Lawless Roleplay

ur from latvia you legit got no diamonds LOL

you got the same issue as simon walker you guys keep roleplaying your internet persona outside of samp, you have to remember you're a POOR latvian WHITE guy. Ur not in RIFA IRL
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Kenny Phixion
Kenny Phixion
Does your mommy give you money? You are from UK and that's not something you should be so proud of, Ukrainian refugee, keep talking shit, Russia invades your country and you run to UK, what a rat you are.
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latvia gets invaded by russia will still get invaded soon
stop using american slang u keep roleplaying 'Kenny Phixion' it's sad you and Simon Walker have a real serious disorder act like the small Latvian u are
Kenny Phixion
Kenny Phixion
American slang? What the fuck u on about? At least I won't run away like you, fucking rat, you and your whole family is just a massive disgrace
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says a latvian literally lost every war against russia no wonder why russians raped ur ancestors
Kenny Phixion
Kenny Phixion
ukraine is russian slave, what u on about, stop being so emotional, u child, I know you must feel disappointed to be forced out of your country, but its all cool, I understand that you are a pussy and you need somewhere to hide like the rats you and your family are
are you self projecting about the life of latvian civilian? look at you nerd you put your location "from Moscow, Russia" remember ur a LATVIAN DOG not a russian one
Kenny Phixion
Kenny Phixion
u ran from ur country, u have no right to talk
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upset because uk isn't weak enough to get invaded like Latvia because they are poor can't afford a good military