Two bombs have detected at Casino, be safe citizens of Los Santos

eric shmiter

Superiority Supreme
Nov 30, 2017


Two bombs have been detected near Casino where everyone is betting to gain money like crazy!
We will say everything about it right now.

A photo of the two bombs near Casino that have been detected.

These two bombs have been placed by a Mysterious person.
No one knows who placed it or why he/she placed it, the reason might be the addictive of drugs as he/she might placed it due to being under the influence of drugs.

A photo of the mysterious person who placed the bomb ((Special thanks to Theo Flleming who helped me))

Some people saw these bombs and they were terrified about them.
They were hiding and reporting to the police about these two bombs while they are shocked

They knew that it might blow up at any second, so they were hiding as been told above.

A photo of a civilian calling the Police Department to report about the incident ((Special thanks to Elijah Campiti for helping me))

A photo of a person hiding, since they people knew that the two bombs might blow up at any second ((Special thanks to Elijah Campiti for helping me))

After the people has reported the incident to the Police Department, the cops acted fast and went to the incident place as fast as they can.
A police officer has picked up the two bombs and tried to disable it, while the other cops led the civilians to a safe place away from the two bombs
, but unfortunately the bombs blew up and a civilian became injured as well as the police officer

A photo of the police officer that picked up the two bombs and tried to disable them ((Special thanks to Eddy Carlston for helping me))

A photo of the injured person that became injured after the explosion of the two bombs ((Special thanks to Elijah Campiti for helping me))

This is SANEWS giving you the reports and telling you, citizens of Los Santos to be careful and always report to the Police Department about such incidents like this to keep everyone and Los Santos safe.
This was Intern, Lend Howard
Author: Ariana Grande


Retired Admin
SAN News
Chartered Old-School
SAN High Command
Aug 17, 2013
Chief of Police Hank needs to invest more into the bomb squad - Only one officer on scene :eek: