Parties and flashy gifts are not the only parts of Christmas. It all comes down to being open-hearted and forgiving.
After all, this is a joyful time of the year! This Christmas, we should all celebrate not because of the amazing food or beautiful gifts, but instead because of the company of our loved ones!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

From the Lawless Roleplay Staff, as a gift for Christmas, anyone who logs in on Christmas day (December 25th) will receive seven days of IVY Donator for free!

We all know that Santa Claus only visits once a year and that he does it at night while we are all asleep.
However, this year, he has chosen to make his visit more enjoyable by holding an event that he has dubbed "avoid Santa's sleigh"
Time: December 17th | 15:00
Prize: House

We're going to host daily Hunted events throughout Christmas with random prizes and there will be 2XP all day for New Year day!
Time: 13-17:00 Every Day
Prize: Random Prizes

We can't call it Christmas when there's no snow fight.
Practice, the winner gets it all!
Time: December 18th| 14:00
Prize: Ivy for 30 days!

Word got around in the city of Los Santos that the Grinch was back and planning to steal gifts and decorations on Christmas night!
Santa needs your help!
Time: December 19th | 16:00
Prize: Infernus

This is your chance to ask Santa for that one item you've always wanted!
Reply below with it!
Prize: The item you reply with!
End Time: December 24th | 00:00

The Christmas minigames are back, but not in the same location..
The same as last year you can play up to seven minigames, where you can win coins by completing them and then get random rewards from the Christmas gift shop...
The Christmas minigames, the gift shop and the Christmas Raffle are located near the headquarters of Los Santos Police Department

- The Location of the Mini-Games and of the Christmas Raffle -
- Christmas Minigames -

- The location -

Crate Fall Challenge
Crates are used as a platform for the players to stand on.
As the crates slowly begin to fall, they knock any players standing on them off the platform and into definite death.
To be the last person remaining, you must leap and weave through the falling crates!
Climbing Mini-game
As we all know this one is the game that made us every year to rage..
It'll be playable this year as well.
One of our favourite minigames of all time!
We had to bring it back this year!
Maze 2
An upgrade of the first "Maze"!
Finish it and win some coins..
Color Match
This one is for those who are good with colours; it's also one of our favourites, right after "Maze."
Ship Wars
Another one of my particular favourites is a ship race, in which you must destroy the opposing team in order for your ship to move quicker.
Hay Climbing
Same as the "Climbing Mini-Game." it always makes us rage.. but it gives the most coins if you complete it!

These are the incredible gifts that you can purchase using the coins you earned from playing the minigames.

This year, Santa needs your assistance to finish delivering all of the Christmas gifts on time.
With each present you assist Santa in delivering, you are immediately entered into a Santa Claus giveaway!
The more you contribute, the more opportunities you have to win!
You have a huge task ahead of you, but the presents will be stunning and extremely valuable, so get ready!
Only the top five Santa's helpers will receive one of the following prizes!!
1st: 1x Small Land + NRG-500 -

2nd: Tier 2 Business - Imported House -

3rd: IVY DONATOR 30 Days - Tier 3 Vehicle -

4th: Dynamic Door - NRG-500 -

5th: - Rose Donator 30 Days - Mountain Bike -

The quickest to finish the minigames will get one of the prizes stated below!
Rules: Screen-shot the moment you complete one of the minigames (It must show the time as well) and reply with your In-game name below.
Starting Date: December 16th 2022
Ending Date: January 7th, 2023
1st: Tier 2 Business
2nd: Dynamic Door
3rd: Ivy Donator for 30 days!

Mister Grinch is on a mission to steal Christmas and murder Santa's Little Helpers!
You better hide!
Time: December 27th | 13:00
1st: Dynamic Door
2nd: 250,000$ + Jetpack
3rd: 150,000$ + Full Weapon Set

Let's see who is the best helper!
I got my money on Santa's Little Helpers! :-D
Time: December 21st| 17:00
1st: 500,000$ + 25,000 Materials
2nd: 250,000$ + 50 grams of each drug (Including Meth)
3rd: 150,000$ + Full Weapon Set

The Grinch has been searching for Santa; he needs a guardian to keep him safe.
Present yourself for a chance to become the next bodyguard for Santa!
Time: December 25nd | 12:00
1st: 100,000 materials
2nd: 50,000 materials
3rd: 25,000 materials

Throughout Christmas, there will be many social media giveaways, don't forget to participate to win those wonderful prizes!
Facebook Giveaway Prize
17/12/2022 - 20/12/2022: Full weapon set + 100g each drugs (Meth max. 30g)
23/12/2022 - 26/12/2022: 50,000 materials.
29/12/2022 - 31/12/2022: 300,000$ cash.
Instagram Giveaway Prize
50,000 Materials + 100g of each drug (including meth!)
Discord Giveaway Prize
200,000 Materials + LRP Christmas 2022 Role in LRP Discord Server

The Lawless Roleplay team encourages you to follow, like, and subscribe to our social media pages! The benefits of supporting our social media are significant as we host constant giveaways for our players. If you like, follow, or subscribe to our social media pages, you are the first to see our competitions!

Public Relations
Administrative Team
Whole Lawless Community
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