The Closure: A letter to define the experience

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Retired Admin
Dec 25, 2017

((With the following, every denunciation should not be taken seriously and should not be directly addressed to anyone in charge of administration of the faction. De iure it might be their fault, de facto they have something else to think of, other than this.))


Dear citizens,

after 6 and a half months of being the leader of the San Andreas Network News agency (and that's why I enforce so much to say "It's SAN News", because the "N" should not be omitted), it has come the time for me to step down, and with me, all of the agency.

This is not the first time that happened, where the agency collapsed on itself after the leader's resignation (in this case) or removal, I witnessed that it happened once under my eyes as an executive and I've been told that it hasn't been the first time that this situation has happened. This is not something that I've wished to do, because this was one of my dreams, for me to see again this agency to rise, to keep citizens entertained and informed. However, the rising pressure and the poorer conditions of work made the job unsustainable, and it lead to this.
Below, a short summary of the two main reasons who lead to the decision.

I. The non-participation of the Government Authorities
The agency, which is technically under the power of the Gov't, had proposed many times improvements for the work experience. From masks and protections within the first months, still doomed by the plague affecting the city (March-April), to other improvements after the end of the pandemic in June. Those were to improve the work experience, not by asking whatever luxurious and useless gadget, but the ability to have government-issued badges and the ability to coordinate ourself with the Bureau and the Police Department. Those requests have fallen into the void, unfortunately. Not to mention the cash spent to make a podcast room which was used twice, without the consent of none. When we also requested for a modernization of the structure, also in terms of safety, we've been told that "the engineer lost the project". Not something which increased our morale.

II. Void promises
By law, the minimum amount which can be paid to an author for an official article was 20.000$. We fixed more or less unofficially this sum, where 75% goes to the author, and 25% goes to whoever proofread the article, which could've been also the author itself thus getting 20.000$ for a complete written production. We've been funded with a generous sum only once in the occasion of easter, and that has been the last time we've been paid an extra for what we have done. ANY other payment we have received has been made due to legal contracts.
However, this is not the only time we've been contacted for a funding. It happened three times in total, and as we already stated above, only one was actually a successful funding. Right after we've replied to the letters, those as well have fallen into the void. None replied back or shown up afterwards.

In conclusion, what I have to say, is that this has been an excellent training for not only me but also all of the people who supported me during this path as the leader. Certainly I won't be able to list everyone who has shown me the support and the motivation to go ahead in certain harsh times, but if you have done that and you are reading this, you are already supporting me more than you may know.
The first people that come into my mind are Hlias Papas and John Strickland. Those two people have for sure been relevant for the diplomacy and the internal administration of the faction. They've always been available when they were asked, and they have given a lot of effort to make the faction run when I was not here.
We also have the "Garrix Brothers", Beka and Martin, who have served a lot of their time for high quality articles which were full of action and information. Not to mention Jacob Santo and Neville Splitzer, who have both come to lend a hand in different times, with their experience of ex-leaders. Then we have Jack Kenobi, Tyrone Howard, Alex Diaz, Tasos Greco... and lots of other people.
And I'd like to end the letter with an image which is set to represent the 2020 era of the faction. It has been taken by John Strickland (first person on the left). In any case, there are not many better photos without praise to... totalitarian regimes...



Luke Marcello


Retired Admin
Chartered Old-School
Los Santos Government
Ghetto Ghouls
May 30, 2013
You have provided the nation with all different kind of information and news. Hope to see you work for a better company in the future, such as FOX news!
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