New Guidelines for Administrative Complaints

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Old-School 2015
Jul 7, 2016

Hey everyone,

We would like to inform you of an important rule update regarding the submission of administrative complaints. Until now, players were not required or obligated to provide evidence to support their claims in most cases. However, moving forward, it is now mandatory to provide sufficient evidence to support your complaint along with a detailed explanation of the situation and what occurred during your interaction with the administrator. We understand that this may come as a surprise, but providing us with as much information as possible can help us improve the quality of your complaint and expedite our handling of it. We recognize that there may be instances where evidence is not readily available, but we kindly request that you provide all relevant information to the best of your ability.

Moving on to in-game death-match reports, players are advised to report immediately when they are being shot at or feel that something may go wrong. This is because the administrator needs to witness the situation and have their own evidence before issuing any punishment. Reporting for death-match 5 minutes later or expecting to be teleported to a specific location with the other player is not possible as the administrator needs to spectate the situation beforehand.

Lastly, if an administrator has not spectated beforehand or has no evidence, you will likely be redirected to the forums. Please note that this does not mean that the administrator is biased or not being helpful, it simply follows our guidelines. When redirected to the forums, you must submit an actual complaint instead of asking the administrator for his evidence or using Discord messages to do so, or any other platforms, the only exception may be if your video contains something confidential or something similar to that.

Thank you for your attention and understanding regarding these matters.
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