Mayoral Election - January 2021

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Old-School 2014
Apr 25, 2014

San Andreas Mayoral Election
A San Andreas News article

Author: Rock Howard
Date: 26/01/2021
Tags: Mayor, Government, Los Santos
Disclaimer: Warning: the following paper may include violent rated graphical images. Viewer discretion is advised.




The image of the first page of "Los Santos Daily" of 20/01/2021. Copyright by LSD editorial.
The city of Los Santos has requested, after a very long lapse of time, the citizens' attention about a very delicate manner: voting for the next first citizen. The government has been lead by Mayor Phife for long, and due to health conditions, he has decided to fill the resignation papers, thus finishing his career as Mayor and retiring to private life. Sources say that this is also due to the rising protests and riots which occured lately, especially last year's riot against the Los Santos Police Department's new Chief of Police (who also covered a high position in the government itself), and the more recent protest against the mayor itself, defined as a "thief".

After the presentation and the rise of three main political parties, one democratic, one republican, and one simil-libertarian, the tension between the citizens have skyrocketed and more than once, fights who also ended with lethal gun-wounds were born especially near the voting booth, near the City Hall entrance. As you may see there is a very high energy from the citizens themselves, who strongly (and somehow violently) support their candidate for the duty of mayor, perhaps because they are very eager to see if a new management can benefit the city of Los Santos in those harsh times.


Photograph of a small group of supporters. Photo taken by a SAN News member.

The Main Parties

As stated above, the current parties running for the government are three, and below will be a very brief description of the party and their goals for the city administration.

National Democratic Party
The party supports Ralph Splitzer as Mayor. Overall they are working for a higher wealth of the citizens by implementing small taxes for goods, for example LSPD's weapons which may be slightly taxed themselves, in order to increase paychecks for the lower class of residents. Furthermore, they are proposing a full legalization of "pot" plants, before illegal, and materials, which were illegal as well. They also propose on making the Sub-Machinegun MP5, used mainly by officers, available to the use of citizens for self defense. Finally, they've also enforced in their campaign that the Police Department will be more supervised and they will not hesitate on taking disciplinary actions on misconducting officers.

Republican Party
The party supports the ex-first citizenJoey Vincre as Mayor. Similar to the Democratic Party, they propose the legalization of medicinal herbs and materials, but instead of reworking the payments, they aim to rework the taxation system, by slightly increase taxes for the wealthiest part while lowering it significantly for the people who are not as wealthy. They also aim to follow closely all of the departments by increasing their payment and by punishing instantly their corruption, but also they aim to reintroduce a stable news station. Lastly, again like the other party, they plan to make more weapons available for the citizens, such as the Desert Eagle, and they would make the use of silencers allowed (of course, only for self-defense).

This party supports Nathan Maddox, ex-FBI leader, as Mayor. They are enforcing more intense support to the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department, by giving 50% of the funding to them, following up FBI and LSPD with the remaining 50%. The first two points they will be working on if elected will be a very close monitor of any public service worker for corruption, and most importantly a higher road safety by modifying the age at which the citizens can earn the driving license. They also plan for the decriminalization of all recreational drugs, however, they leave LSPD's discretion on how high should be the maximum amount. Finally, they plan to make the Sniper Rifle legal, stating that "50% of the people already own it".



This poster made by unknowns, doubting about the NDP's candidate.
Many have been the disputes which occurred between these days of the campaign, which involved mostly the first two parties. Below follows a list.
  • NDP's campaign budget scandal: The National Democratic Party hosts many giveaways for the citizens who have voted for the party. While the law doesn't specifically allow or forbid this, many citizens claim that this event is nothing but buying the voters, which by the constitution is not allowed. Furthermore, millions of dollars worth of goods are being given away, which makes us think that perhaps the funding may be lacking in so much cash was given away.​
  • LSFMD commissioner's assassination attempt: The Commissioner of the Los Santos Fire and Medical Dept. has soon reported to the authorities that he was caught into an assassination plan by a couple of FMD members, who voted indeed for the elephant. This hasn't been proved by the Police Department as of now which makes us think of an arbitrary arrest, but at the same time, it is unlikely that the commissioner did this for the sake of the Democratic Party, as he claimed to have voted for it.​
  • Threats of Unemployment: another fact by the NDP is that the high command of LSPD and FBI, oriented towards the Democratic Party, claimed that if their voted candidate will win the elections, there will be a "purge" from all of the people who have supported for the other side. Similar to what was written above, this is not constitutional and not something to be proud of. Evidence of these exist but they are still to be proven by the Court.​

Conclusion and Credits

The voting will close in more or less one day. We cannot provide accurate results as they are currently changing, nor would be useful to write who is the winning party as the difference of votes is very marginal and only a couple of votes can overthrow one party in favor of another. We will keep you updated as much as we can starting from tomorrow where the ballots will be read.

Proofread by Luke Marcello. Photographs by Rock Howard and Magnus Septim. Special thanks to the two candidates Ralph Splitzer and Joey Vincre for their constant participation on our live shows.

nathan maddox

Chartered Old-School
Oct 19, 2013
BEARGANG is and still remains the most neutral party, who doesn't dabble in conspiracies, bribes and anything else in between.
Controversy? -You won't see us apart of one!

It is such a shame, that the only party actually looking out for the betterment of people's lives, may not be able to fulfill its plans and promises.

Regardless of the outcome, BEARGANG is the winner on all fronts -- conduct, constitution, morality.


Aug 12, 2016
BEARGANG is and still remains the most neutral party, who doesn't dabble in conspiracies, bribes and anything else in between.
Controversy? -You won't see us apart of one!

It is such a shame, that the only party actually looking out for the betterment of people's lives, may not be able to fulfill its plans and promises.

Regardless of the outcome, BEARGANG is the winner on all fronts -- conduct, constitution, morality.
shut the fuck up gypsy
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