DENIED David_B_Wallace's Helper Application

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Apr 19, 2018

Helper Team Application

1. Personal Information

1.1 Full Name:

1.2 Age:

1.3 Timezone:

1.4 Country of residence:

1.5 When did you join the community?:
Almost lke 2014.

1.6 From scale of 1 to 10, how are your English grammatical skills?:
6 out of 10

2. Examination Background

2.1 Why would you like to become a Helper?:
It's been long time playing this server, Well it always been one of my lawless life time goals to reach but since I wasn't ready for it, I waited for the right time.
since i am a friendly guy and loyal, I'd like to warmly welcome every single person and help them to be the future of the server.

2.2 Why should we choose you over the other applicants?:
since i am one of the decent persons in the server currently, I am a cool and polite guy, sometimes funny.

I am loyal to the server since I started playing it and helped alot of players of the community in the different ways.

2.3 :

3. Background Check

3.1 Biography:
My name is David B Wallace, My father name was John B Wallace since and my mother name was Jessica B Wallace.
I was born in Las Ventures Civil hospital, my mom was the patient of cancer since I was 4 years old, She died when i was 8 years old since then I work with my father in the business and help them out.
I used to help them calculating the stuffs they used to transport. I went to High School in the age of 12 in the Las Ventures named The Smart School.
Well my father died in the accident when he was travelling to Los Santos from Las Ventures for some personal shit and I was left at my aunt's home, So i survived.

3.2 Security Information (/stats):

3.3 Show a screenshot of your (/punlist): (I've talked with Tyrone Howard about the punish list so don't you get it on the wrong way.​

3.4 Activity Status (How active are you in hours)?:
Almost 10-12 hours.

3.5 Past Name(s):
Elijah Campiti, Daniel Issac, John Wack.

3.6 Do you have any experience (Roleplay):
many gangs, and LSPD r1 right now.

4. Administrative Background Check

4.1 Do you have any active DM warnings?:

4.2 Have you ever been DM warned?:
Yes, plenty of times but that time the account wasn't under me (My brother used to play but not anymore)

4.3 Have you ever been Admin Jailed?:
Yes many times for some misunderstandings.

4.4 Have you been Admin jailed / warned in the past month?:

4.5 Have you ever been banned?:
Yes for scamming, Hell ye i was so greedy as fuck and i've served the punishment already.

4.6 Have you ever been a helper before?:
No, First time.

5. Contract Agreement

- Remain professional at all times. Being a helper means being a rolemodel for the rest of the players.
- Remain active and assistant whenever you can around the map, do not ignore players that ask for your help (newbie chat is your last duty, it begins with helping around first).
- Camp newbie spawn whenever you have some free time. Make sure there is at least 1 helper at all times.
- Never rulebreak. The slightest rulebreak will lead you to an immediate removal.
- Do not leak anything from the private helper section on the forums and the /c chat. Anything said there, stays there.
- When you see an incoming helpme request, do not accept it as a PM or refer it to the newbie chat. If you can’t find a Senior Helper on /c, accept it as a PM and meet up with the player if necessary (make sure they know to NEVER refer a helpme request to the newbie chat, and focus on giving them to senior helpers).
- Senior Helpers NEVER accept help requests as a PM. Only /accepthelp for private assistance.
- Helpers do not warn abusers over the newbie chat, ignore them and let the admins deal with it (Senior Helpers mute where necessary).
- Do not provide more than 1-2 answers for the same question.
- Agreeing to this contract you confirm to have skype downloaded and working.
- Agreeing to this contract you confirm to have teamspeak downloaded and working.
- Forum name is the same as IG name (or similar).

5.1 Do you agree with these terms & conditions?:

5.2 Do you meet the requirements set?:

5.3 Do you agree that the information provided is accurate and true?:

5.4 Signed:
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Apr 19, 2018
Explaining the punlist (The prison is for timing out while cufffed, global was probably a wrong id or something which i was muted for free by an admin. That newbie mute is a wrong id too, I dont think that i've done any trolls over newbie.)

Jay Hudson

Mar 27, 2016
Would like to more of you helping around newbies etc, Assisting with newbie replies but have not seen much of that lately
Neutral for now


Nov 4, 2018
Why you lying you are not staying 13hours in game per day


Jul 5, 2016
Dis recommended havent seen him around much I want to see you doing more.
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