Announcement Happy Birthday Lawless Roleplay! BIG 5!

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When we opened Lawless Roleplay 5 years ago, we sailed the storm to create a community that was built on a solid foundation. The foundation consisted of a staff team that worked for the players to constitute a community made by the players, for the players. This foundation has resonated throughout SA-MP and we have set the gold standard.

Exactly 1,831 days ago - on the 22nd April 2013 - myself, @Shock and @Leiionidas opened the server gates to the public. We set out a mission statement and promised to always abide by it. We were congratulated by having over 150 players online in our first 24 hours. This past year, we've matured and learned a lot about ourselves and our strive to improve has never been this strong. As we go into our 6th year of operating, we have decided with the community to dedicate this year to creating fantastic new unique features, better support, an administrative team that is always there, a better service and most importantly more fun. This is a big promise however we are dedicated to accomplish this and require your trust and guidance.

It has been a marvelous 5 years filled with emotions, fun, excitement and addiction. We have witnessed enemies fight a lot, new friendships, gangs be formed, leaders be born, rules be broken, hackers be banned, materials be ran, trucks be delivered, miners mine, drugs be smuggled, shotguns be refunded, people tazed, turfs be won, events be lost, factions go up and factions go down. We have laughed, smiled, yelled, hated, loved and fought but above all we did what we came to do: We had fun, and the fun is only starting.

We have over 5,753,603 logins, 6,334,961 connections, 367,683 registrations, 32,285 hours of uptime, 28,329 hackers auto banned and most importantly we broke our peak player count with 248 players online on the 7th October 2017.

Thank you. You have supported us over the year above and beyond what I could imagine or want - we really appreciate it. Without your consistent feedback, guidance and loyalty - we would not be where we are today. You've always been here for us and we continue to enjoy and extend our relationship with you and hopefully create many more in this upcoming year.

So, here's to you Lawless Roleplay.... Happy Birthday!

Anniversary Update Overview


You might be wondering why this update was not released on or before our anniversary date, I wanted to make this birthday very special so I set out to create a cool festive area with functioning rides as well as brand new minigames. The number five (hint: phife) is very special to me and the fact that Lawless Roleplay got to see five years of serving the community means an incredible amount to me. This update for me was not just about our birthday but as well as a renewal of my promise to finally take Lawless Roleplay to the next step. Unfortunately, I was involved in a little accident which left me hospitalized for a couple of days and there was still some bugs to iron out. So thank you for your patience and now let's party on...


We have been riddled by poisonous players who can't handle the competition or heat so they resort to hacking. In the past, we have tried multiple different styles of approaching this and trying to resolve it. However I am very excited that after several meetings with management, administrators, players, banned players and current hackers - we have developed an unique system that will not only deter hackers but keep those who can't handle the pressure in check. This new system works in two parts. The first part is our continued commitment to form a solid administrative team who is vigilant.

From today onwards, players who have broken server rules in the past 3 months will not be eligible to join any staff positions, player recognition groups, lead gangs or factions. In addition, we have forgiven most players today and cleared player's punishment records. However, any punishments issued from this day onwards will be considered and will impact your ability to join the above groups until you have not been punished for at least 3 months. Here at Lawless Roleplay, we strongly believe in leading by example and we believe that this will encourage players to stay on the clean-side and will put a focal point on the best players in our community. Let's reward the players that can stay clean and not break server rules.

In addition to this fundamental culture change, we have introduced a new hacking rule. This rule is automatically enforced by the script and focuses on deterring hackers and keeping those who hack in check. When you are caught hacking, you will be given a hacking warning which will do the following:
  1. You will receive a hacking warning which will expire after 3 months
  2. You will lose 50% of all your skills
  3. You will be fined cash, bank money, materials, crack, pot and chemicals (including those stored in vehicles, houses and businesses) with a minimum fine of $75,000 per account level with a minimum of $1,000,000
  4. If after recovering those items above and the fine total has not been met, you will lose levels with each level worth $100,000 until the fine total has been met
  5. If the fine total is still not met then your account will be disabled
  6. You will be removed from your gang/ faction/ community recognition/ helper team
  7. You will be restricted from joining any gangs or factions for 42 hours
  8. You will be restricted from weapons for 72 hours
  9. You will be restricted from joining any staff positions, community recognition status or leading gangs/ factions for 3 months
This warning will expire after 3 months however if you receive another warning before the 3 months is over then your account will be disabled. Furthermore, if you receive more than 3 warnings in the space of 12 months then your account will be disabled as well. The system will keep you updated with how many warnings you have and when they expire. We have taken the difficulty of tracking these things by allowing the script to do the heavy lifting. Below is the logic of how the fine will be extracted:

  1. (The system will automatically stop once the total fine amount has been extracted)
  2. Cash+bank on hand
  3. Cash in house storage
  4. Cash in business storage
  5. Mats
  6. Mats in house storage
  7. Pot
  8. Pot in house storage
  9. Pot in vehicle storage
  10. Crack
  11. Crack in house storage
  12. Crack in vehicle storage
  13. Chemicals
  14. Chemicals in house storage
  15. Chemicals in vehicle storage
  16. $100,000 written off per player level lost
  17. Account disabled

With such a huge reform, we know many players who have regretted their actions and would love to come back and play at Lawless Roleplay. We have banned over 24,000 accounts in the past year and at Lawless Roleplay we believe in chances. People make mistakes and we understand that. There are exceptions to this however, not every single person will be unbanned. We've lasted 5 years, and we want all the past, present and new players to experience everything in this community. So we're happy to have everyone back. We hope that this time you have learned from your previous mistakes and will become a contributing member to the community.

Lawless Roleplay Birthday Fair



If you've never been to an amusement park, you won't be missing out any longer! Until 9TH MAY 2018, the Lawless Roleplay Birthday Fair will be open to all thrill seekers who wish to participate in the minigames we have at Marina. Players can also earn coins from these minigames (your current balance will always be visible below your on-hand cash) and then spend them in the Gift Store.

BUT wait, there is more! The coins you earn will be added to a total tally and will go towards your ranking in /topcollectors (spending coins will not affect your ranking). The THREE top players will receive the following rewards:

Tier 2 Business

Tier 3 Custom Vehicle



Hay Climb is a test of both skill and patience as you master the art of high-stakes, adrenaline-fueled, and rage inducing parkour miles into the sky atop our constantly moving hay maze! Think you have it all figured out? The map randomly generates every 90 minutes so best of luck to you. But hurry up since you can earn 10-20 coins and the faster you are, the more coins you will receive! We'll be waiting at the top with some credits for your troubles.

Color Match is a test of sheer reaction time and hand-eye coordination. Put yourself to the test in this fun minigame where the objective is to stand on the correct tile by looking at the color on your screen. If you read the word, you may just find yourself back at the dock. Winning this minigame rewards you 5 credits, and in the event of a tie all players at the end are awarded 5 credits.

Ship Races are two random teams assigned to two ships fueled only by the blood of the weak! To make your ship go faster, your team must kill the enemy team. Each player is awarded two coins per kill, and everyone on the winning team get six coins at the end of the game.

Take a seat on the Ferris Wheel, The Plunger, the Spinning Jail, Swinging Seats, or even ride some cows. No matter what you could ever want to do, it can be found at our anniversary event!

/topcollectors - List the top coin collectors.
/leavehay - Exit the hay minigame.
/leaveship - Exit the ships minigame.
All other actions are either automatically triggered, or triggered by pressing the 'n' key.

Features and Changes

- Updated YSI library
- Updated amx assembly
- Created a specialized custom compiler
- Updated CrashDetect
- Updated streamer
- Added slack integration
- Added /punlist for all players to check eachother's punishment histories
- Increased login timer to two minutes
- You can rob businesses every 8 minutes and houses every 5 minutes
- Removed rain, sandstorm and foggy weathers
- Increased level required to gamble from level 5 to level 15
- Added Player Allotment Rule. More information can be found on the rules page.
- Completed anniversary mapping
- Added fun fair rotation
- Added color match minigame which allows players to win 5 coins, in this minigame, players must go to the color specified or they are eliminated
- Added anniversary coins
- Admins can /givecoin or /givecoinall
- Coins are displayed below money
- All rides are continuously available for players to play
- Rides include the plunger, ferris wheel, spinning jail, swinging seats, cow riding and the rocket ship.
- Added ship race minigame which allows players to gain 2 coins per kill and 6 coins per win
- Players get deagle, spas-12, m4 and a rifle to kill the rival team
- The more kills you have, the faster your boat goes
- First boat over the line wins 6 coins each player
- Added hay climbing minigame
- Get to the top and win 20-10 coins depending on how quick you are
- Every 90 minutes, the climbing map generates a random new map
- Added certain criteria to match before being able to join the hay climb, ship race or color match minigames
- Users can spend their coins without it effecting their status on the "top collectors" charts
- Added gift shop
- The only commands in this anniversary event is: /topcollectors /leavehay /leaveship (Admin CMDs: /givecoin (SA) /givecoinall (HA))
- Everything else is auto functioning or you press 'n' to interact
- Added completion text for Hay Stack Climbing Minigame
- Added auto Hay Stack Climbing Minigame winner check
- Optimised Hay Stack Climbing Minigame code
- Hay Stack Climbing Minigame reward is based on how long it took (faster = more reward, 10-20 coins)
- You get a winning message on colour match and ship wars
- You get 5 coins for winning colour match
- Added hay stack teleport anti-cheat
- Added new anti-hacking warning system
- Hack warnings will automatically expire after 3 months
- If the player has more than 3 hack warnings in the past 12 months then their account would be disabled
- Player gets told how many hours left of their weapon restriction and gang/faction restriction on log in and on paycheck when they decrease
- Player gets a reminder each time when they log in on how many hack warnings they have
- Players can see how many hack warnings they have in the past 12 months from /stats
- Hack warnings show up on the ban screenshot
- Added logs for everything when you have received a hack warning
- Added gang/ faction restriction on /stats and /check
- Added exhaustion check on gift shop and minigames
- Made /removehwarn for Senior Admins +
- Business robbery time has been made a player variable rather than a server variable so two people robbing at once doesn't reset the robbery time for player A
- Added deathmatch and hacking warnings to punishment logs
- Administrators cannot /setstat or /makeleader any player with gang or faction restrictions
- Added GetOfflinePlayerIDAdminName function
- Ship wars desync shots is due to lag and sync issues with the moving objects
- Fine on cash, bank, materials, crack, pot and chemicals (incl. vehicles, house, business etc) with a minimum fine of $75,000 per level and a total minimum of $1,000,000
- If fine is less than $1,000,000 then player would lose levels with each level worth $100,000 until the minimum of $1,000,000 is met
- If the minimum is still not met then that account would be disabled
- All skills reduced by 50%
- Auto removal from gang/ faction or community status
- 72 hours restricted from using or holding weapons
- 42 hours restricted from joining gangs or factions

- Hack Warning 1 fine logic, below is the order of which the fine is extracted:
(The system will automatically stop once the total fine amount has been extracted)
1. Cash+bank on hand
2. Cash in house storage
3. Cash in business storage
4. Mats
5. Mats in house storage
6. Pot
7. Pot in house storage
8. Pot in vehicle storage
9. Crack
10. Crack in house storage
11. Crack in vehicle storage
12. Chemicals
13. Chemicals in house storage
14. Chemicals in vehicle storage
15. $100,000 written off per player level lost
16. Account disabled

- Hack Warning 2
- Account would be disabled

Bug fixes

- You no longer can use /quitevent to leave the minigames
- Removed gang positive points on capturing turfs
- Fixed a spelling error with /toggc
- Fixed a bug with /quitevent
- Fixed a bug with coins covering your wanted stars. They now move depending on your wanted level.

Happy Birthday, my love, Lawless Roleplay :x



Mar 14, 2016
Nice job barney! now i realized why people leave this server! let's be real here, you guys don't really give a fuck about hackers its all about $$$.

Christian Dodge

Retired Admin
Chartered Old-School
Jul 6, 2013
Just deconstructing that long changelog.

Bug fixes not included as they are rather minor (and only five things in that list).
- Updated YSI library
- Updated amx assembly
- Created a specialized custom compiler
- Updated CrashDetect
- Updated streamer
- Added slack integration

- Added /punlist for all players to check eachother's punishment histories
- Increased login timer to two minutes
- You can rob businesses every 8 minutes and houses every 5 minutes
- Removed rain, sandstorm and foggy weathers
- Increased level required to gamble from level 5 to level 15
- Added Player Allotment Rule. More information can be found on the rules page.
- Completed anniversary mapping
- Added fun fair rotation
- Added color match minigame which allows players to win 5 coins, in this minigame, players must go to the color specified or they are eliminated
- Added anniversary coins
- Admins can /givecoin or /givecoinall
- Coins are displayed below money
- All rides are continuously available for players to play
- Rides include the plunger, ferris wheel, spinning jail, swinging seats, cow riding and the rocket ship.
- Added ship race minigame which allows players to gain 2 coins per kill and 6 coins per win
- Players get deagle, spas-12, m4 and a rifle to kill the rival team
- The more kills you have, the faster your boat goes
- First boat over the line wins 6 coins each player
- Added hay climbing minigame
- Get to the top and win 20-10 coins depending on how quick you are
- Every 90 minutes, the climbing map generates a random new map
- Added certain criteria to match before being able to join the hay climb, ship race or color match minigames
- Users can spend their coins without it effecting their status on the "top collectors" charts
- Added gift shop
- The only commands in this anniversary event is: /topcollectors /leavehay /leaveship (Admin CMDs: /givecoin (SA) /givecoinall (HA))
- Everything else is auto functioning or you press 'n' to interact
- Added completion text for Hay Stack Climbing Minigame
- Added auto Hay Stack Climbing Minigame winner check
- Optimised Hay Stack Climbing Minigame code
- Hay Stack Climbing Minigame reward is based on how long it took (faster = more reward, 10-20 coins)
- You get a winning message on colour match and ship wars
- You get 5 coins for winning colour match
- Added hay stack teleport anti-cheat

- Added new anti-hacking warning system
- Hack warnings will automatically expire after 3 months
- If the player has more than 3 hack warnings in the past 12 months then their account would be disabled
- Player gets told how many hours left of their weapon restriction and gang/faction restriction on log in and on paycheck when they decrease
- Player gets a reminder each time when they log in on how many hack warnings they have
- Players can see how many hack warnings they have in the past 12 months from /stats
- Hack warnings show up on the ban screenshot
- Added logs for everything when you have received a hack warning
- Added gang/ faction restriction on /stats and /check
- Added exhaustion check on gift shop and minigames
- Made /removehwarn for Senior Admins +
- Business robbery time has been made a player variable rather than a server variable so two people robbing at once doesn't reset the robbery time for player A
- Added deathmatch and hacking warnings to punishment logs
- Administrators cannot /setstat or /makeleader any player with gang or faction restrictions
- Added GetOfflinePlayerIDAdminName function
- Ship wars desync shots is due to lag and sync issues with the moving objects

- Fine on cash, bank, materials, crack, pot and chemicals (incl. vehicles, house, business etc) with a minimum fine of $75,000 per level and a total minimum of $1,000,000
- If fine is less than $1,000,000 then player would lose levels with each level worth $100,000 until the minimum of $1,000,000 is met
- If the minimum is still not met then that account would be disabled
- All skills reduced by 50%
- Auto removal from gang/ faction or community status
- 72 hours restricted from using or holding weapons
- 42 hours restricted from joining gangs or factions

- Hack Warning 1 fine logic, below is the order of which the fine is extracted:
(The system will automatically stop once the total fine amount has been extracted)
1. Cash+bank on hand
2. Cash in house storage
3. Cash in business storage
4. Mats
5. Mats in house storage
6. Pot
7. Pot in house storage
8. Pot in vehicle storage
9. Crack
10. Crack in house storage
11. Crack in vehicle storage
12. Chemicals
13. Chemicals in house storage
14. Chemicals in vehicle storage
15. $100,000 written off per player level lost
16. Account disabled

- Hack Warning 2
- Account would be disabled

Now let's get rid of all the hacking stuff thrown in the changelog because it's honestly just an over glorified rule update:
- Added /punlist for all players to check eachother's punishment histories
- Increased login timer to two minutes
- You can rob businesses every 8 minutes and houses every 5 minutes
- Removed rain, sandstorm and foggy weathers
- Increased level required to gamble from level 5 to level 15
- Added new anti-hacking warning system
- Hack warnings will automatically expire after 3 months
- If the player has more than 3 hack warnings in the past 12 months then their account would be disabled
- Player gets told how many hours left of their weapon restriction and gang/faction restriction on log in and on paycheck when they decrease
- Player gets a reminder each time when they log in on how many hack warnings they have
- Players can see how many hack warnings they have in the past 12 months from /stats
- Hack warnings show up on the ban screenshot
- Added gang/ faction restriction on /stats and /check

- Made /removehwarn for Senior Admins +
- Business robbery time has been made a player variable rather than a server variable so two people robbing at once doesn't reset the robbery time for player A
- Added deathmatch and hacking warnings to punishment logs
- Administrators cannot /setstat or /makeleader any player with gang or faction restrictions
- Fine on cash, bank, materials, crack, pot and chemicals (incl. vehicles, house, business etc) with a minimum fine of $75,000 per level and a total minimum of $1,000,000
- If fine is less than $1,000,000 then player would lose levels with each level worth $100,000 until the minimum of $1,000,000 is met
- If the minimum is still not met then that account would be disabled
- All skills reduced by 50%
- Auto removal from gang/ faction or community status
- 72 hours restricted from using or holding weapons
- 42 hours restricted from joining gangs or factions

- Hack Warning 1 fine logic, below is the order of which the fine is extracted:
(The system will automatically stop once the total fine amount has been extracted)
1. Cash+bank on hand
2. Cash in house storage
3. Cash in business storage
4. Mats
5. Mats in house storage
6. Pot
7. Pot in house storage
8. Pot in vehicle storage
9. Crack
10. Crack in house storage
11. Crack in vehicle storage
12. Chemicals
13. Chemicals in house storage
14. Chemicals in vehicle storage
15. $100,000 written off per player level lost
16. Account disabled

- Hack Warning 2
- Account would be disabled

Now let's look for new features/anything (not adjustments):

- Added /punlist for all players to check eachother's punishment histories
- Increased login timer to two minutes
- You can rob businesses every 8 minutes and houses every 5 minutes

- Removed rain, sandstorm and foggy weathers
- Increased level required to gamble from level 5 to level 15
- Made /removehwarn for Senior Admins +
- Business robbery time has been made a player variable rather than a server variable so two people robbing at once doesn't reset the robbery time for player A

- Added deathmatch and hacking warnings to punishment logs

I actually am really grateful for the /punlist though, but from such a "big" update people kept talking about (staff members) I kind of expected a bit more.
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Reactions: Danny and Doukz
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