Announcement Trading news!


Greetings Lunatics!

Exciting news: we've heard your requests loud and clear, and after careful consideration, we're thrilled to announce that from now on you'll be allowed to sell, trade or buy LRP assets.

Please take a moment to go through the following points:
  • Trading in game properties for real life money is now allowed.
  • Trading in game cash for real life money is now allowed.
  • Trading in game accounts for real life money is now allowed.
  • Trading assets is at your own risk.
  • Players who have been banned for trading assets in the past can now submit a ban appeal and get unbanned.
  • Middleman has to be picked by both trading parties. (LRP administrators cannot be middlemen, for now.)
  • Lawless Roleplay team only covers donations made under our legal platforms.

If an account trade occurs, and the buyer impersonates the seller by keeping his name, titles, and any other formal positions, the account will be terminated forever. The seller must quit their titles and organizations before selling their account, the buyer must have enough money to change their name immediately.

The impact of this step will be under careful observation by our team, which is why rules may be added / adjusted / removed in the future.

Happy trading.


Old-School 2014
Nov 7, 2014
Free Steven Robinson
Free Steven Robinson,
For what? Do you really even know what actually happened why he has been banned and his entire netcafe? For your information, his friend admin Marlon was abusing his admin power to exploits mats (150m mats if im not mistaken) and share to his friends steven and his entire netcafe players. There's no reason to unbanned him noob.