Recent content by Leone

  1. Leone

    Fuck shit stack.

    Fuck shit stack.
  2. Leone

    Is Leone back?

    Is Leone back?
  3. Leone

    Bahahaha...I have nowhere near 8m

    Bahahaha...I have nowhere near 8m
  4. Leone

    I love me more than you love you

    I love me more than you love you
  5. Leone

    Three degrees low make it hot for me drop that-..

    Three degrees low make it hot for me drop that-..
  6. Leone

    Thank you!!

    Thank you!!
  7. Leone


  8. Leone

    Update! Lag shooting is almost here!

  9. Leone

    Update! Server is back online!

    Nice work!
  10. Leone


  11. Leone

    I'm leaving out of boredem, and the community is slowly becoming retarded. I'll come back once...

    I'm leaving out of boredem, and the community is slowly becoming retarded. I'll come back once in awhile <3
  12. Leone

    Goodbye, Lawless Roleplay.

    Goodbye, Lawless Roleplay.
  13. Leone

    Hmu if you need something.

    Hmu if you need something.
  14. Leone

    Thank you. Here's a token of my appreciation. *1 free cookie*

    Thank you. Here's a token of my appreciation. *1 free cookie*
  15. Leone

