Dallas_Slash's Helper Application

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Jul 18, 2014

Helper Team Application

1. Personal Information
1.1 - Full Name:
Dallas Slash

1.2 - Age:

1.3 - Timezone:
GMT +5:30 (OC)

1.4 - Country of residence:

1.5 When did you join the community?:

1.6 From scale of 1 to 10, how are your English and grammatical skills?:


2. Examination Background
2.1 Why would you like to become a helper?:
I want to help others. I have played here for quite some time but did a little to help others. I want to build a prominent image as a staff member. I genuinely want to help needy people and give back to the server. I want to deliver the best and accurate help which new players truly deserve.

2.2 Why should we choose you over the other applicants?:
I have been playing here for 4 years now. I have a lot of experience and I am familiar with almost all the aspects of gameplay. I have a mature demeanour along with good communication skills. Nowadays I am very active and always ready to help. Not to forget that I have been a helper numerous times.

2.3 What are you current Qualifications?:
-Good communication skills


3. Background Check

3.1 Security Information (/stats):

3.2 - Activity Status (How active are you in hours)?:
At least 4 hours

3.3 - Past Name(s):
Dallas Canterville
Napoleon Bonaparte/Manzoni
Inamul Manzoni
Inamul Cool

3.4 - Do you have any experience (Roleplay):
Yes, a lot.


4. Administrative Background Check

4.1 - Do you have any active DM warnings?:

4.2 - Have you ever been DM warned?:

4.3 - Have you ever been Admin Jailed?:

4.4 - Have you been Admin jailed / warned in the past month?:

4.5 - Have you ever been banned?:

4.6 - Have you ever been a helper before?:
Yes. I have been a Junior Helper under Marcus, Grizzly and Martin Soprano several times. I was also a Senior Helper under Marcus but was removed due to inactivity.

4.7 - Screenshot of /punlist
No punishments.


5. Contract Agreement
  • Everything in the Helper subforum is confidential and cannot be leaked, any leaks will lead to being blacklisted from the admin team.​
  • Remain professional at all times. Being a helper means being a role-model for the rest of the players.​
  • Remain active and assistant whenever you can around the map, do not ignore players that ask for your help.​
  • Camp newbie spawn whenever you have some free time.​
  • Never rulebreak. The slightest rulebreak will lead you to an immediate removal.​
  • When you see an incoming helpme request, do not accept it as a PM or refer it to the newbie chat. If you can’t find a Senior Helper on /c, accept it as a PM and meet up with the player if necessary.​
  • Senior Helpers NEVER accept help requests as a PM. Only /accepthelp for private assistance.​
  • Helpers do not warn abusers over the newbie chat, ignore them and let the admins deal with it (Senior Helpers mute where necessary).​
  • Agreeing to this contract you confirm to have skype downloaded and working.​
  • Agreeing to this contract you confirm to have teamspeak downloaded and working.​
5.1 - Do you agree with these terms & conditions?:

5.2 - Do you meet the requirements set?:

5.3 - Do you agree that the information provided is accurate and true?:

5.4 - Signed:
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