News Let me explain

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Dear Lawless Roleplay,

Let me explain...

There have been multiple rumours over the past couple of months that Lawless Roleplay is closing down, dying or been abandoned by the management team.

The truth is I have been going through a really tough time in real life and just like you and everyone else, I too am human. In full honesty, I have been having a lot of problems in real life and on Lawless Roleplay. Though, instead of resolving these problems, I have been hiding from it, hoping it would all go away. However, you can only hide from something for so long before it catches up to you.

I love Lawless Roleplay and I love our community. I have made so many friends, learnt so many interesting things about different people, cultures and different countries. I have been able to use Lawless Roleplay as a platform to have fun with friends and random people all over the world. It's truly beautiful. And I honesty believe that Lawless Roleplay offers the best gameplay experience on SA:MP. I would never give up on Lawless Roleplay because of this.

This is why I am asking for your forgiveness regarding my inactivity and lack of action. I want to fix all the problems on Lawless Roleplay however I am just one guy with limited time and energy.

I understand that many of you think that you just "play" Lawless Roleplay but in my eyes you are more than just "players". As members of this community, I see you as partners of Lawless Roleplay. You are apart of this community and every second you have played here, you have helped shape and create it. So this is why I am here standing in front of you.. asking you to help me.. to help us get Lawless Roleplay back to it's glorious position at the top of SA:MP. Without your support and loyalty, I cannot improve this. I need you.

I will give everything I have and I will work very closely with the players and staff team to improve Lawless Roleplay. As long as I have your support and loyalty, Lawless Roleplay will never die.

The first thing you can do to help improve Lawless Roleplay is to fill out this survey (click here). This survey will help me capture all of your opinions and suggestions on how to improve Lawless Roleplay. I use this as a template on problems that need solving so it's important that you answer the survey.

In light of recent events, I have reinstated Joey as Assistant Management and Toompert as Management. Their roles will be mostly in-game focused and they will be aiming to solve problems directly in-game on the spot. Additionally, Jerome has been promoted to Assistant Management and will be continuing his work as Game Affairs director. Alfred has also been promoted to Head Admin and assigned as Director of Admin Personnel. Finally, I am working very closely with Adam on upgrading the anti-cheat to protect against a lot more hacks and to be more accurate.

This is only the beginning.


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Retired Admin
Jun 19, 2016
i am new player in lawless near to be have 1 year with you here .. and what i see ? i see server dying you even not give lawless 1 hour from your 24 hours as normal human only need 1 hour in game to look what players need and what server miss and what server need....
i am lvl 31 and new player cause i am here in server 24/7 and what i see
1. a lot of bugs no fix
2. no helping and less members of admins
3. nothing new and nothing to do
4. factions closed since i joined server
5. no support for players
6 .so many good suggestion i see and only pending not denied not accepted
7. server changed from RP to normal server, no RP between players
8 . inactive managements
and after all this you came with ((/o)) i am here for update Cock ???!!! only ??!!! i thought like old days i saw server gonna update /q for 5 min we have new updates and fun, that`s i thought

i not saying this for be helper or admin no i wont this ... but i want be Normal players and i find what i need in server for fun and need to someone check players and listen to them and check want we need and what we miss as i said give even 1 hour for lawless and check it always . and i know when u leave town players will leave too u know why ? cause nothing new and they will jump to another server for find fun

i love lawless and sad for see server die and you freeze nothing to do

am not gonna lie and say (( yay #teamlawless hell yeah we will do it )) and fall in ture nothing happen and it is just word
i will say it when i see changes

I see my name
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Retired Admin
SAN News
Chartered Old-School
SAN High Command
Aug 17, 2013
Alright. This list is not in order of severity, just a simple numbered list. Minor issues should get resolved soon (but obviously not top priority as they're minor), moderate issues should really get sorted out pretty soon (can wait a bit to be resolved, but should be resolved fairly quickly), major issues should be resolved ASAP.
1. Woefully inadequate administrative punishment — moderate issue
Currently, administrators can get away with a lot of bad things. One prime example of this is making a hunted event, where the hunted had 5,000 HP and armor (10,000 hit points in total) and a minigun, and all the administrator got was a warning basically. Punishment for dumb stuff like that should be much harsher (removal/demotion). Another prime example is Jacob J. Einstein (FC 1, FC 2), he reached Senior Administrator while pulling off tons of bad stuff (with many complaints which got resolved in favor of the players, not Jacob J. Einstein as he was doing lots of bad stuff). Sure, administrators screw up once in a while, we're all human (i.e. wrongly banning people accidently), but dumb stuff (godmode minigun hunted, abusive administrators) deserves the harshest and harsher punishments.
2. Lack of administrative personnel during certain time zones (NA and OC to be specific) — major issue
You already kind of addressed this when you stated you were going to upgrade the anti-cheat, which is good, but hiring administrators for this time zone should would also help. I know picking administrators for certain time zones can be tough though, and this is not entirely in your control (although anti-cheat updates could remedy this). Just thought I'd bring it up.
3. Lack of additional content — major issue
To put it short, a lack of updates. The only real additions for the past year I can think of (that actually are kind of "major") would be the new perk (marksman) and the duel wield 9mm pistols. Gameplay is very stale, you're always going to fight/get a shotgun (economy option), desert eagle (mid-range option) or sniper rifle (expensive option). Wow, such diversity! You might see a few outliers, but they're just that, outliers. Why not increase damage for lesser used weapons (the normal 9mm pistol, country rifle and the silenced 9mm pistol as a few examples)? Obviously don't go overboard (since they are cheap), but make them at least a little viable. It would add diversity to gunplay. Now here's the real thing I think could do a lot of good - lag shooting, or at least an explanation on why you/management are do adamant on refusing to even trial it (for a month/few weeks)? If it messes up the custom damage system, temporarily remove it (during the trial)? If the trial goes well for the server, keep the changes. If it doesn't, change it back. I bet an explanation would be very nice. One example of the lack of additional content would be you liking the concept of apartments all the way back in 2014, it's 2018 and it's still nowhere to be seen (it was also a popular suggestion at the time too).
4. Address popular suggestions — major issue (ties into the lack of content, hence why it is major)
So yeah, a suggestion can get a lot of likes and still gets denied without in real in-depth reason for denying it. Why is that? A few examples would be the lag shooting portion of this suggestion. It simply got locked and abandoned. Oh, another popular suggestion discarded would be this faction funding and government reopening idea. These are only two popular suggestions that got discarded (and since I made them, obviously I'll remember them), and I am willing to bet there's plenty more popular suggestions which simply get locked and trashed without any real official reply (no, "Pending discussion" or "Does not fit the future" is really not a real reason — something like "This would be too overpowered" would be a real reason). Does a suggestion require a lot of scripting to implement? Don't just discard it, at least consider scripting it (or not just trashing it via putting it in the "Closed Suggestions" subforum) eventually since the community clearly wants the change. You can make management address them, that's fine and good, but you personally addressing them would be significantly better (since you are the only real developer at the moment, and the server owner), or at least update the status/possibility of the suggestion being accepted/denied with a fairly decent reason (i.e. "Lag shooting will not be implemented because it would has serious compatibility issues with the current custom damage script" and reply to reasonable questions/solutions/statements about that statement).
5. Not really a problem, but just a suggestion — lag shooting.
Long story short, at least trial it for a short period of time (a month to a few weeks) as the community does seem to support it. The popular suggestion was already provided (so clear community support), yet it still got discarded. To quote the suggestion:

The only real difference is lands, and quite a few people actually don't like them (much like lag shooting, except less people dislike lag shooting than lands, at least in my experience and the numbers accord). Oh, and how old is the land system? 2014 I think? That's a really old feature, and the only real distinguishing one at that. Despite the age of that screenshot (the server player numbers), numbers have not changed much.
6. Overall quality of administrators — minor issue (although ties into the woefully inadequate administrative punishments, only minor because I personally haven't seen it but heard a lot about it, if it's as big of a problem as people make it out to be, then this becomes a major issue)
I hear a lot of bad stuff about the admin team, and I provided a list of problems when you asked a long time ago. Seemed like literally nothing happened (though most administrators did end up resigning eventually), but the quality should really improve (reference the Skype message — similar issues in terms of quality I'd imagine). Now since I'm on the time zone which has few administrators, I personally haven't have the "pleasure" of meeting such deplorable administrators (Jacob J. Einstein was the only one if I recall correctly), but I wouldn't be shocked if they exist, since they seem to always somehow get into the admin team (with the Skype message having good examples of such administrators from the past, as is Jacob J. Einstein).​
make it happen @Barney


Retired Admin
Jun 19, 2016
Alright. This list is not in order of severity, just a simple numbered list. Minor issues should get resolved soon (but obviously not top priority as they're minor), moderate issues should really get sorted out pretty soon (can wait a bit to be resolved, but should be resolved fairly quickly), major issues should be resolved ASAP.
1. Woefully inadequate administrative punishment — moderate issue
Currently, administrators can get away with a lot of bad things. One prime example of this is making a hunted event, where the hunted had 5,000 HP and armor (10,000 hit points in total) and a minigun, and all the administrator got was a warning basically. Punishment for dumb stuff like that should be much harsher (removal/demotion). Another prime example is Jacob J. Einstein (FC 1, FC 2), he reached Senior Administrator while pulling off tons of bad stuff (with many complaints which got resolved in favor of the players, not Jacob J. Einstein as he was doing lots of bad stuff). Sure, administrators screw up once in a while, we're all human (i.e. wrongly banning people accidently), but dumb stuff (godmode minigun hunted, abusive administrators) deserves the harshest and harsher punishments.
2. Lack of administrative personnel during certain time zones (NA and OC to be specific) — major issue
You already kind of addressed this when you stated you were going to upgrade the anti-cheat, which is good, but hiring administrators for this time zone should would also help. I know picking administrators for certain time zones can be tough though, and this is not entirely in your control (although anti-cheat updates could remedy this). Just thought I'd bring it up.
3. Lack of additional content — major issue
To put it short, a lack of updates. The only real additions for the past year I can think of (that actually are kind of "major") would be the new perk (marksman) and the duel wield 9mm pistols. Gameplay is very stale, you're always going to fight/get a shotgun (economy option), desert eagle (mid-range option) or sniper rifle (expensive option). Wow, such diversity! You might see a few outliers, but they're just that, outliers. Why not increase damage for lesser used weapons (the normal 9mm pistol, country rifle and the silenced 9mm pistol as a few examples)? Obviously don't go overboard (since they are cheap), but make them at least a little viable. It would add diversity to gunplay. Now here's the real thing I think could do a lot of good - lag shooting, or at least an explanation on why you/management are do adamant on refusing to even trial it (for a month/few weeks)? If it messes up the custom damage system, temporarily remove it (during the trial)? If the trial goes well for the server, keep the changes. If it doesn't, change it back. I bet an explanation would be very nice. One example of the lack of additional content would be you liking the concept of apartments all the way back in 2014, it's 2018 and it's still nowhere to be seen (it was also a popular suggestion at the time too).
4. Address popular suggestions — major issue (ties into the lack of content, hence why it is major)
So yeah, a suggestion can get a lot of likes and still gets denied without in real in-depth reason for denying it. Why is that? A few examples would be the lag shooting portion of this suggestion. It simply got locked and abandoned. Oh, another popular suggestion discarded would be this faction funding and government reopening idea. These are only two popular suggestions that got discarded (and since I made them, obviously I'll remember them), and I am willing to bet there's plenty more popular suggestions which simply get locked and trashed without any real official reply (no, "Pending discussion" or "Does not fit the future" is really not a real reason — something like "This would be too overpowered" would be a real reason). Does a suggestion require a lot of scripting to implement? Don't just discard it, at least consider scripting it (or not just trashing it via putting it in the "Closed Suggestions" subforum) eventually since the community clearly wants the change. You can make management address them, that's fine and good, but you personally addressing them would be significantly better (since you are the only real developer at the moment, and the server owner), or at least update the status/possibility of the suggestion being accepted/denied with a fairly decent reason (i.e. "Lag shooting will not be implemented because it would has serious compatibility issues with the current custom damage script" and reply to reasonable questions/solutions/statements about that statement).
5. Not really a problem, but just a suggestion — lag shooting.
Long story short, at least trial it for a short period of time (a month to a few weeks) as the community does seem to support it. The popular suggestion was already provided (so clear community support), yet it still got discarded. To quote the suggestion:

The only real difference is lands, and quite a few people actually don't like them (much like lag shooting, except less people dislike lag shooting than lands, at least in my experience and the numbers accord). Oh, and how old is the land system? 2014 I think? That's a really old feature, and the only real distinguishing one at that. Despite the age of that screenshot (the server player numbers), numbers have not changed much.
6. Overall quality of administrators — minor issue (although ties into the woefully inadequate administrative punishments, only minor because I personally haven't seen it but heard a lot about it, if it's as big of a problem as people make it out to be, then this becomes a major issue)
I hear a lot of bad stuff about the admin team, and I provided a list of problems when you asked a long time ago. Seemed like literally nothing happened (though most administrators did end up resigning eventually), but the quality should really improve (reference the Skype message — similar issues in terms of quality I'd imagine). Now since I'm on the time zone which has few administrators, I personally haven't have the "pleasure" of meeting such deplorable administrators (Jacob J. Einstein was the only one if I recall correctly), but I wouldn't be shocked if they exist, since they seem to always somehow get into the admin team (with the Skype message having good examples of such administrators from the past, as is Jacob J. Einstein).​
Tell him hire us the
Jul 7, 2016
i'm sorry man you have told us the same thing the last few years and it's nearly impossible for us to trust you now


New Playa
Jul 8, 2018
Good luck man, but u must fix the admin team also ban the hackers, this server can be much better.
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