COVID-19 in Los Santos


Retired Admin
Old-School 2015
Nov 10, 2017

COVID-19 in Los Santos.
A San Andreas News article



Date: 5th
April ,2020
Tags: COVID-19, Los Santos.


The source of the corona virus is believed to be a "wet market" in Wuhan which sold both dead and live animals including fish and birds. Such markets pose a heightened risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans because hygiene standards are difficult to maintain if live animals are being kept and butchered on site. Typically, they are also densely packed allowing disease to spread from species to species. The animal source of Covid-19 has not yet been identified, but the original host is thought to be bats. Bats were not sold at the Wuhan market but may have infected live chickens or other animals sold there. Bats are host to a wide range of zootonic viruses including Ebola, HIV and rabies.
At the moment, it has spread to nearly every country in the world since it first emerged in China at the beginning of the year.

((Source -

Steps taken by the Los Santos Government

The Mayor of the city of Los Santos, Mr. Jaspreet Howard has taken a decision right away, to impose a lockdown on the streets of Los Santos. This means that no one will be allowed to come out of their house unnecessarily. Our mayor has sent police units to patrol all over the city to teach the citizens the importance of maintaining social distances in this critical situation.
Since then, the obedient and disciplined citizens of Los Santos have minimized work and movement and are staying mostly in their homes.

The contrast of these typically busy locations, now devoid of life, is stunning:

((If you are viewing the online version, please click on the spoiler below for the images.))


(Paintball Arena.)


(The busiest main-road of Los Santos).

(The busiest work place, Material Pickup in Willowfield.)

(Big Ammunition Street.)


The role of Medical Department.

In a critical situation like this, one of the most active and important branches will always be the Medical Department of a region. In this light, we, the SAN News decided to have a cup of coffee and interview the Commissioner of the Medical Department, Mr. Tasos Greco. We had a live interview with him discussing about the extremely harmful Coronavirus, SARS-Cov-2.
Here are some pictures and words of Commissioner Greco, along with our Network Director, Luke Marcello.

((If you are viewing the online version, please click on the spoiler below for the images.))
((Credits - Mr. Tasos Greco and Mr. Luke Marcello.))

Marcello: Greetings Citizens of San Andreas, we've a special guest today, Commissioner of Los Santos Fire and Medical Department, Mr. Tasos Greco.

Greco: Hello Citizens, this is Tasos Greco.

Marcello: Mr. Greco is here with us to spread some awareness about the Coronavirus Pandemic, So, Mr. Greco, what would you like to say?

Greco: First of all I want to thank SAN news for providing this platform, Secondly I want to announce today that the number of cases in Los Santos has reached a toll of Seventy Four, and it's spreading like fire. Only you, the citizens of Los Santos, can help us fight this virus as it spreads with physical contact, you need to follow the instructions given by the Government. In the view of increase in number of cases, we are announcing a new division in FMD, the COVID division.

Marcello: What is COVID Division, Mr. Greco?

Greco: Well the COVID Division is consist of 4 FMD units, these units will always be available at All Saints Hospital, if anyone is suffering from this virus, they can come straight to the All Saints Hospital and get their selves vaccinated.

Marcello: This is a very good step, it must be appreciated!

Greco: Yes, we always try to give our best for the betterment of the city, I called a meeting with my my High Commands and they all agreed on this. This is it, all I want to say is we all need to work together in-order to fight this pandemic.

Marcello: Thank you, Mr. Greco, for your valuable time.
((Credits - Mr. Tasos Greco and Mr. Luke Marcello.))

We are really thankful for Mr. Greco for his valuable time with SAN News to spread awareness regarding the Coronavirus. He has taken a great step by introducing the ''COVID'' division, which will be ready 24/7 for the corona virus patients.

Apart from the commissioner, the members of the medical department are playing a key role in reducing the number of patients. This morning, I, as a SAN News member, visited the All Saints General Hospital to check out the situation. There I met Captain Pank. We had an interesting discussion regarding the pandemic. He stated that the doctors have forgot about their life, their families, their food, and are just working 24/7 to treat the patients with 100% care and effort. Which is a very appreciable work by the medical department.

((If you are viewing the online version, please click on the spoiler below for the images.))
((Credits - Mr. John Jack, Mr. Pank G Blaccwood, Mr. Sorrento Hood and Mr. Carlton Whitman.))

Nevertheless, we at SAN News request each and every citizen of Los Santos to stay in their home, and to not come out unnecessarily, at least for the sake of the doctors who are working such hard.
We appreciate and salute the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department and Los Santos Police Department for their hard work and dedication to keep Los Santos free from the pandemic. Also, not to forget the quick and great move taken by our beloved mayor, Mr. Jaspreet.


((I would like to thank @Pank G. and @john jack for this article.))
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