Johnny Vincre for mayor? (article writer: Xathas Sunfell)

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Dec 22, 2015

Johnny Vincre Running For Mayor Again?
Greetings Los Santos! Some of you may remember me from about a year ago when I wrote about Johnny Vincre's exciting and daring race for his shot at becoming the new mayor! Sadly, things did not pan out well, but we learned a lot from the poll we took at that time. Enough about me, on to the story.

This week I got the chance to come along with Mr. Vincre to his rallies, and I've got to say - Exciting stuff! Below is a picture I took of him giving a speech in the City Hall.

(Johnny Vincre giving his speech.)

Over forty people attended this speech! What a turnout! Thank again to all those supporters out there!

On another note, Johnny organized a rally in the front of All Saints General Hospital. Johnny brought in the attention of many young citizens who supported him. We took many pictures of the event, here's one of them!


Popular public opinion shows that the people of Los Santos really stand up for change, and Johnny promises he can bring exactly that. I myself wouldn't mind seeing the police do their job more effectively! Johnny promises to maintain his ideals from the last time he tried running for mayor, such as cleaning up the corrupt side of Law Enforcement and lowering taxes. On the topic of our fine government-funded departments, here's pictures of Johnny meeting all of the most powerful men in Los Santos.


(John Jack, LSFMD Commissioner)
Here Johnny is meeting his good friend John Jack. Him and John grew up on the streets together.


(Tyrone Coleman, Director of the F.B.I - Also has a magnificent beard!)
Johnny shakes Tyrone's firm hand before they go out for lunch.


(Martin Soprano, recently instated Chief of Police. And heavy drinker!)
Johnny meeting Chief Soprano for the first time, discussing corruption amongst the ranks and how it can be cured.


(Supervisory Agent Duster endorsing Mr. Vincre)
Agent Duster showing his support for Mr. Vincre's campain.

Mr. Vincre is also receiving financial support from an unknown organization who wish to keep their identities a secret. Johnny would like to thank all of you! Again, reporter Xathas here bringing you the best and only the best. Let us know what you thought of our article below!

Tyrone Coleman

Apr 22, 2013
Good job. You are doing exactly what the media does in terms of manipulating events to suit a particular purpose. My meeting with Mr. Vincre himself had nothing to do with a 'presidential campaign' but rather him surpassing the 'Trainee Agent' stage in the FBI. Either way, I love it!

P.S. Good job on praising the beard!
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Aug 18, 2014
Good job. You are doing exactly what the media does in terms of manipulating events to suit a particular purpose. My meeting with Mr. Vincre himself had nothing to do with a 'presidential campaign' but rather him surpassing the 'Trainee Agent' stage in the FBI. Either way, I love it!

P.S. Good job on praising the beard!
I see you're taking people for lunch these days. Have you forgotten about me??
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Aug 1, 2013
I support Johnny Vincre! I hope this goes somewhere and doesn't just die like most campaigns!
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