"Ghost Town" mystery

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Retired Admin
May 13, 2020

The Ghost Town Mystery
A SAN News Investigation

Author: Beka McDonald
Date: June 6th, 2020.
Tags: Mystery, Danger, Paranormal.


During World War 2, lots of people in Las Venturas lost their houses due to massive bombing by the Japanese Axis powers, so the government of Las Venturas decided to make small village settlements as a temporary solution for this big problem. Villages were built in the desert because there was no other space. While other villages are still active today, with better infrastructure and modern technology, the one reported in this article seems abandoned, as people started leaving or disappearing from the village after 5 years of its existence for unknown reasons. The village nowadays is known as Las Brujas (In Spanish, this translates as “The Witches”)

I decided to dig up some files and find former inhabitants from this village, so I could get knowledge of the situation better. After countless hours of searching and trying to contact them, I almost gave up, until I contacted one of the men, who turned out to be 93 years old man named Kai Loco, currently living in the Glen Park area, Los Santos.

Interview with Kai


The interview with Kai, citizen of Las Brujas

: Thank you for accepting our invite, I am pleased to see you in person.

Kai: Well, I was bored during this quarantine so it was hard to decline such offer * chuckles *.

Beka: So, let's get back to the point, when was this village built exactly and how long did it take?

Kai: Government started building it right after World War 2 finished, it took around 6 months to fully build it and another 2 months to populate it

Beka: How many people lived there?

Kai: Around 150.

Beka: How was life there? Was work too far away?

Kai: Life there was healthy, there were lots of kids playing in the yard and everyone knew each other. Moreover, everybody was so friendly and helpful to one another, work was close to the village as most of us worked at Sherman Dam; that was around 2 kilometres (1.2 miles) away from the village.

Beka: How did it become abandoned? What was the main factor of failure of the village?

Kai: When we first got here, we really liked the place, but after several decades we started hearing weird noises, it sounded unearthly. Then people started disappearing mysteriously.

Beka: Did you attempt to contact authorities?

Kai : Yes, our village was guarded by the Army and Airforce for 6 months straight. However, there were still, some people -including army personnel- disappearing, even though every corner was heavily surveyed

Beka: How many people disappeared without any trace in total?

Kai: About 30 if we include the army. Rest of us just left the village out of fear.

Beka: Well, that’s everything for now. Thank you Mister Loco.

Location &Trip to the village

The village is located near El Castillo Del Diablo ( Translated to "Devil’s Castle" ), Sherman Dam and Area 69 (one of the most legendary, albeit abandoned military facilities in the world)


The SAN News crew and I have decided to take a ride and visit the village and spend the night there. It is so remote, that it took us hours of travelling to get from Los Santos to there. Although the climate was fine and we decided to spend the night there, to make things more interesting we stayed in one of the houses. We also installed secret cameras outside in order to record any paranormal activity. There was nothing really scary about the place except the complete silence, which seemed very eerie at times.
For the online readers of this article, you may click on this spoiler below to show a small photo showcase of the staff.





While there are many different theories about this village, My research leads me to believe that the truth might be that the village was either haunted by an unearthly creature or stalked by a professional serial killer. Either way, I don't suggest anyone visiting this village.

anuj kandel

Dec 19, 2015
Nice one. I liked it and enjoyed reading it. Maybe next time post about some gangster shit xD

Like smuggling killing and shits? Idk


Retired Admin
May 13, 2020
@Beka_McDonald someone has given you an idea make the most of it.
Nah, I wrote it in my mind at 3 AM after several attempts to fall asleep on behalf to commentators, I will keep it in my mind and I will try my best to full fill your wishes <3 :D
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