Recent content by Klay

  1. Klay

    What division are you in?

    Silver 5 trying to climb this shitty elo hell but failing like a potato
  2. Klay

    IMPORTANT Admin reforms and recent news

    Best of luck for all !!
  3. Klay

    Live the life you love. Love the life you live.

    Live the life you love. Love the life you live.
  4. Klay

    Competition Trick or Treat?! (Winners Announced)

    Simply post your IG name below in this thread: -Kevin Delopi
  5. Klay

    IMPORTANT Scheduled maintenance on Friday 25th September

    so finaly Sync is coming... :wacky:
  6. Klay

    IMPORTANT Openings SA News

    guys how to join SAN ??