ARTICLE SAN News: The Return!

The Return!
A SAN News article

Author: Abel Lloyd
Date: 11th May 2021
Tags: News, The return, SAN News

Photo taken at 23:32 by Ace Trillville


COVID-19 hit Los Santos hard last year, thousands of people were getting infected every day and hundreds of them were dying in hospitals, this pandemic forced government to increase the budget of LSFMD by a big chunk. While cases per day were getting smaller and smaller, some of the factions were left behind. The crime rate significantly increased due to LSPD and the FBI being underfunded, which lead to an even bigger economic crisis, which put SAN News workers in terrible conditions: No masks provided, vehicles needed maintenance, and lastly, journalists weren't getting paid. This leaded SAN News faction members to go on a strike and close down the faction. On the 19th of October 2020, Ex- Network Director Mr. Marcello passed the letter of closure to the government, therefore the faction was closed, leaving no news agency behind. After months of fighting COVID-19, our brave medics and scientists made it possible to finally put end to the pandemic in our city. Now, all of the factions are getting on their feet and SAN News is one of them!


Weekly events?

Oh yeah! Aren’t you excited after reading this? We, the SAN News Public Relations team is promising to bring weekly events for just you guys! The event details would be shared few days before the event is scheduled by our lovely Editor & Public Relations Commander Mr. Garrix Beka. Unlike before, our monthly event budget has been increased! Now the winners get higher amount of prize when they win! So good luck in advance!


What’s new?

Change #1) According to the government, the maximum amount we got paid was $20.000. Where 75% would go to the Author and 25% goes to the proofreaders ($15,000 for Authors & $5.000 for proofreaders). The SAN News is now back, given $30,000 in total. This will be divided according to the rules below.
  • 80% for the author ($24,000)
  • 20% for the proofreaders ($6,000)
Change #2) The monthly event budgets were quite low and the costs were high, this was because of the lack of interest from the government under Mayor Phife. This ended up being participants showing a lack of interest in the events and slowly none took part except the ones suffering from poverty. The current tax system is stable and therefore the prices are likely to go down and thus we’ve still increased our events budget! And guess what? The winners now get high prizes when they win! They win an event and we win their hearts!

Change #3) The city of Los Santos is not safe at all, the current gang fights, robberies, and everything has caused a lot of harm to its economy and environment, tourist are rejecting to explore Los Santos, just because of the unsafe environment. It is the responsibility of SAN News to re-call all the tourists by showing them the best places on their articles, new channels, and live broadcasts! For that, we need a safety bulletproof vest in case any emergency occurs! The current light-vest only provides us with 50 armor, while the new medium-vest provides us a total of 75 armor! For the safety of SAN News!


Hiring Journalist!

Are you thinking of becoming a Journalist? Excited to be famous? Excited to come on television and newspapers? Willing to broadcast news? And even willing to explore the city? Then yes, you’re dreams can now come true, you can become a part of well-respected and well-organized SAN News Agency! What are you waiting for? You can apply to become a part of our agency via our Application section. All you need to do is apply and be patient while a Human Resources Commander looks on your application! Remember, you must meet the requirements before you can apply!


Looking to advertise your product?

Our advertisement agencies are those who keep us alive, we are always willing to advertise your products on your channel. The current packages go as follow.
  • A sponsored message during a non-emergency broadcast - 2.000$
  • Live interview with the owner of the good/service – 4.000$
  • Advertisement placed on a non-emergency article* – 7.000$
  • Whole article advertising the good or service** – 30.000$
  • Business Pack: Whole article** + Live interview + Sponsored message – 40.000$ (Saves a total of $3.000)

    A) Contact any SAN News member on duty, ask him if it's possible to pay for a promotion, and if he accepts, proceed with the payment, either cash in hand, or a wire transfer.
    B) Send a mail to [email protected] ((contact me in forums)), and arrange the promotion and the payment at your discretion.
    (With special thanks to @Marcello for the system.)


A promising note from the Network Director Abel Lloyd

To whom it may concern.

Greetings citizens,

Hope you all are doing well in this current pandemic, which has caught us all in one hand. Those who are reading this, may you all be safe from it. Alright, so let’s get back to the point. SAN News Agency has nearly always been closed; therefore, it is because of no strong Director could handle it and because of the lack of efforts from the government previously. Right now, I stand in the position to give you guys my promise. Not mine, ours. We, as a whole SAN News department is willing to fulfill our duties and give out the best and true news to our Los Santos Citizens. We not only convey Los Santos news but also have the access to Angel Pine, from now on you will be able to receive news from Angel Pine while sitting behind your televisions. Currently, we’re working on a lot new things as the new government has given us an increase in everything. We promise you guys that we won’t let you guys down, we will be hosting active events, hosting live interviews, and brining up amazing and well-written articles and newspaper at your homes. The first main goal of ours is to reach out at least 1 or 2 articles, full of mysteries and exciting news. We plan to do our best for San Andreas, we’ve asked the government to provide us a new headquarter in Angel Pine, which would help us convey news faster than ever before. I would like to wish you all best of the luck for future, stay safe and healthy!


Network Director

Abel Lloyd​

@Levi (Ace Trillville) - Photos
@Beka_McDonald - Minor editor
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