Recent content by DaniloM

  1. DaniloM

    Announcement Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    @Gosu just shut the fucking up you do need chatgpt to smerk some bars
  2. DaniloM

    Announcement Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    Yes it is possible for me, tell me how could you do 42seconds in maze 1 its impossible mfker also your a no lifer so dont mess with the real g
  3. DaniloM

    Announcement Happy Mother's Day - Lawless Roleplay

    moms. jk still a. gayy bro
  4. DaniloM

    Happy Birthday Lawless Roleplay! 🧡

    wayback at birthday of lawless 5th 2018 so much playerbase will be missed like 230+ from different timezone
  5. DaniloM

    Helper Application

    Yes he is
  6. DaniloM

    Demon's Souls

    i thought it was VIEGO from League Of Legends
  7. DaniloM

    Announcement Days of Love - Lawless Valentine

    dont you have even a girlfriend, thats why u post this <3
  8. DaniloM

    DENIED Helper Application

    everybody has a chance, also a change Supported give him a shot
  9. DaniloM

    PERM. DENIED Helper Application

    Your blacklisted beloved friend @Marcello
  10. DaniloM

    DENIED Helper Application

    Unsupported for obvious reasons
  11. DaniloM

    DENIED Helper Application

    Unsupported fot obvious reasons arent you 50years now?
  12. DaniloM

    DENIED Helper Application

    Not enought experience bad attitude, recently dm warn
  13. DaniloM

    HIRED Helper Application

    Yes,you deserve to be a Helper