v1.3.35+ Core SA-MP Engine Update

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We are constantly looking to improve the server and community, if you have any suggestions then please post it in the suggestion forums or if you found any bug or problem with our server, then please post it in the bug forums.

We hope you are enjoying the frequent updates as we aim to make Lawless Roleplay a more smooth and better experience for everyone.

Revision 1.3.34 + Core SA-MP Engine Update
- /resetrobbery is now a HA+ command
- Removed Junior Admins from /helpers
- Updated YSI and amx_assembly
- Updated MySQL, Log Core and PawnCMD
- Fixed a bug with deleting radios
- Fixed an exploit where giving a player a weapon as passenger would let them drive by with invalid weapons
- Fixed a bug with gang saving variables
- Upgraded to latest SA-MP Engine for stability
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Chartered Old-School
Feb 28, 2017
First! I will read this. [Edit] Sounds good, helps to stabilize our game play, nothing core related, but very nice! As well as no red messages about AImbot and stuff to disturb us.
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