Lawless Roleplay

Pete Wulf
Pete Wulf
cancer kid
go grow up
and learn to code
patetic shit
1, I'm not a kid.
2, I don't have cancer, sorry.
3, I can code c/c#/c++ Python, Java, Flash
What can you code?
Except for sticking cock in your mouth for scripts.
Pete Wulf
Pete Wulf
i saw how good you can code
now link me one of your non-samp projects
Non sa-mp projects?
Why would I "UPLOAD" shit I do at work?
DO you hear how stupid you sound?

I don't do "Projects" in other languages.... Except for java an thats just silly little minecraft plugins ,
Other than that I don't do anything "Project" related..
Only "Project" Related shit I do is for work, and for obvious reasons I won't be uploading work programming.
I'm 24 you moronic shit grow up
Pete Wulf
Pete Wulf
you said you know to script
you said you know more then me too
well whats wrong if i asked you to prove your words kid
I can "Prove" I can script.
I have "Proven" I can script.
I also don't need to prove "Anything" and I never once said I was "Better" than you, you're obviously the child who cannot read.
You read something and assume it's aimed to you yet you weren't even the person who made the original post in the first place.
Grow a pair.
Pete Wulf
Pete Wulf
you proved you an idiot since you can reply with simple link,
do you even know what link stands for, scripter?
i do not even see point replying to you stupid prick
Yes.. me stupid fuck me not know how use proper english.. Oh wait that's you..
A link refers to a URL hyperlink.
Go back to school
Pete Wulf
Pete Wulf
link to a samp filterscript
so much skills shown in it
if you were working in it sector as you stated above you would not have time to play on samp or to spam other peoples forum profiles 24/7 a sad mi se skini s kurca jer si ubila i bogu i narodu
I have as much time as I require, Also look @ the name on same--- THIRDLY... IF YOU EVEN KNEW what programmers do and how much time it takes to do something you'd realzie we don't actually sit at a monitor for 8 hours a day.. - 99% of programmers take hourly breaks to rest their eyes as if you stare into a screen coding for hours an hours an hours on end, it also ruins your endocrine system
Pete Wulf
Pete Wulf
only low end companies allow such things
by expirience i can name you at least 10 such companies in croatia only starting off siemens eletronics and rimac automobili
your ego is bigger then your actually knowledge as such people are not working for big payments in big companies
go pawn++ dumb kid
My ego is at the level it should be, I'm a senior programmer for G4S, One of the UK's Biggest security company's who provide security for banks governments etc etc, Banks use the money transport and the web security of G4S. -
Pete Wulf
Pete Wulf
syou cant even protect yourself against my half english rekts

and you are working for security company?
I can't protect myself?
What's there to protect myself from? apart from your stupidity and moronic attempts to make yourself look big in front of the class..
Figure of speech obviously