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  1. Abdoel

    and yeah the Constitution is really well made and serves as a base for IC laws that we can't do...

    and yeah the Constitution is really well made and serves as a base for IC laws that we can't do without :D
  2. Abdoel

    #top poster of the month - no idea why really. u guys seem to like the Gov laws mega thread. :D

    #top poster of the month - no idea why really. u guys seem to like the Gov laws mega thread. :D
  3. Abdoel

    Find me in Dilimore <3

    Find me in Dilimore <3
  4. Abdoel

    Rule Updates: Turf Wars

    updated as 14-08-2024
  5. Abdoel

    Thank man ;)

    Thank man ;)
  6. Abdoel

    News Sneak Peek Alert #1: Lawless RP Ventures into the World of GTA V!

    Yes man! Hype hype hype. Can't wait for this <3
  7. Abdoel

    Thank you, very kind!

    Thank you, very kind!
  8. Abdoel

    Announcement Trading news!

    Does this one come with ot without faction blacklist? ;)
  9. Abdoel

    News San Andreas Government Elections 2023

    Good luck to you lads, Don't defund army, pl0x.
  10. Abdoel

    "Motorcyclist publicly abused by blue beret army"

    "Motorcyclist publicly abused by blue beret army"
  11. Abdoel

    HIRED Jane_Walker's Helper Application

    Seen you helping in /newb Worth a shot, goodluck Supported
  12. Abdoel

    Any VR gamers here?

    got Oculus Quest, Playing Phasmaphobia on VR, and tons of VR racing such as Project Cars 2. Beat Saber, cause why the hell not Robo recall <3
  13. Abdoel

    DENIED Helper Application

    Not mine timezone, but seems like a good fit. Support
  14. Abdoel

    DENIED Helper Application

    I don't think you are ready to be a helper yet, sorry.
  15. Abdoel

    HIRED Ian Waffe | Helper Application

    Support from me
  16. Abdoel

    DENIED Helper Application

    Stats and Punlist pictures not working.
  17. Abdoel

    Abdoel Serenity#6603

    Abdoel Serenity#6603
  18. Abdoel

    Thanks mate

    Thanks mate
  19. Abdoel

    ARTICLE The Dark Side of FBI

    More of this! It appears Facts has been twisted, and truth isn't being told correctly. Shame. San News should only report facts. not twisted opinions.