Recent content by Cassius

  1. Cassius

    yeshi, gop to khora yok sha ke ape

    yeshi, gop to khora yok sha ke ape
  2. Cassius

    likchung ke goduwe, account dawa 2 je la soop do ki re yin na jhi

    likchung ke goduwe, account dawa 2 je la soop do ki re yin na jhi
  3. Cassius

    ape kyaktsar ke, nye ne kecha di due ma lap pa jhe.

    ape kyaktsar ke, nye ne kecha di due ma lap pa jhe.
  4. Cassius

    sup chash

    sup chash
  5. Cassius

    ...but they're getting dusty. Hence about to change em both. So umm.., chill o,O

    ...but they're getting dusty. Hence about to change em both. So umm.., chill o,O
  6. Cassius

    eh,.? this has been mi avatar since day one... and the name too. changed it ig recently tho

    eh,.? this has been mi avatar since day one... and the name too. changed it ig recently tho
  7. Cassius


  8. Cassius

    babes, hush.

    babes, hush.
  9. Cassius

    sometimes I even impress myself

    sometimes I even impress myself
  10. Cassius

    sweet, see u ig then

    sweet, see u ig then
  11. Cassius


  12. Cassius

    lol. u mad bro? XD

    lol. u mad bro? XD
  13. Cassius

    loool this ones been quite long

    loool this ones been quite long
  14. Cassius

    yeh, can see that bro ;)

    yeh, can see that bro ;)
  15. Cassius

    @Johnny Gilbert ??

    @Johnny Gilbert ??