Update! Server Update #58 - Gov Elections, Chemical Labs Mission and so much more!



Greetings fellow Lunatics! I hope you're enjoying the end of summer as most of you head back to school! Fear not, we have some exciting updates to keep you entertained!

Can you believe it? We're rolling out our 58th update since the whole virus craziness started. Time sure does fly like a barrel down a waterfall!

We wanted to bring a fun and new update for SA-MP! While we're hard at work on our new FiveM server (sneak peek soon :oldman:) - I just wanted to share some development love with SA-MP.

Just to make it clear, we do not plan to shut down our SA-MP server when we release the FiveM server. SA-MP will continue to be the same and will continue to receive updates.



The 2023 mayoral elections of San Andreas have started! Vote for your Mayor for 2023 right now!

In order to cast your vote, you will need to go to the city hall in Los Santos (find the map attached below for the city hall location)



Don Alorgan
- The Progressive Alliance Party
Oscar Rad - National Socialist SA Workers Party
Zeref Robinson - Free Democratic Party
Barney Phife - People's Party


Head to the polling station at the city hall, do not forget your ID card so you can cast your vote for the next Mayor of San Andreas.

General Information regarding Voting:
  • You can only vote if you're 18 years or older (( 24 playing hours required ))​
  • You are not allowed to cheat or exploit the voting system under any circumstances​
  • You will only be allowed to vote once​
  • You won't be able to change your vote, so make sure you vote for your appropriate candidate​
  • Voting ends on 25 September 2023.​
Good luck to all candidates, and happy voting!
The Election Committee



We have an awesome update for our gangsters out there!

You can now start a chemical lab mission if your gang owns the chemical lab turf. You do this by pressing 'n' on the Chemical Lab computer system every 4 hours.

You will then need to deliver 4 trucks loaded with chemical supplies to random locations throughout Los Santos and surrounding areas.

You will earn your gang money and gang coins - while getting paid yourself!

However, you will alert rival gangs and law enforcement who can see you on their minimaps. If they destroy your truck then they will steal the reward for themselves!





We heard your hootin' about July's weapon update effect on sniper range. We are pleased to announce that we have spruced up the sniper range as requested.

Thanks to your feedback, you will now find the sniper range fixed so grab them rifles and take aim, sharpshooters!



We can't have a gang update without giving something to our enforcement officers?!

Whenever cops are now on duty, they'll see a new shiny badge on their HUD.

Wear your badge of honour while you bust criminals!




Enjoy double pay while doing the trucker job for a limited time!

You'll even earn more if a business owner hires you as their personal trucking company!

Find the Trucker job via "/findjob" in-game!



Enjoy 1.5x EXTRA materials while running materials for a limited time!

Find the Arms Dealer job via "/findjob" in-game!



One of my favourite events is the hunted event. It's an event where one sucker gets a pink tag and we all hunt them to kill them.

We have increased the reward for this even to make it even more competitive and fun!

Hunt away!



While I said hunted is my favourite event, what about a way to get the event triggered?

Use the new '/requestevent' command to trigger events when you're taking a break from roleplaying!



We have a lot of rich players but they're all hated! We've given them the opportunity to change the tides and be loved once again!

Rich players can now donate $1,000,000 via /charity to enable double experience!

Every $1,000,000 is 1 hour of double experience for all players!

Time for the wealthy players to bribe love from players 🙃



- Double Trucker Pay has been extended
- Enabled 1.5x material run bonus
- Doubled hunted killer reward to 100g of drugs, 5k of mats or deagle/sniper/spas-12
- Updated the government election script
- Enabled government election script
- Added new /requestevent command for players
- Added temp rank titles to /g if the user account is not set up correctly
- /charity will now enable double exp 1 hour per 1mil of charity (ie. 2mil = 2 hours etc)
- Updated /rules
- Added new chemicals labs mission job
- You must deliver 4 trucks worth of chemicals to earn your gang money and you get a cut also
- All truck drivers have a marker on them so others can find them
- The trucks spawn after 2 minutes of the mission starting
- Rival gangs and LEOs are alerted after 15 seconds of the mission starting
- Adjusted sniper damage
- Detag KEY_FIRE
- Enabled garbage man job double pay
- Enabled sweeper job double pay
- Added faction badge
- Added a new global faction badge controller and refactored the entire faction duty code
- Chemical Labs now gives the gang 1 coin per truck delivered


The Lawless Roleplay team encourages you to follow, like, and subscribe to our Social Media pages to keep updated!


Administration Team
Whole Lawless Community
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Retired Admin
Old-School 2015
Nov 10, 2017
I like the request event command, feels like it can make a change the boring side of the game..

Great Job!
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