LEO vs gangs: End of lockdown restarts the fight

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Dec 25, 2017

The end of Lockdown restarts the war
A San Andreas News article
Author: Luke Marcello
Date: 26/06/2020

Tags: Gangs, Daily, Law
Disclaimer: The purposely provocative style of the article is not to be intended as an endorsement of either the illegal organizations and the law enforcement agencies.


Roughly a week ago, the last person who was positive of the Covid-19 test, has been successfully dismissed from the County hospital in Jefferson. Nevertheless 12 days ago, the new major had already decided to declare the end of lockdown, as this was the last patient and he was reported to getting rid the virus within days.

Reporter Beka McDonald speaking with a nurse about the last case of Co-Vid. Photo taken by Luke Marcello.
The rebirth of this city has been made with respect of the rules and social distancing, but this has left another problem, he has restarted the endless war between the good and the bad of Los Santos. The tension escalated when an explosive took the life of 7 officers, patrolling around the city, a couple days ago. The video has been posted in a thread which became viral within minutes, and can be found in the LSPD archive (it has been removed within 2 hours from public view). Disclaimer: The video contains gore and it's not suitable to view for people not in legal age.

Market : Again a warzone

The LSPD units on a group image together with an agent and a paramedic, patrolling the zone. Photo by Luke Marcello.
The Market and the "paintball" area have been the first zones that have been crowded again by the citizens. Activity of the LSPD against the gangs has been restored. Unfortunately this resulted in shootouts which have prematurely taken lives of the fighters on either side, but the excessive amount of traffic in general, on the day of Sunday, were unsafe not for the social distancing concerns, but because of the road which has been damaged by the constant explosions of cars, and bombs.
Fortunately, almost every citizen has respected the law and proceeded to change their route by using parallel roads. Only one person has tried to breach the road block, speeding with a green sports car; and he has found himself in trouble (and in hospital, after a critical bullet wound). Here's also another image of the whole squad united, always in the paintball area.

A police officer setting up a barricade in the Market crossroad. Photo taken by Luke Marcello.

The "Crate Island" : Advantage to the LEO?

Preparing for incoming gang members is something which needs to be done fast by police officers.
The warehouses of East Beach, a.k.a. "Crate island", has been again a warzone between the LEOs, and the gangs. Nevertheless, we have reported that after the lockdown, the Police Department had a good percentage of crates saved from the hostile citizens. This has many causes, one being the new generation of Sniper Rifle of the gang members, who is more difficult to manifacture. On the other side, the LSPD is currently using the same model as before, with the same affordable price, resulting in a drastical advantages in long range fight. Will time confirm this advantage of the law enforcement officers?

Bank Robberies : Gangs on the rise

Gangs can be surprisingly agile when talking about bank robberies.
Cops can have it better on the warehouse island, but a point certainly in favor of the gangs are the bank robberies. Since the end of lockdown, the gang members have increased the tactics of this high risk / high pay job. Where the close range combat is key here, the advantage of the police is limited now.
Out of 10 bank robberies, about 6 can end well for the criminal organizations, which is a high number compared to 4 out of 10, registered at the end of last year. This point may confirm that gangs do not need "cheap sniper rifles" to have it better when loading cash inside a bag.


Special credits go to the police members in the photo(s) for their disposability. Same goes for the gang members who offered themselves for a photo right after a bank robbery. Here's the list of people in the first group photo (left to right)

Nas F Clouts
Dominic Fontaine

LSFMD Jay Velazquez
FBI Sork K Howard
Tyrone Howard
William Walker
Mack Murphy
Isiah Street
John Stoglin
Hector Scotfield
Abdul Kareem Sulam


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Seems good article
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