News Let me explain

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Dear Lawless Roleplay,

Let me explain...

There have been multiple rumours over the past couple of months that Lawless Roleplay is closing down, dying or been abandoned by the management team.

The truth is I have been going through a really tough time in real life and just like you and everyone else, I too am human. In full honesty, I have been having a lot of problems in real life and on Lawless Roleplay. Though, instead of resolving these problems, I have been hiding from it, hoping it would all go away. However, you can only hide from something for so long before it catches up to you.

I love Lawless Roleplay and I love our community. I have made so many friends, learnt so many interesting things about different people, cultures and different countries. I have been able to use Lawless Roleplay as a platform to have fun with friends and random people all over the world. It's truly beautiful. And I honesty believe that Lawless Roleplay offers the best gameplay experience on SA:MP. I would never give up on Lawless Roleplay because of this.

This is why I am asking for your forgiveness regarding my inactivity and lack of action. I want to fix all the problems on Lawless Roleplay however I am just one guy with limited time and energy.

I understand that many of you think that you just "play" Lawless Roleplay but in my eyes you are more than just "players". As members of this community, I see you as partners of Lawless Roleplay. You are apart of this community and every second you have played here, you have helped shape and create it. So this is why I am here standing in front of you.. asking you to help me.. to help us get Lawless Roleplay back to it's glorious position at the top of SA:MP. Without your support and loyalty, I cannot improve this. I need you.

I will give everything I have and I will work very closely with the players and staff team to improve Lawless Roleplay. As long as I have your support and loyalty, Lawless Roleplay will never die.

The first thing you can do to help improve Lawless Roleplay is to fill out this survey (click here). This survey will help me capture all of your opinions and suggestions on how to improve Lawless Roleplay. I use this as a template on problems that need solving so it's important that you answer the survey.

In light of recent events, I have reinstated Joey as Assistant Management and Toompert as Management. Their roles will be mostly in-game focused and they will be aiming to solve problems directly in-game on the spot. Additionally, Jerome has been promoted to Assistant Management and will be continuing his work as Game Affairs director. Alfred has also been promoted to Head Admin and assigned as Director of Admin Personnel. Finally, I am working very closely with Adam on upgrading the anti-cheat to protect against a lot more hacks and to be more accurate.

This is only the beginning.


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Ryder Murdoc

Chartered Old-School
Sep 11, 2013
In my opinion it's too late, many people have left already. I gave away all my stuff and quit. I know alot of people who did the same just because of the state of the server. You can only endure that much there's a limit. The fun is gone too, like there are only a handful of oldschool players left ingame. Everything went down when people like @Robin @Wesson @Ronnie Pearce @Leiionidas @Amri left.
and you sold us out to al.. i quit the game when the only woman left us


Retired Admin
Nov 14, 2014
We are almost done with digging our own grave. We better just continue with digging, no point to go back. The plants already died.

or: ur too late :D :D :D :D :D
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May 1, 2013
Here's my two cents, do whatever you wanna do with it.

I started playing SAMP back on the ***** after they split from ng:rp. Built a notorious name as DM'er and cheater and whatever comes with it, you name it and I've been there and done it. The server back then was filled with corrupt fucks that would get their e-dick hard when they would punish someone or get someone banned. If you were in the enemy gang/faction or an admin had a personal grudge against you and your mates - you WOULD be fucked... It was just a matter of time. So Leii, Shock and Barney made Lawless - I still remember "There is a storm coming" campaign, brilliant.

So Lawless was created and ddosed and what not, a place where rogues like me and the other _Ramcharans could be the thugs we were. Everyone loved the new environment with things like"As less as possible admin intervention" and a general "no bitching/crying" attitude. There were GREAT updates (notoriety, land system, gang bandana's) which made Lawless unique and got it a dominant position.

I became an admin and even was management for 2 years, together we reached our player peak. With or without bots, I'll leave that in the middle - fact is we had a chill attitude and there were never any reports open. We were like friends even-though we would argue from time to time. I remember how mainly you and Leii would handle staff and would relax us and make sure we all cool and were focused on the goal: making everyone feel at home at lawless. Yes there were rulebreakers, yes there were hackers (and they always will be) but at least the admins then knew the hacks as they used them themselves and could really judge in regards to hacks. Lawless was a place that was offering people a chance.

It is really easy to point fingers and I understand that one does not want to play a game for around 10 years - so I understand you being inactive and what not. BUT before you can do other things you have to capable people that excel in their subject. I understand that you have trust issues, I really do especially in the gaming branche (Gta) where there are a lot of scams and frauds. Back then you had quality and player friendly admins, you've had a LOT of scripters (Charpnks, Lilly, Joey Tucker & Jack Shred, RedOne, RedPill McGee and the list goes on). But yet we've failed to produce a proper update since ages... No one is interested in a better streamer, optimized script and all that technical bull. Let me say it clear, like I said it on ts: 'THEY WANT NEW UPDATES TO PROVIDE THEIR SHORT TERM NEEDS'. You only trust yourself and you're right on that - always keep an eye on everyone. But it doesn't mean because you scripted a backdoor in the *** script that every programmer will do the same in the lawless script. That being said, you need to work on your trust - people are people and people made mistakes, make mistakes and will keep making mistakes. Deal with it.

You've made numerous of false promises - people remember that, they're not as stupid as you think they are. And this mentality has somehow transformed and has been adopted by the admin team. But people have pointed this out already, when you have incapable people like *** on the top it is no wonder the entire team is shit. Let me get it clear, I have nothing personal against *** - you're a good fella. But I know you will take this personal and somehow will act like you don't care but if I would play the game I would be fucked over because of this. You wouldn't directly fuck me over, but you would let a lower admin spec me and intern you would make admins focus on me. And THIS is exactly what we ran from in 2013, this is why Lawless was created. 90% of the team doesn't know what Lawless stands for and WHY it was created - no wonder they can't carry it over it to the players.

You asked me a few months ago to come back and make a change, I came back, couldn't make a change and failed. I went inactive and I'll tell you why, it wasn't Barney this time. It was the general attitude and the lack of ability to judge independently, to make a change I had to know what exactly was the problem people were having. So I talked with players, like 20 or so. I wrote down all problems they were having, small and big things everything that was on their heart. Players acknowledge there was a problem, so did Barney and so did I - but not the admins. Some admins like Sharpe provided really good feedback and acknowledged there were things that need to be improved. So I worked my way up and came to *** (Mangement)- according to him nothing was wrong and everything was going perfect. I was like wow, what world do you live in - absolute no idea what is going on within the community.

Another thing that was bothering me a lot was the MAZE of rules, admins AND players can't almost breath, they are suffocating because of the amount of rules and other bullshit. These two main things were the reason I jumped off ship, I am not going to put my time and effort in a sinking ship while there is someone who has proven to be incapable (not barney, john or toompert). Someone who knows a lot about the server, but is not a leader without a backbone and absolute no clue how to manage a team of PEOPLE, keyword PEOPLE.

So Barney, what does Lawless has to do in MY opinion in order to become top dog again:

- Trust people and don't make false promises and put your head in everything
- Purge the admin team, keep John, Toompert, Alfred, Obie, Dado and Franz.
- Get Shock to get active again (sick programmer) and fucking implement his stuff (coins stuff!)
- Get Leii again to get the relaxed vibe back again
- Get a proper development team (and hire them as admin as a reward)
- Make up your mind, whether to make it a chill server with almost no admin intervention or make it another bitch rp server with crybabies all over the place

If you ever need some hands let me know - after all Lawless gave me the opportunity to develop myself. This is meant a critism to make Lawless better. I still believe Barney is a good person at heart, but he let himself go over time. Barney doesn't deserve all the hate he is receiving right now, he gave us a place where we could create memories and did.

Will edit over time. @Barney


Vinay Ramcharan
Sales Manager Ziggo Zakelijk
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