ARTICLE Federal training and their life after.

A SAN News Article
Author: Tyler Herbo
Date: 13/8/2021
Tags: Federal, Training, Lifestyle

We've all been wondering on how the federals are built the way they are seen publicly, and how life goes for them with such a heavy duty to fulfill and carry.
Fortunately, you came at the right place as we are here to give you a very exclusive article regarding to this topic.


First of all, let us all congratulate the new director of Federal Bureau of Investigation, Raz Barak who made such opportunity and experience possible!


Our team flew over to the Southwest side of Las Venturas which is known to be a desert as Director Raz Barak prepared something for two of his agents. However this preparation isn't a materialistic gift, but a hard training and an experience to remember.

Director Raz Barak: Agents, as you all know being apart of this department can get you in a lot of trouble sometimes, which is why the next part of your training will let your body withstand any type and amount of pain more than anyone can, or should get used to.. Do you see this structure over here? Go inside!
Agent Umar Malik: says Ten-Fou confidently.
Agent Allen: drips sweat from his forehead and neck then says Alright nervously.
Director Raz Barak: I'm currently holding a tear gas, this isn't really harmful but may give you some temporary pain. I will throw some in here and be sure to endure this for a minute with your masks off. Can you do that?!
Both Agents: Yes we can!!

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A minute passed by with both agent having a hard time to catch the breath they have lost from that experience, Agent Allen just had a harder time due to his age but ended up fine a few minutes after. However, this isn't the end of the training as there is 2 more courses..

Director Raz Barak: Agents, the next stage is going to test your stamina capabilities, Agent Umar stands at the left side of the car while Agent Allen stands at the other side. Your goal here is to not lose track of the car, run along side it even if I'm going quicker than normal. This will be up until I'm satisfied. No more talking let's begin!

They performed very well in this stage, I guess you won't be able to outrun a Federal in every situation, they are built for these moments like a track-star.​

Director Raz Barak: Now that's done, you know what's next right? In this stage, you will be shot with a taser. The spots will be at the upper back and the leg. If you're scared feel free to leave but know that you have nowhere to comeback! Understood?
Both Agents: screams Ten Four in sync

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Agent Allen and Umar both went down as the taser hits their leg, this was a terrifying experience for us to see as I won't be able to imagine such heights of pain just for a training session. This is something to be very proud of as a citizen of Los Santos.. Despite taking the taser shot on the leg, they had a very hard time recovering from the shot at the upper back.. It took them 10 minutes to properly get theirselves together. The training lasted until the morning and I was very happy to see and be apart of this moment.

In an interview Umar Malik and I had, he told me how a daily life of a federal goes. He stated that being a federal gave his life a very big turn as it isn't much related to his old profession. As a federal, he has to prevent robberies, raid any illegal spots, and help the police department in it's chase for wanted criminals. The work may sound easy, but he also get some death threats from gang members who they are against, but he just can't deny his duty.

Agent Umar Malik: We can't deny death, I can't lie that killing someone while on my mission is a scary sight for a normal person to see but I won't be able to sit home and be scared. I will serve the people of Los Santos until my last breath.

But let us forget the negative side, is that he is honored to have this job and to have a very great responsibility and task on saving and protecting the people of Los Santos, the task of maintaining peace throughout the city. It's a hard job to think so, but they really work wonders as a Federal.

Tyler Herbo: Most of federal information are kept confidential but we are lucky to have a chance to experience this and to share it with those people who come around for our articles!
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Old-School 2015
Jul 7, 2016
I got nothing but respect for every single agent out there.

I would also like to show my appreciation to the san andreas news department, to the cooperation of the news reporters who were fully professional during the entire process and managed providing us an amazing outcome!
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