Community Newsletter - Volume 1: September

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Volume 1 - September

Welcome to the first ever volume of the Community Newsletter.

The community newsletter is a monthly post by the management team highlighting our forecast for the upcoming month as well as reflecting on the previous month. This includes events, projects, goals and things we are currently working on. In our first volume we will be discussing the closure of NGG’s SA-MP server, double EXP, a special gang slot offer, inactive properties, SA-MP client update, launcher status and a personal announcement from Barney.


Next Generation Gaming SA-MP Closure

While we do not normally comment on other communities, NGG’s SA-MP server has stood strong for a long time and deserves recognition. It was a community that was built as a conduit for many Grand Theft Auto lunatics scattered across the globe to enjoy themselves on.

While both NGG and Lawless Roleplay were two different gaming communities, both with different views and ideologies - we shared a common goal: to provide entertainment to the players. What many people do not understand is that despite many differences between the several different gaming communities abroad, we're all chasing after a common goal; to provide great times to all.

Thank you NGG. You've been wonderful. We want to personally thank the staff of NGG for assisting us in trying to create an immersive GTA:SA experience for all to enjoy. Furthermore, I want to personally thank all SA:MP players who are reading this right now. Whether you're from a Russian RP server, an ex-NGG player, or reading this from somewhere over the horizon, I want to thank you for the passion and interest that you have with Grand Theft Auto. Without the players, there's obviously no game.

To all NGG players: you're more than welcome to join our community. Just make sure you understand that we're much different from what you're used to (check out our mission statement below). Lawless Roleplay approaches a more traditional and default Grand Theft Auto-esque style, which involves harsh gameplay, lunacy, and overall an experience that you otherwise wouldn't find on a lovey-dovey server. All I can say is, once you enter the Lawless jungle, be prepared to rise to power...

Our mission statement to you...
Lawless Roleplay is, and always, will be a community first and a game server second. We are dedicated to fostering an environment with a member-centric approach where all players have equal potential for in game success and community recognition.

Why play here?
Lawless Roleplay was originally founded on the principle that all players should rise or decline based on the actions of the person behind the player. We feel that success should be determined by a players actions and talents and not the whim of an administrative team. We have great code. We have great staff. We have great players. But most importantly we have a vigilant regard for your potential.

Is this a roleplay server?
We have worked to provide many in game tools for roleplay and it is absolutely encouraged however not required. We feel that any preferred mode of play that does not encroach on any other player’s enjoyment of the game is productive. Due to the harsh nature of game mode frequent player versus player violent interaction should be expected. However, this does not mean that players are allowed to kill other players for no reason.



Double Experience Weekend!

Continuing the theme of welcoming NGG players and players from other communities. We know how difficult it is to move to a whole new community with nothing but just the clothes on your back. To make joining Lawless Roleplay less difficult, we are hosting a special double experience event for everyone. This double experience event is also extended to our existing loyal community members as well because without you.. we are nothing.

The Double XP weekend will start on Friday 29th September until Monday 2nd October.

We hope you enjoy the upcoming weekend and good luck grinding those job skills.



Gang Slot Offer

Lawless Roleplay has one of the most competitive, fun gang scenes and we want to make it even more competitive. Whether you are a new player or a long time Lawless lunatic, we want to offer you a chance to get a FREE gang slot if you meet the following criteria:
  • Have a group of at least 20 base members (or 10 members if moving from another server)
  • No level requirement for members or leaders
  • No experience requirement for leaders
  • No $300,000 gang initiation fee
To claim a gang slot, all you have to do is post a gang application over here. There is a helpful topic with instructions on what your gang application should contain however please ignore the $300, 000 gang initiation fee and any level or experience requirement.

But hurry! We currently have only 3 gang slots available and once they're gone.. they're gone!


Inactive Properties

Lawless Roleplay is a consistently growing community and we have 100s of new registrations every day. This makes property and space come at a premium especially around the Los Santos area. Hence, a lot of players are unable to find houses, lands or businesses to purchase and it limits the player's growth.

Our current policy is to auction any house or business where the owner has not logged into Lawless Roleplay for over 3 months or 6 months for lands. We are changing this policy so if a land, house or business owner is not active for 2 months, it will be available for auction by our team. Use it or lose it is the motto here.

The procedure is when the owner of the land, business or house has not logged in for over 2 months, that property gets added to a list and will be available for the auction team to sell. The auction team will select the most inactive property owner first (ie. Someone's property who has not logged in for over 8 months will be auctioned before someone who hasn't logged in 2 months).

If you are interested in purchasing a property, check out the Dynasty 8 Real Estate Auctions and the Fund Raising Auctions. Properties in these auctions are sold quickly so be ready at a moment's notice!


SA-MP Client Update 0.3.7-R2
An option client update SA-MP 0.3.7-R2 is now available on the Download Page.

The 0.3.7-R2 client addresses a problem with the server browser where it was vulnerable to an IP spoofing attack. Servers could send fake information coming from other servers if they could guess when the client was querying them.


Launcher Status

The Lawless Roleplay Launcher Beta 2 has officially been closed. Thank you to everybody for participating and giving us feedback. We are currently working on Beta 3 and fixing all issues experienced in Beta 2. We look forward to releasing this in the near future.


Personal Letter from Barney

Looking back at Lawless Roleplay over the past year, we have been through some very difficult and some very successful periods. However, I have a confession to make. I have not been the best community owner and leader for you because of my continual inactivities.

You may know that having a full time demanding job, a growing family and other responsibilities really limits your time to manage a gaming community. I am sure that at times, many community members thought I had given up and quit. I am sorry and this is no longer the case. On the 15th September 2017, I renewed my oath to Lawless Roleplay and my team. Since then, I have been active daily working on server updates, improving the community, the staff team, listening to your problems and actively seeking a solution as well as reorganising the community back to our old gold standard. I have not quit. And the fire within me is stronger than ever. The storm is coming back.

Over the next few weeks and months, you will be seeing very radical changes at Lawless Roleplay. The direction of the server will be changing towards better quality and more fun gameplay. I am very excited of what is to come and with your help, I know we will be very successful.

Thank you to your unconditional loyalty to the Lawless Roleplay community and I promise you moving forward from today, you will be seeing a whole new era.
Dec 19, 2016
im showing love <3

Welcome to Lawless Roleplay and have a good time in here! If you need any assistance feel free to PM me.
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Retired Admin
Old-School 2014
Apr 10, 2014
Welcome to Lawlessrp. NGG Players!
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El Chapo
Old-School 2015
Oct 31, 2015
Spread the love, not the legs!

Welcome to Lawlessrp, NGG players.

Warmest regards,


Executive Officer
Lifetime Executive Member
Apr 11, 2013
Great newsletter. Great idea to reflect over changes and to show some insight to what's coming up. Looking forward to seeing some change.
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