'Respect like a Gentleman!' - Dice Event Battle!

Ariana Grande

Red-Headed Stepchild
Apr 18, 2015


Sanews Official Article

Welcome to
Sanews article section! We are proud to say that our event: 'Respect like a Gentleman' was a twist in the plot style event! It will be very interesting to share this wonderful experience with the citizens of Los Santos. Never the less, stay tuned to read this article and let me know what should be done next!

What do you mean by 'Respect like a Gentleman'?

The above quotes is to remind the common man that when you are in an intense competition, never ever loose your head. Just like a kind gentleman outside the casino with prim and proper outfit standing bankrupt has no face of anger, the very same it is recommended to be a good sport during such events.

Was there any 'such event'?

Yes, there was a
dice event event conducted on this. There were many people gathered inside the Sanews Headquarter that is located in Vine-wood.
This time around the prize was interesting. According to the initial plan, one winner would take home $30,000. Indeed, its a large sum of money for any common man in Los Santos but remember that enjoying an event should be the first objective besides taking part in an event only for the prize.

How was the crowd?

The crowd was again a good sport, but the participants were so good that they did not allow any evil to enter and spoil our show. This time around I enjoyed the crowd who were willing to hang around till the end for the results after their disqualification.

The Event description:

The first round of the dice event started off with the common command, i.e :
"On rolling the dice, the even number candidates will be disqualified"


-Initial number of participants

The lines were neatly prepared and were standing in a straight line. The
discipline level was exceptional. In this round many candidates will eligible for the second round.

second round had a good number of candidates and the common command for all was:
"On the rolling the dice, the odd number candidates will be disqualified"


-Candidates after the first round, ready for round two!

It was a surprise that many of the candidates were disqualified and only six were remaining.
So much so happened that three out of the
six had an emergency call and they left the event. So, we were left with three candidates and they were:
  • Sasha Putin
  • Daniel Griffin
  • Grayson Lacroix
They seemed to be like perfect gentlemen waiting for the third round!


-Participants at the start of round three

The common command for the three candidates was:

"On rolling three dice, the numbers will be added. The person who gets the highest number wins the event!"

I was so shocked that the three participants
got the same numbers. The number was eleven!
Since I had $30,000, we decided on sharing the money among these three people.
It was a co-incidence and a twist!

Sanews is proud to get the opportunity of conducting events and interact with different people of Los Santos. We promise to bring more events and I highly recommend you to be a good sport so that you too will enjoy the event along with us! Remember to stay awesome and have a nice day!

Thank You,
Network Director -
Ariana Grande.

((Keep the comments/replies role-play in nature.))



Retired Admin
Mar 26, 2016
I suicided after losing, You are responsible!!