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What an awesome couple of days has it been? Our main opening hit 80 players in less than 30 seconds! However, we were the victims of DDoS attacks and this caused us to halt all progress whilst we migrated to a DDoS protected server. Once everything was set up, we opened the server without telling anyone apart from 5 people and after 30 minutes, we had 122 players online for more than 6 hours. It was hectic! 122 players in our first hour... damn.​
There were many people who died, many gang wars, many cops busting ass, many rush tazes, many new friends and alliances made – all in the space of 3 days. I have seen a crime rate that is beyond anything humane. Right now, we're in the orientation week where the players position themselves in the map and set targets. Everyone is trying to grind and gain as much as they can. You will see gangsters doing garbage man jobs, fishing, cops turning a blind eye to crimes whilst they street sweep - just to get that money. It’s hectic and extremely lawless. A lot of people have asked me to make a post concluding all the new features so here goes my best try because quite frankly - there has been so many changes!​
There are turfs all over Los Santos and these turfs can be viewed by /showturfs. Gangs can take over a turf by using /claimturf and surviving in said turf for 30 seconds whilst rival gangs attempt to close in and claim it for themselves. Once the 30 seconds is over, the claiming gang must defend the turf for 15 minutes. If the claiming gang is outnumbered then the turf timer will be paused until the claiming gang has more people on the turf or a rival gang attempts to claim the turf. But hold up! There is a twist! At any moment, the police can roll in and shut down the turf by killing all gang members by using /shutdown. So, what’s the point of turfs?​
Turf Perks
Police – if the police has closed down the turf then they will gain $200 bonus every paycheck they sign until the turf is claimed by another gang.​
Car shop – this perk will make all gang vehicles spawn with 2500 health points instead of the normal 1000. This is extremely useful for bank robberies (something that I will explain down the line) and is a strong tool when raiding rival gangs.​
Bribery – this perk will give members 10% off jail time.​
Connections – this perk will make the detective job /find markers last 5 seconds longer.​
Safe house – if a gang member is within the turf with this perk and someone is using /find on them it will only tell the player which area they're in and not exact location.​
Priority Medications – this perk will allow you to respawn at the hospital in 15 seconds instead of the normal 30 seconds.​
Factory – this perk allows gang members to sell guns for 50% of their material requirement.​
Crack lab – this perk will give your gang 40grams of cocaine every 6 hours.​
Grow operations – this perk will give your gang 40grams of weed every 6 hours.​
Intimidation – this perk will automatically tax people on your turf 20% who sell crack, pot, guns and cars.​
Bank Robbery
The bank has a brand new interior which our in-house expert mapper Jayden created. The bank is one of the first banks in SA-MP which has a two tier interior system. There is a normal interior layout however once the bank robbery begins, the interior truly becomes lawless. There are doors blown off, fire, sirens, new objects used for cover, smoke, lasers and whatever you can imagine a bank to look like when it’s being robbed. Gang members and undercover FBI members can start a bank robbery with 7 people as long as there are 10 police officers in active duty. Once the robbery begins, the bank layout becomes chaotic and robbers must run down the stairs into the vault and must /loadmoney (Each person can hold upto $7, 500). Once they are satisfied with their payout, they can /finishrobbery which will spawn a cash transit vehicle at the back of the bank with 3000 health points (3 times more than the normal vehicle!). Bank robbers must survive for 30 minutes to be fully rewarded the cash. If they die, they’ll lose everything.​
Race event
A brand new race event is now available for admins, they can set 20 check points and people who join the event will automatically enter a vehicle and will be frozen until the event starts. A good time kill!​
Gangs are no longer handed items and for this sole reason, we have removed the gang strike system. However, we introduced a respect system which gangs earn by becoming the dominate gang in Los Santos. Gangs must purchase their own HQs, vehicles and bandana colours.​
What are bandana colours? These are username colours seen in-game, you must first be respected by other people in-game and then you have to pay $500, 000 to get your selected colour. All these things require money and time input which makes gangs more valuable and prevents members from breaking rules.​
Factions now have access to /facradar which will show a marker on their minimap showing the exact location of everyone else in the faction. A great tool when responding to back up calls!​
Factions no longer have access to grenades and must pay for strong weapons. The rush taze has been adjusted, rush tazing is now tazing a player who has a weapon in their hand. You may say this is unfair but if you read the next paragraph then you'll see the reasoning behind this!​
Wanted level 6 felons (most wanted) cannot be defended for one hour (enforced by script). However, if they die then the cop will have a ‘Running Suspect Bonus’ which will take money from the wanted player and give it to the officer – money is dictated by wanted level duration. The wanted player will then be automatically prisoned for 20 minutes.​
Farewell, Spas-12…
We were unsure to remove this weapon because of how iconic it is. However, since the spas-12 was removed. Players have been praising the removal because it has brought a new aspect to shooting and skilful players love this new addition. It’s now all about skill.​
With the removal of the spas-12, we have also said our goodbyes with the screwdriver.​
We have also allowed M4 and AK-47 weapons to be used during drive-by attacks! Shit just got real.​
We have increased the maximum contract amount to $500, 000 as this allows players to really express their hate towards another player. Gang and faction leaders must have a hit above $100, 000 to take effect. The mayor must have a $500, 000 contract on them before hitmans can take action.​
Hitmen now have access to a passport system which will automatically assign them a new identity without other players being able to comprehend.​
The black market and pill system has been removed as these killed the drug and weapon market. A brand new donation system is currently being set up that is fair for everyone.​
House Robberies
You now can enter houses and steal items. These items can be a microwave, TV, lamp, PlayBox 360 or a computer. These items have different states which dictate the price tag these items can be sold for: shitty, decent, find, good and very good. Once you steal the item, you must load it in your vehicle and sell it before the cops pull you over and catch you red handed!​
Cocaine and bodyguard – the armoured machine!
THE BODYGUARD JOB IS GONE! Whoa! There I said it! Punish me! All jokes aside, if somebody asked me how you could kill the drug market then I would suggest the bodyguard job. With the removal of the bodyguard job we have seen an increase in drug deals. Gangs are now in direct competition with eachother to control the drug market. I’ve seen fights over rival gangs selling crack other another gang’s client. It is wild.​
However, you can’t just remove the bodyguard job without making drugs more important. We have introduced the drug addict perk which can be levelled up via /upgrade once you’re level 3. The drug addict will add an additional 2 armour points per /usecrack and has 3 levels (considering that you start at level 0) – so a level 3 drug addict will receive 16 armour points from /usecrack.​
Players can now also overdose on cocaine but at the same time, if they use the command wisely then they can get 124 armour points!​
You can now carry up to 100 grams of crack cocaine – this limit is dictated by your drug skill. Level 1 drug dealers can hold 6 grams of crack, level 2 – 12 grams, level 3 – 20 grams, level 4 – 30 grams and level 5 – 100 grams.​
We have also added two classes of armour to gun shops which include a light armour vest (25 armour) and a medium vest (50 armor).​
Automated rules
When enforcing important server rules, it is vital that the administrator fully understands the situation and is able to execute a non-bias action. Due to this, we have automated detection and punishment systems for the following:​
- Crack shooting/ C-bug​
- Rush tazing​
- Spawn kill​
- Car parking​
Garbage man!
Whilst other people are talking garbage – we have decided to do something more productive and clean the streets of garbage. The new garbage job is located in Flint County, players when conducting this job will be given a random skin which matches the job and a shovel. The player must be in a Trashmaster and go around Los Santos collecting trash. At the end of cleaning all the trash, you be rewarded with $888!​
Several cosmetic changes.​
You now can see which skin you are going to buy from cloth stores before you purchase it​
/newb is now removed…​
You can now car surf.​
Added /attempt which will randomly do a selected action and give you a 50/ 50 chance to either succeed or fail.​
Admins can now create houses off the ball with a simple command which will select the price and interior automatically.​
Added /showid for players which shows their age, sex, address and legal job to other players​
You can /sellgun after 30 seconds of spawning out the hospital​
If you want to see the full change log then please read this thread.​
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Reactions: 6 people


New Playa
Apr 16, 2013
Holy... Shit... <3 - Lawless just changed the face of SAMP gaming!


Executive Officer
Apr 11, 2013
Shit just got real!
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Reactions: 2 people


Retired Admin
Apr 11, 2013
SIDE NOTE:: Gang members stealing TVs? that's too normal, not lawless at all.
Cops stealing TVs and not giving a fuck? Welcome to lawless.

Michael Shanks

Apr 15, 2013
Michael Shanks
Barney Phife said:
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;">Hahahhahahaah!
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;">Funny shit right there. 
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;">Ever seen someone car surf on a bike? i did it.
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;">it's not a big deal but i think its kinda funny
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(127,127,127);font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(38,38,38);text-align:center;">


Apr 16, 2013
This will definitely be one of the greatest SAMP servers. Good work.
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