Lawless Roleplay


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It's been such an amazing THIRD YEAR birthday for us. With the release of the third year storm update and the countless events held in-game and on other networks. We broke our max players online record on the Wednesday 20th April 2016 with a full server of 200 players!

This is the first time in the history of Lawless Roleplay that we have hit our maximum player count... a full server!

This is because of your contribution, loyalty and strength behind the community. You have supported us over the year above and beyond what I could imagine or want - we really appreciate it. Without your consistent feedback, guidance and loyalty - we would not be where we are today. You've always been here for us and we continue to enjoy and extend our relationship with you and hopefully create many more in this upcoming year.


Federal Bureau of Investigation Leadership Applications

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Why public applications?

After long discussions within the Faction Management department, we've agreed that change was needed regarding FBI. It seems that the past few leaders we've chosen have gone nowhere and lasted no time. We'd like to try something different to help us in the process of choosing someone for this position. We're hoping the use of applications will bring new faces to our attention and show us potential that has gone unnoticed.

How will applicants be chosen?

All applications will be reviewed by Einstein personally and then forwarded to the faction management team for comments and further input. We'll give each application a score based upon your English skills, knowledge of the server, knowledge of the faction, past record of service, past record of rulebreaking, and your activity. Once we have our scores...​

Update! A Three Year Storm | Server Update v1.0.19

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The third year of the storm

When we opened Lawless Roleplay 3 years ago, we sailed the storm to create a community that was built on a solid foundation. The foundation consisted of a staff team that worked for the players to constitute a community made by the players, for the players. This foundation has resonated throughout SA-MP and we have set the gold standard.

Exactly 1,093 days ago - on the 19th April 2013 - myself, @Shock and @Leiionidas opened the gates to the server. We set out a mission statement and promised to always abide by it. We were congratulated by having over 150 players online in our first 24 hours which was contaminated with technical issues until the 22nd April 2013. This past year, we've had numerous server updates, a new admin structure, new admin departments, welcomed @Toompert...

Update! Server Update (April Fools)

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Our mission statement to you...
Lawless Roleplay is, and always, will be a community first and a game server second. We are dedicated to fostering an environment with a member-centric approach where all players have equal potential for in game success and community recognition.

Why play here?
Lawless Roleplay was originally founded on the principle that all players should rise or decline based on the actions of the person behind the player. We feel that success should be determined by a players actions and talents and not the whim of an administrative team. We have great code. We have great staff. We have great players. But most importantly we have a vigilant regard for your potential.

Is this a roleplay server?
We have worked to provide many...

The Public Relations Team

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The Public Relations Team

Hello Lunatics,

This is an announcement to inform you of the revival of the public relations team. From this coming Monday the entire social media side of Lawless Roleplay will be refilled with events with prizes for you, the players, to get your hands on. Our events will be hosted primarily on our main facebook page. Some events may be hosted on other platforms, such as our steam group (details below) We thank you for your patience and we promise to host up to 8 events a week! So, get those social networks open!

We have a lot of...
Join Lawless Roleplay

Join Lawless Roleplay

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Status Updates

shuk wrote on Leinard's profile.
happy birthday young kells yawa gang
from:danny yawa
Marcellus wrote on Krizia's profile.
JeremyS wrote on Troy Thane's profile.
How to join gang
Troy Thane wrote on ScarLuciano's profile.
JeremyS wrote on Troy Thane's profile.
Where to mod my sultan

Forum statistics

Latest member