be pressured to be active for "most of the week". Let them live their lives and log in to help out the server when they are free. I have spoken to some admins who resigned as they were pressured into being active or being removed from the team. "I have to study for my exams so i resigned from admin team because they were gonna kick me for being inactive/I am working full time job so i can't be active as admin like they want me to/I got kicked from my department for being inactive" are some things I've heard from resigned admins. I'll keep them anonymous to protect their identity.

I can think of 100s of more ideas that can help the server but eh, I need to get back to work.
Dec 9, 2014
1)Stop giving helper positions out like candy.
2) Purge the entire helper team. There are helpers who can't even speak English.
3) Get rid of the "helper manager" position. Let senior admins+ recruit helpers and train them.
Jaim,i remember the helperr team when it was being held by you & Olaf

It was quiet like a sheep and everyone would speak proper & fluent english
Nov 27, 2017
How Ever I Hate Lawless Before Because I've Play On Other Server But
When I Tried It Its Too Beautiful And Not Strictly Hate Players
Thats Why I Played It For 2yrs But I Stop When My Account Didnt Not Take An
Action Because Niel Vaughn Retired And My Account Already Abandoned
But Now I Understand Your Situation Barney.

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