Saint Patrick's Day 2020

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It's Saint Patrick's Day everyone! Lucky, we have loads of events planned out for you to enjoy this magical day! So what are you waiting for? Tidy your green shirt, grab your shamrocks and your gold, put on your clover-leaf top hat and head out on this journey to test your fortune! Buckle up your seatbelts cause we are about to host this community event on March 17!



Having the title of Lucky the Leprechaun's favourite elf is something that all of his followers dream of having, they have agreed on settling this in the only way possible, having a good ol' brawl where only the strongest will last!


Players will receive the following weapons for the event.


Time: 17th of March, 2020
11:30 Server Time

Reward: Custom User Title



Treasure Hunters have hit the jackpot and have found loads of treasure but the Leprechauns want them nowhere near the treasure! It's Leprechaun vs Treasure Hunters! Who will hail victorious?! We will find out soon!


Players will receive the following weapons for the event.


Time: 17th of March, 2020
12:30 Server Time

Reward: Tier 1 Business



It's time to bring out our rides and race to the end of the rainbow, who knows what it might take us to?!


Time: 18th of March, 2020
11:30 Server Time

Reward: Tier 2 Vehicle



There are 3 pots filled with treasure hidden somewhere in Los Santos but can you find any of it? Or do you possess the power to find all 3 of them at the same time?! It's time to put your detective skills to test and hunt for the treasure! Once you do, snap a picture with that pot of treasure and send it to @Orlando.


Time: 18th of March, 2020
12:00 Server Time

Reward: 30,000 Materials and Full Weapon Set



A special day calls for a special costume! So bring your green hat and bring your beard and don't forget your pot of gold! Take a snap and send it to @Orlando via forum PM.

The results will be announced after a week.

Reward: NRG-500



Lucky the Leprechaun lost his way while returning home from an adventure, but that's a piece of good news for him! It gave him a brand new opportunity to get out of his current mini-sized comfort zone and look for a bigger one hence, he's on a hunt for new land that's well designed for him, so do your best in helping this leprechaun! In order to get him to notice your wondrous lands, snap a pic and send to it @Orlando via a forum PM.

The results will be announced after a week.

Reward: House + 20,000 Materials



Lucky the Leprechaun took all of his treasure and took off from his land before the Treasure Hunters could get there, but in all the chaos he caused while collecting all the treasure, he left behind two of the most priceless items. When the Treasure Hunters got there, they were shocked to find nothing, but the two identical items. As the value for these items could not be determined, the Treasure Hunters decided to choose two lucky hunters who would take these items home with them!

How to enter the giveaway?
For those of you who have no idea about how to enter a giveaway and are participating in one for the first time, here's how you enter the giveaway:
  1. Login through any social media account, but bear in mind that you can only enter once using each social media account. The social media platforms choices that this giveaway offers are: Email, Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud and Twitter.
  2. There are four ways to enter the giveaway, the more ways you enter through, the higher your chances become to win the giveaway.
  3. Once the giveaway reaches its deadline, it will get closed automatically and will choose an entry itself. Whoever has that entry will win this lucky giveaway!
In order to participate, click on the image below:

The giveaway will start on 17th March 2020, GMT+1 and will end on 24th March 2020, GMT+1.

Reward: 30 days Rose for 2 people.



That's right! Special giveaways will be held on Facebook every once in two days for a week, make sure you keep an eye out there and participate in order to win!

The giveaways will start on 17th March 2020 and will end on 24th March 2020.

Reward: Random Prizes



Double XP will be enabled on the celebration of St. Patrick's Day!



Public Relations - Orlando Flocka | Events Coordinator
Administrator Team
Multimedia Team


Head Administrator
Old-School 2014
Apr 30, 2014
Double XP is now enabled in-game, join us and do not forget to invite your friends!
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