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  • u were spanking my booty ig a while ago, and now u left admin geng again. OH YEAH I CAN DM U NOW WITHOUT ANY FEAR. Just kidding! :( :( :( :( NO JA SOTILIS NOW. LRP BYE BYE
    Have a good future in Lawless and real life, I will miss ya.
    relax lol he didn't die
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    Reactions: Latz
    Deleted member 599
    i heard Sotilis will work for the Határőrség to protect Europe against pinoys and pakis
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    Reactions: Greek
    despite my fc against you i am sorry you left the admin team, you were one of the few admins with a working brain
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    ▬Dave Jet▬
    ▬Dave Jet▬
    fucking python
    Deleted member 599
    fucking majmun
    Why you handling gang complaints as a JA lmao, you’re supposed to do player complaints only smart ass
    I can't work in a sytem which isn't fair and which is focused on the principle to punish people as much as it can be done legally.
    Deleted member 599
    thanks a lot @JohnSetland for pissing off one of the very few admins with an IQ above their shoe size, can't wait to argue with some dumb pinoys via /report again
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    Reactions: Greek
    Troy Flleming
    Troy Flleming
    That was a server-sided bug as it happened alot of times before but thats punishable.As a Junior Admin you've got 3tasks to complete
    5-10 ban appeals 10 or more complaints and something else in-order to get promoted but not GANG ones..You should always do the players one..Actually i completly agree with Mado we've lost an admin with the highest IQ...Farewell buddy
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    Reactions: Greek
    Atleast LRP's management did good job by hiring someone who cares on the server than them.
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