Administrative changes and helper manager applications

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Administrative Changes

The administration team has been working hard on a new system that ensures players are fully satisfied with their interactions with the administrative team.

We have decided that senior players, developers and mappers are members of the staff team – this opens our spectrum of assistance during decision making. It also allows leaders within the different departments to show their skill and then slowly rise through the ladder - this closes the gap between administration and normal players. After all, this is a server made by players for players.

Another new department is the senior and junior staff positions. Senior staffs are people who normally run big teams of people and projects whereas staff members are administrative members of said projects. The difference between staff and administrators is that staff members run projects and have more in-game access than their official access levels. For example, Gerdeman is considered a level 3 administrator but yet has level 4 admin in-game to be able to fulfil his duties.

This allows players to get the best quality of interaction with administrators and staff members. It also acts as a huge thank you to those who work tirelessly in maintaining and helping the server grow by giving them recognition.

This is just one of the few steps we take at Lawless Roleplay to support you - the players...

View the new administrative roster here.

Helper Manager Position

A new job position is now available to all current senior players called – Senior Player Manager. This position entitles the manager to recruit, maintain and assist the senior players. If you are interested in this position then please send me a private message describing how you will change the senior player team, why we should pick you and general information such as time zone and age. There is no format so take this as a challenge to your creativity!

friday is big update day


Apr 16, 2013
I like the updates. Might be interested in SP Manager as well.

Jason Delon

May 19, 2013
Jason Delon
Sounds great Barney, guess it's gonna be a tough fight for the Manager position.
May 1, 2013
Good luck seniors!

I have to admit I love the way this server is getting managed.

They actually make their promises come true, you guys deserve an applause. Keep up the good work!
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