Merry Christmas

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A new year is approaching us, a new blank book, and a pen in our hands. We will be writing another beautiful chapter for our selves. New hope, new bright promises, and another chance for us to set things right by keeping our spirits and determination up and we shall always walk the glory road.

On behalf of the Management Team, we wish you a bright new year and we hope you achieve all of your dreams.

May God pour love and care on you. Happy New Year, and Merry Christmas




We will be having a Team Deathmatch event every day starting from December 26th until January 1st.

Prize: 7 days Ivy, or 15 days Rose


We will be also having duel events every day starting from December 26th until January 1st.

Prize: Full Weapon Set + 150 Armor



Three elves will be hiding somewhere in San Andreas. Find them, capture them and earn yourself a special reward.

The event will be hosted on December 28th at 10:00 pm Server Time.

Prize: Three T3 Vehicles to three winners.


Do you like bikes? Well, i do. We will be hosting a race to see who the best lawless biker is

The event will be hosted on December 29th at 10:00 pm Server Time.

Prize: Mountain Bike + 30,000 Materials



Ever been an elf? I don't think so. Well, me neither. We will get to be one of them and fight our rivals in order to achieve hold the "Al-Mighty Christmas Elf" title and be the ruler of the north pole

The event will be hosted on December 30th at 11:00 pm Server Time.

Prize: 30 days Ivy + Holidays themed forums usertitle




Ah! It is true that Christmas is a time of year filled with family, fun gatherings, familiar carols, excitement, giving and special traditions that bring us together. For many of us Christmas also evokes memories of specific smells, sounds and a feeling of home surrounded by the dearest person in our lives.

Take a picture with your camera of you and your friends wearing any Christmas related toys.

Upload your picture to Imgur and send the link via forum PM to@Sharpe in order to participate.

Prize: Full weapon set + 5k materials for everyone in the picture



If you really think you can impress me with your magical voice, please enlighten me.

Record yourself singing a Christmas Carol, and make sure you mention your IG name at the end, otherwise, your input will not be accepted.

Upload your recording to YouTube, or Sound Cloud and send the link via forum PM to @Sharpe in order to participate.

Prize: NRG



Write a funny, heartfelt, and inquisitive letter to our Papa Phife and ask for a present. If you've been a good kid this year, I'm pretty sure your request will be fulfilled.

Send the letter via forum PM to @Sharpe in order to participate.

Prize: You can choose a T3 Vehicle, or 31 days Rose, or 15 days Ivy.



Decorate your own land with Christmas related objects and show us your holiday spirit. Take a picture of it and edit it if you want to.

Upload your picture to Imgur and send the link via forum PM to @Sharpe in order to participate. You must be the land owner.

Prize: House + Dynamic Door



Time for you to show us how lucky you are this year. Papa Phife is very happy that Christmas is here and he will pick one random player to get a special prize. All you have to do is make a comment in this thread.

Write a comment in this post with the following sentence: "ALL I WANT IS PAPA PHIFE TO PICK ME!" Alongside a random number from 1 to 999

A random number will be chosen as the winner.

Prize: T2 Business



As many of you might already know, our Facebook page is hosting daily events where you can earn drugs, weapons and more by just commenting on their posts! But now that Christmas is here, we will make those giveaways BIGGER so you can have more easy Drugs and Guns.

Follow our Facebook page for enhanced giveaways every day.

Winners will be announced on January 1st!



Sincerely yours,

Special thanks to @Orlando for his brilliant ideas, @Rick Owens, and @Manzoor for their amazing designs

James Wrzosek

May 20, 2015
Papa FirstName_ was something people started using on Ngrp and then on *** calling zhao papa and cannot believe you guys are doing this, you guys are disgusting, this thread makes me sick in my stomach, so unoriginal I got diarrhea and I’m shitting blood, my eyes turned green and my mom called me gay.
Just tell you became Hulk, no need to describe it all.
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